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1. From which part of Adams body did God create Eve?

Rib (Gen 2:21)

2. Who was Davids father? Jesse (Ruth 4:22)

3. The Lord is my Shepherd, is the opening line to which Psalm?

Psalm 23 (Ps 23:1)

4. Whose prayer resulted in his being thrown into a den of lions? Daniel (Dan 6:7)

5. From which country did Moses help the Israelites escape from their lives of slavery?

Egypt (Exo 13:3)

6. Which musical instrument did David play for Saul? Harp / Lyre (1 Sam 16:23)

7. What was the name of the tower that the people were building when God confused their language? Tower of Babel (Gen 11:4,9)

8. Which sea did the Israelites cross through to escape the Egyptians?
Red Sea (Exo 13:18)

9. What were the religious leaders called who continually tried to trap Jesus with their questions? Pharisees and Sadducees (Mark 10:2)

10. How many sons did Jacob (Israel) have?

Twelve (Gen 35:22)

11. Which king dreamed about a large statue of a man made from different metals? Nebuchadnezzar (Dan 2)

12. Which land did the Lord promise to Abram?

Canaan (Gen 17:8)

13. What should we seek first? (Matt 6:33)

The Kingdom of God and his righteousness

14. Where did Jesus find Zacchaeus, the tax collector?

Up a tree (Luke 19:4-5)

15. What is the name of Jesus cousin, born six months before him? John (Luke 1:36)

16. What type of coin did Judas accept as payment for betraying Jesus?

Silver (Matt 26:15)

17. What was the name of Ruths second husband?

Boaz (Ruth 4:13)

18. Who asked Jesus to remember him when he came into his kingdom?
The criminal on the cross (Luke 23:42)

19. Which river was Naaman told to wash in to rid himself of leprosy? Jordan (2 Ki 5:10)

20. What bird did God provide to the Israelites for meat in the wilderness?

Quail (Exo 16:13)

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