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Question: How many hours did you sleep last night?

(A) 5 hours (B) 6 hours (C) 7 hours (D) 8+ hours

Realizing the lack of attention students have been giving classes

recently, we decided to conduct a peculiar survey. We want to find out whether or not the student get a good night's rest and to see if there is any association. To find out if the teenage population is practicing a healthy or similar lifestyle, we decided to ask them how many hours they sleep at night. To get a more accurate result, we formed the question asking about last night.

Conducting the Survey

Population of Interest? Teenagers in the United States Sampling frame? Females attending the High School To find out if the student's hours of sleep are equal in distribution, we decided to conduct a chi-square goodness-of-fit test. It is a test of whether the distribution of counts for the various hours of sleep fits the expected counts of hours of sleep. For the survey, we decided to conduct a simple random sample. Each student on the list is numbered in each class. To select the students for the sample, we picked numbers from a range of 701-1219. The hundreds determined the student (number corresponding to list). For example, if the number picked was 812, the student selected would be the 12th student from the list in the 8th grade list. If the number chosen does not correspond with a student from the list, then the number would be disregarded and a new one would be selected. We continue this process until 40 students are chosen.

Ho: Hours of sleep of high school students are equal in

HA: Hours of sleep of high school students are not equal in


Assumptions and Conditions

Counted Data Condition: The data in this survey for

each cell were in counts. Independence Assumption: The counts (hours of sleep) in the cells are independent of each other. Randomization Condition: The respondents who have been counted were taken from a simple random sample. The students surveyed are taken as a representative sample of the teenage population. Expected Cell Frequency Condition: Expected cell frequencies range from 10 which is greater than 5.
All clear! Now we can go conduct the chi-square test!

Finally, the Test!

5 hrs Students 9 6hrs 10 7hrs 14 8+hrs 7 TOTAL 40

df = 4-1 = 3
Students EXPECTED 5 hrs 10 6hrs 10 10 7hrs 14 10 8+hrs 7 10 TOTAL 40 40


Bar Chart


# of students



0 5 hrs 6hrs 7hrs 8+hrs

# of hours

And the verdict is.

Conclusion Residual test c = obs- exp

Possible Sources of Bias

Convenience Bias: There was no convenience bias because people were reached

in their classrooms. If they were absent, we contacted them via phone, e:mail, and text message. All the students that were asked, responded.
Voluntary Bias: This survey was not voluntary. Students were stalked until they

Undercoverage: Since the survey was not voluntary, we got more than enough

respondents and it was not undercoverage.

Response Bias: Since the survey was conducted on Friday, students could have

had less sleep thinking that they would not need much sleep since it was the end of the school week.
Students may not have answered honestly since their names were on the survey.

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