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EGYPT- one of the great civilizations emerged about

3000 years B.C. Belief in afterlife was an important feature in religion and art. ARCHITECTURE Was made of granite, sandstones and limestone,. Erected because of the great power given to priest and rulers. Secure and impenetratable Plans are symmetrical,roofs are supported by colonnaded (series of columns) aisles

are impressive with double pylons

- colossal figures of the pharaohs

.* obelisks- a stone pillar use as a monument

Hieroglyphics- - a form of picture writing. Uses pictures with different words, actions ,or ideas. Were chiseled on a stone surfaces were reserved for writing on buildings and tombs. Comes from 2 Greek words hieros meaning sacred, and glyphein meaning to carve


post-and-lintel system, in building construction, a system in which two upright members, the posts, hold up a third member, the lintel, laid horizontally across their top surfaces.


PYRAMID- an architectural wonder and the oldest stone building in the world . It was built without the use of cranes,pulleys,or lifting tackle .

1. Monument of Khufu- was the largest and known as the Great Pyramid. Height is 480 ft. tall,13 acres (5.3 hectares) base,750 ft. side(230 m), built about 2.3 million blocks of stones weighing 2.5 tons each..Some 15 tons and 50 tons roof slabs of its chamber 2. Monument of KHAFRE- this pyramid was only 10 ft. ( 3m)lowers than his fatherS tomb 3. MONUMENT OF MENKAURE- much more smaller ,rose to 218 ft.(66 m)


Show mythological representations and scenes of everyday activities. Was first found on the walls of the pharaohs tombs. Ex. Harvesting

THE BANQUET- is a part of a wall painting from THEBES ,dated 1400 BC - It shows nobles of the noble court, and their wives receiving attention from slaves.

*BOOK OF THE DEAD- a collection of funerary texts , hymns, prayers and magic formulas to guide the soul on its

FRONTALISM- means that the head of the character is always drawn in profile ,while the body is seen from the front.

SCULPTURES- includes figures or statues representing kings , armies, servants and various animals Was meant to a timeless image, intended to convey the essence of a person depicted,the Immobile on features and always frontal in pose (cubic) re was no need to complete in the round
2 Purposes of relief sculptures 1. On the walls-serves to glorify king 2. In the tombs- provided with the things it would need through eternity Relief from Tomb of Ti: This low relief scene of everyday life comes from the tomb of Ti at Saqqarah. It was carved between 2494-2345 BCE. (Photo Credit: TWho's Who of Egyptian people, queens and family: Ti Ti, who was known as Tiy in some records, was an official during the 5th Dynasty


A seated stone) of Khafre, builder of the second largest pyramid at Giza, embodies all the qualities that make Egyptian royal sculpture memorable

The king sits on a throne decorated with an emblem of the united lands, with his hands on his knees, head erect, and eyes gazing into the distance. A falcon of the god Horus behind his head symbolizes that he is the living Horus, one with the gods. All parts of the diorite statue are unified and balanced, creating a potent image of divine kingship

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