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Can a Manager be a counsellor? Understanding Different perspectives!!

Objectives of the session

Understanding the term Counselling Manager in the counselling role VS manager using counselling s ills !hat defines the counselling relationship vs" manager in a hierarchical relationship #U$%%%% Managers must be trained in counselling s ills &dentif'ing the Starting point of learning Counselling S($(M?

Definitions of the term Counselling

)elping *s'chotherap' +n information giving process +n educational process + problem solving process Counselling goals?, Ultimate outcome?

Managers in the counselling role VS managers using counselling s ills Use of a Management st'le that is tas oriented vs" people oriented Manager in counselling role VS other roles -hich can cause role conflict . /#etra'al0 Dilemma bet-een allo-ing emplo'ee to ma e their o-n decisions vs" ma ing decisions for the emplo'ee

Counselling relationship

&s about e1ualit'2 receiving2 accepting2 respect and trust Can 'ou have t-o inds of relationships -ith 'our emplo'ees +dopting a counselling st'le of management? &dentif'ing the crossover from using counselling s ills to engaging in formal counselling 3#+C Code4 /&mpartialit'0 and /non,judgmental attitude0 as a manager using counselling, not practical Manager in a hierarchical relationship -ith the emplo'ee

Manager in a hierarchical relationship -ith the emplo'ee $he assumptions2 e5pectations and interactions -hich are entirel' appropriate to the boss(subordinate situation are not congruent to that of the counsellor(client manager6s responsibilit' to the organi7ation the possibilit' of conscious or unconscious manipulating b' the manager of the emplo'ee6s decision,ma ing process

Counselling s ills can add value to a manager6s role and benefit the organi7ation and its emplo'ees an urgent need for managers to be trained in counselling s ills earl' and accurate diagnosis of problems2 setting up effective referrals -here emplo'ees -ill get appropriate help2 -ill contribute to organi7ational effectiveness and mean that emplo'ees do not have to /brea do-n0 before help is available"

!here do -e start -ith learning counselling s ills($(M

#' defining the :ualities of a counsellor? #' loo ing at the histor' of -or place counselling? #' understanding the models(approaches of -or place counselling? #' describing the counselling process? #' e5plaining the /-or place problems0 of emplo'ees? #' highlighting the /problem -or place0? #' pin,pointing /problem emplo'ees0? #' understanding the theories of counselling? #' understanding human ps'cholog'?? #' defining appropriate -or place #ehaviour?

!hat are the counselling S ills 'ou can use in the -or place conte5t?
;etting to no- one6s emplo'ees better! $al ing to them%"listening empatheticall'? ;etting close to them%% <etting them no- 'ou are interested in them! Setting goals for them? 9ecogni7ing their achievement ?

=ocus of Counselling S ills($(M

Starting point??"""" $he >2S2$ techni1ue does not -or Understanding )uman ps'cholog'?? +m & training 'ou to become armature ps'chologists?"""""" /&f a manager tal s to an emplo'ee long enough2 the manager -ill no- -hat is going on in the emplo'ee6s head0

*eople are different .but does it matter in #usinesses?

Counselling philosoph' states that ever' individual is uni1ue and special +bundant literature on the ps'chological comple5ities of humans Do managers have to understand as much about people as ps'chologists to effectivel' counsel them? >8S!! $hen ho- the hec do 'ou do that -ithout getting a *hD in *s'cholog'?

!hat is the focus of the manager -ho needs to counsel a -or place problem
$he negative attitude of the person $he persons belief s'stem(values $he motives(lac of motivation $he emotions %emotional outbursts $he persons interpersonal relationships%social etti1uets $he persons fault' thought processes $he life situation of the person $he #ehaviour(actions of the person $he -or related productivit'(unproductivel' of the person

9eadings ?
)istor' of -or place counselling, *D= file

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