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Action research is a research initiated to solve an immediate problem or a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working

with others in teams or as part of a community of practice to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. There are two types of action research: participatory action research, and practical action research.

Action research involves the process of actively participating in an organization change situation whilst conducting research. Action research can also be undertaken by larger organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional researchers, with the aim of improving their strategies, practices and knowledge of the environments within which they practice. As designers and stakeholders, researchers work with others to propose a new course of action to help their community improve its work practices.

Various people may be involved: Teachers Counselors Supervisors Administrators Political leader

This is intended to address a specific problem within a classroom, school, or other communities. It can be carried out in a variety of setting such as the educational, school service, or business location. The primary purpose of practical action research is to improve practice in the short term and to inform larger issues. This is performed by individuals, teams or larger groups provided the focus remains clear and specific. The result of this research is an action plan.

1. Identify the research question

The research must be clear. It must be manageable Large-scale and complex questions should be better left to professional researchers.

2. Gathering the necessary information

Find out the best method: experiments, surveys, causal- comparative studies, etc. Taking down notes Interviews and use of questionnaires Analysis of documents

3. Analyzing and interpreting the information

After getting the general focus of the information, it is important to provide a guiding procedure in answering the questions. Get the purpose of the data. Then the what, how, who and when and finally the why.

Action Research can be used in education by the practitioner who wants to explore their own teaching style/practice. The practitioner may be asked by their institution to carry out Action Research on a work colleagues practice. Action Research can involve a variety of qualitative methods, these can include: 1:1 interviews, focus groups, participant observation. The practitioner may decide to use more than one method.

There is a risk that for the practitioner who decides to evaluate his own practice: How do you select students to participate? How objective will the practitioner be in his/her selection of participants? Is there a risk that the practitioner selects students who he knows will co-operate with study, who he /she has a good relationship so that any comments/interview data will be complementary of the practitioner?

When writing up the report: How objective will the practitioner be when wiring the results? What if the report is critical of their teaching style? Will the practitioner include findings that will reveal this or will this be left out of the report? If so it does raise the issue of how validated the report is.

It can be done by an individual or a group. It improves educational practice and helps create better professionals Educators can develop ways to improve their craft. The researchers identify the problems systematically. It can lead to the development of research oriented individuals.

The relations between participants and researchers- role definition affect outcomes. New behavior may block possibilities if researcher does not facilitate alternatives. Rarely gives policy, understanding, externalities, etc.

QUESTIONNAIRE (Example questionnaire for students with problem of tardiness.) (STUDENT) Name of Respondent:_________________________________ Year and Section: ____________
1. Is Aurora National High School is the only school nearest from your home?_______ 2. How far is your home from school? Less than 500 meters More than 500 meters but less that 1 kilometer More than 1 kilometer More than 2 kilometers

3. 4.

What is your mode of transportation? Bus/Van/Jeepney/Multicab Tricycle Motorcycle (owned) Extended Motorcycle (for hire/rented) sent and fetched by family vehicle Leg Power (walking/hiking) How long does it takes for you to travel from home to school? Approximately 10 minutes Approximately 20 minutes Approximately 30 minutes Approximately 45 minutes Approximately 1 hour More than 1 hour

5. How long does it take for you to transfer from one room to another in your next subject period? Approximately 3 minutes Approximately 5 minutes Almost 10 minutes More than 15 minutes 6. The subject that I dont like most was/were; (you can tick more than 1) English Pilipino Mathematics (Physics, Calculus, Advanced Algebra, etc.) Science Araling Panlipunan MAPEH None of the above

7. 8.

I dont like the subject because ; I dont like the teacher I dont like my classmate/s Somebody is bullying me from that class I did not like the subject itself Time Management for me is; for the old and mature person tiresome, boring and redundant daily chore is a virtue to be valued and kept by students respecting the time of others helping me to accomplish many tasks

9. My parents value my education as; their only treasure for me to inherit learning things I needed on my own as they did in the past an alibi of not helping home chores just sending me to school like my neighbors do expensive and sever the daily budget for food and other primary needs 10. I spend most of my time in; watching my favorite TV show/s playing online/LAN game/s working to earn money to subsidize my education hanging around with my friends sending/reading SMS/ talking/chatting with my friends doing household chores

11. The reason why I am late in attending my classes; working with other requirements distance of the specialization lecture area from my class room receiving calls/reading /answering text messages had to finish my snacks/lunch attending my extra-curricular activities 12. After almost ten months with the subject I am learning; I learned a lot of things about it I am picking informative things about the subject a thing or two nothing and I am not interested at all to do complacent measures just to pass this subject

13. I go to bed at; 7:45 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 10:00 pm after midnight 14. My subject teacher is; skillful, efficient and effective in teaching the lesson is good in his/her field of expertise giving us load of homework/tasks which is beyond our capability a symbol of authority and tenacious funny lackluster and needs inspiration

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