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Adaptive Cruise Control

Gurulingesh R. KReSIT, IIT Bombay

Advisor(s): Prof. Krithi Ramamritham Prof. S. Ramesh Prof. Kavi Arya

Introduction Components Design Implementation Results and O servations !urther "or# Referen$es Demo%&ideo

'oals of the Pro(e$t

Study the ACC appli$ation and to identify
) Components ) Algorithms ) Real*+ime Issues

Real*+ime approa$h to Design Setup a asi$ platform

Introdu$tion to ACC

,-tension of Cruise Control. Operates either in Distance Control state Speed Control state

Des_Dist = Host_Vel * Timegap + Host_Vel TimeGap


is .ost &ehi$le velo$ity is set y the driver for additional safety

) ) ) ) Dete$t leading vehi$le. 1aintain desired speed. 1aintain desired timegap. Communi$ate a$tions to 2ser Interfa$e

3on*!un$tional 4timing $onstraints50

) Response +ime ) Data update rate and so on6

ISO 7imitations0
) mean de$ 8 9.: m%s; 4over ; s5< ) a$$eleration 8 ; m%s;

Introdu$tion Components Design Implementation Results and O servations !urther "or# Referen$es

Components of ACC





Sensors: !our "heel Sensors< =ra#e Pedal Sensor< +hrottle Pedal Senor< Radar 6 Actuators: =ra#e A$tuator< +hrottle A$tuator. Controllers: .igh level > 7ow level $ontroller. Communication Medium





Introdu$tion Components Design Implementation Results and O servations !urther "or# Referen$es

!un$tionality and Data !low

Controller State Diagram

State &aria les
?. Current speed ;. Cruise Status 9. =ra#e @. +hrottle A. 7eading &ehi$le B. Driver Intervention

Possi le ,vents0
Curr*speed C ;A #m%h Radar $onta$t found Driver intervention 7ead*distan$e C safe*dist and so on.

State Swit$hing Issue

"hen to switch stateD
S-to-D0 Curr_Dist < TimeGap * Host_Vel + D-to-S0 (Host_Vel > Des_Vel) || (Curr_Dist TimeGap * Host_Vel + )

S-to-D0 Curr_Dist < TimeGap * Host_Vel + h!st "" #oD $ % D-to-S0 (Host_Vel > Des_Vel) || (Curr_Dist TimeGap * Host_Vel + + h!st "" #oD %) where RoD is Rate of $hange of Distan$e

+as# and Data Items

"heel+i4?8i8@5< Speed+< Radar+< Driver+< Swit$h+< ,-$eption+< Ad(7ane+< !ri$tion+< Adapt+< 1odeSw+.

Data Items0
"heelSpeedEwiF< .ost&el< 7ead&el< 7eadDist< Road+ype< 7eft7aneEvi< diF< Right7aneEvi< diF< DesA$$< DesSpeed.

?. Dynami$ally varying data

ts i D


Prepare for the "orst Over*Sampling

Issues 4$ont65
;. "hen to 2pdate

2nne$essary 2pdates

Issues 4$ont65
9. All +as#s and Data throughout the system operationDD
Adapt+ when lead $ar is near Ad(7ane+< +ime7eft+ when $ar is far

Poor CP2 utiliGation S$heduling Overhead 3ot modular

1ode*Change System
) ,-$lusive modes of operation ) 1ode $hange leads to0
Addition of a tas# Change in fre/uen$y of e-e$ution Deletion of a tas#

Data Repository

(&eera 'harma)

) updates in response to $hanges in the data items 4on*demand update5.

Approa$h 4$ont65
1ode*Change System
) Dynami$ally varying data ) All +as#s and Data throughout the system operation

Data Repository
) Dynami$ally varying data ) Derived Data Items

"ith mode*$hanges0
) .ow many modes ) "hat triggers mode $hange ) "hen to swit$h mode ) Chattering ) 1ode*$hange delay ) S$hedula ility

"ith Data Repository

) .ow many levels ) "hen to update

Solution to mode*$hange
.ow manyD
) +wo0 Safety*Criti$al4SC5< 3on*Safety Criti$al43C5

"hen to swit$hD
) !inish tas# e-e$ution.

1ode*$hange delay
) =ounded y longest periodi$ity tas#.

S$hedula ility
) Stati$ $he$#ing.

Solution to mode*$hange6
"hat triggers mode $hangeD
7eadDist RoD OR OR
LeadDist !A !A !A !A CL$S" !$LL$% oD D"C -!AST I#C -!AST D"C -SL$% I#C -SL$% ------Mode SC #C #C #C SC "TAI#

7eadDist > RoD

Solution to mode*$hange6
) In SC 1ode0
('a(e_Dist+ < Curr_Dist $ )ollow_Dist ) HH 4)ollow_Dist+ < Curr_Dist $ #a*ar_Dist "" #oD + D,C# )-'T) ()ollow_Dist < Curr_Dist $ )ollow_Dist+ "" Curr_.o*e + 'C) ||

) In 3C 1ode0
4)ollow_Dist+ < Curr_Dist $ #a*ar_Dist "" #oD / D,C# )-'T) ()ollow_Dist < Curr_Dist $ )ollow_Dist+ "" Curr_.o*e + &C) ||

Solution to Data Repository

.ow many levels

,-ample0 !irst*7evel0 Raw data from radar< wheel sensor< et$6 Se$ond*7evel0 .ost &elo$ity< 7ead Distan$e< et$6

Solution to Data Repository6

"hen to update

!irst*7evel0 Continous Se$ond*7evel0 On*Demand ased on #(*)

1ode*Change approa$h
) All +as#s are identified in advan$e. ) All tas#s are periodi$. ) R1S

Data Repository approa$h

) Aperiodi$ tas#s. ) 'uarantee to aperiodi$ tas#s. ) C=S

Introdu$tion Components Design Implementation Results and O servations !urther "or# Referen$es

) 2ltra*soni$ Distan$e 1eter 42D15
&urpose0 leading vehi$le distan$e ange0 ?.9m Accurac'0 I ;.A$m Sampling ate0 ? per se$

) Shaft ,n$oder 4,3C5

&urpose0 .ost &elo$ity esolution0 ? $m per step

) Communi$ation 4PC
Printer Port

Ro ot5

&er ) ?0 7eader and !ollower

.ardware ,-pert0 'achita0a0* .alewar

!ollower &ersion*;

!ront view 2D1 Shaft ,n$oder Resolution0 :.@$m

Side &iew

Range0 ;m< A$$ura$y0 I ?$m< Sampling Rate0 ?: per se$

Software Implementation
+wo*7evel Repository Approa$h

C=S S$heduling

Software Implementation 6
1ode*Change Approa$h
) Same tas# stru$ture with0
dummy tas#s in ea$h mode. 1ode*swit$h tas#.

) All +as#s are periodi$. ) R1S S$heduling ) 1ode $hange after the $ompletion of least priority tas#.
Delay ounded y its periodi$ity.

Software Implementation 6
1ode*Change Approa$h 4$ont65
) +as# Periodi$ity 4in se$onds50
2D1J"R0 :.; ,3CJ"R0 :.9 2D1JRD< 2D1J&,70 :.@ ,3CJRD0 :.B C+R7J+ASK0 :.K 1OD,JS"0 :.@ 4 L 2D1JRD5

Software Implementation 6
Data 7ogging0
) R+*!I!O R+7inu- Ar$hite$ture

Introdu$tion Components Design Implementation esults and $(servations !urther "or# Referen$es

Results > O servations

Cruise Control Operation Set speed L 9A m%s;

Open*loop lower $ontroller Shaft en$oder error

Results > O servations6

Constant 7eading Distan$e 7eadDist L B9 $m +imegap L ?.M s

Results > O servations6

7inear In$rease*De$rease +imegap L ?.A s

Results > O servations6

+wo*7evel Repository +ested for 2D1JRD +as# 7ead Dist L BN $m

Introdu$tion Components Design Implementation Results and O servations !urt)er %ork Referen$es

1ore ,-periments6
,ffe$t of mode*$hange delay Improve in CP2 utiliGation 7eadDist< RoD values Periodi$ity of tas#s< data update rate Chattering %w SC*3C 1ode Swit$hing =,++,R &,.IC7,

!urther "or#
1ore e-periments to evaluate the design. Implementing two*level repository on #eal Time Data 1ase2 Is printer port good enough or need for #T Commu0icatio0 4++P%++CA3%CA35. 1erging with 7ane Changing. Inter*&ehi$le $ommuni$ation. !ormal modeling using 2PPAA7%KRO3OS.

'oals Revisited
Study the ACC appli$ation and to identify
) Components ) Algorithms ) Real*+ime Issues

Real*+ime approa$h to Design Setup a asi$ platform

Petros IoannouO Cheng*Chih Chien. P-uto0omous 30telli4e0t Cruise Co0trol5. I,,, +rans. On &ehi$ular +e$hnology< @;4@50BAK*BK;< ?NN9. +homas 'ustafssonO QRrgen .ansson. PD!0amic o0 *ema0* up*ati04 o( *ata i0 real time *ata6ase s!stems5. In Pro$eedings of AC1 SAC ;::@. 'erhard !ohlerO 7)le8i6ilit! i0 'taticall! 'che*uli04 #eal Time '!stems5. PhD +hesis< +e$hnis$hen 2niversitat "ien Austria< Apr. ?NN@. 7. ShaO R. Ra(#umarO Q. 7eho$G#yO K. Ramamritham. 7.o*e Cha04e 9rotocols (or 9riorit! Dri:e0 9reempti:e 'che*uli0452 +e$hni$al Report0 21*CS*?NMN*:B:< 2niversity of 1assa$husetts Amherst< 1A< 2SA.

&ideo Clip

+.A3K SO2

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