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The Present Simple Tense

What s Saras day like?

Hi kids ! This is Sara ! She is 10 years old. Every morning she gets up at 7 oclock. First she washes her face and then she gets dressed. After that she eats a sandwich and she drinks a glass of milk. At 8 oclock Sara goes to school and her parents go to work. At school she has classes until 3 p.m. When she comes home from school she does her homework and after that she watches TV. At 6 oclock all the family eat dinner. Before she goes to bed she reads a book. Sara goes to sleep at 10 oclock every night.

Now kids lets find all the verbs in the text

Hi kids ! This is Sara ! She is 10 years old. Every morning she gets up at 7 oclock. First she washes her face and then she gets dressed. After that she eats a sandwich and she drinks a glass of milk. At 8 oclock Sara goes to school and her parents go to work. At school she has classes until 3 p.m. When she comes home from school she does her homework and after that she watches TV. At 6 oclock all the family eat dinner. Before she goes to bed she reads a book. Sara goes to sleep at 10 oclock every night.

All the underlined words in the text are verbs. They are all in the Present Simple Tense
Hi kids ! This is Sara ! She is 10 years old. Every morning she gets up at 7 oclock. First she washes her face and then she gets dressed. After that she eats a sandwich and she drinks a glass of milk. At 8 oclock Sara goes to school and her parents go to work. At school she has classes until 3 p.m. When she comes home from school she does her homework and after that she watches TV. At 6 oclock all the family eat dinner. Before she goes to bed she reads a book. Sara goes to sleep at 10 oclock every night.

The Present Simple Tense is used for:

Habitual actions Routines Repetitive actions Things that are always true

Lets look at the following examples:

She visits her grandparents every week. I go to school by bus. My friends play football in the afternoon. Tom likes ice cream. You play computer games every day.

How do we form Present Simple Tense?

In the third person singular all the verbs end in s I play basketball She plays basketball You like chocolate Ann likes chocolate They go to school Tom goes to school.

How do we form the Negative form of Present Simple Tense?

How do we form the negative form of Present Simple Tense?

I You We They He She It
Do not ( dont )play football Do not ( dont ) like ice cream Do not ( dont )go to school
Does not ( doesnt) play football Does not ( doesnt) like ice cream
Does not ( doesnt ) go to school

Question form

WH + do /does + S + V ?
Where does she live? In New York What do you study ? - English

Yes /No Questions

Do you watch cartoons? Yes, I do No, I dont Does she play the piano? Yes, she does No, she doesnt

Now, put the following verbs in the Present Simple Tense

I usually ______ ( go ) to school at 7. My friends _______ ( not like ) horror films. ______ Sara_______ ( read ) books? Tony_______ ( visit ) his grandparents every weekend. You _______ ( not eat ) apples. Where_______ they ______ ( come ) from? Ann ______ ( play ) the guitar.

Now, put the following verbs in the Present Simple Tense

I usually go to school at 7. My friends dont like horror films. Does Sara read books? Tony visits his grandparents every weekend. You dont eat apples. Where do they come from? Ann plays the guitar.


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