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Microsoft Access 2010 Training

Build and publish web databases

Course contents
. Overview: %reate a web database . Lesson: Includes three instructional &ovies . Suggested practice tasks . Test . Quick Reference Card

Build and publish web databases

Overview: Create a web database

'his course e(plains how to create and publish an )ccess 2010 web database that runs on *icrosoft +harePoint, +erver 2010. Youll also learn how to save a chan-ed web database to +harePoint, and how to create a web database fro& scratch usin- a blank te&plate.

Course goals
.ownload a web database te&plate. Publish the te&plate to a +harePoint server runnin- )ccess +ervices. %han-e the published database, and save synchroni/e$ your chan-es to +harePoint. 0uild a web database by usin- a blank web database te&plate.

Build and publish web databases

Create and !ublis" a web database

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#ave a c"anged database to t"e web

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Create a web database fro$ scratc"

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#uggestions for !ractice

1. .ownload a web database te&plate. 2. 'rust the database and lo- in. 1. %han-e placeholder values. 2. )dd a field to a for&. 3. Publish a database the first ti&e. 4. %han-e a published database. 5. +ave synch$ a chan-ed database to the web.

6nline practice
Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion 1
To publish a new web database for the first time !ou go to "ackstage view# Then what$ %&ick one answer#'
1. 6n the (nfo tab, click S!nc )ll. 7nter the !"# of your +harePoint server and a na&e for the site, then click &ublish. 2. 6n the Recent tab, ri-ht8click a database and click &ublish to )ccess Services. 7nter the !"# of your server and a na&e for the site, and click &ublish. 1. 6n the Save * &ublish tab, click &ublish to )ccess Services. 7nter the !"# of your +erver and a na&e for the site, then click &ublish to )ccess Services a-ain. 2. 6n the Save * &ublish tab, click Save +atabase )s. !se the Save )s dialo- bo( to navi-ate to your +harePoint +erver, and once you open the parent folder for the site, click &ublish to )ccess Services.
Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion 1
To publish a new web database for the first time !ou go to "ackstage view# Then what$

,# On the Save * &ublish tab click &ublish to )ccess Services# Enter the -RL of !our Server and a name for the site then click &ublish to )ccess Services again#
)fter you publish your database the first ti&e, )ccess adds the server !"# to a list for easier reuse. If you chan-e your database, you save your chan-es to the web by usin- the S!nc )ll co&&and on the (nfo tab.
Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion 2
To alter a value list in a web database !ou do what$ %&ick one answer#'

1. 6pen the table in .esi-n view, click the Lookup tab, and alter the values in the Row Source bo(. 2. 6pen the table in .atasheet view, ri-ht8click a record in the field with the value list and click Edit List (tems. 1. %lick the .ields tab on the ribbon, and in the &roperties -roup, click +efault /alue. 2. You dont need to ri-ht8click anythin-. 9 ust double8click the field and start typin-.
Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion 2
To alter a value list in a web database !ou do what$

1# Open the table in +atasheet view right2click a record in the field with the value list and click Edit List (tems#

You can also ri-ht8click the field header, click 0odif! Lookups, and use the #ookup :i/ard to alter the list.

Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion &

(n a web database !ou can use aggregate functions in !our 3ueries# %&ick one answer#'

1. 'rue. 2. ;alse.

Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion &

(n a web database !ou can use aggregate functions in !our 3ueries#

1# .alse#

!se a--re-ate functions in reports -roupin- and totalin-$ or data &acros.

Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion '

4ou can add client ob5ects to a web database# %&ick one answer#'

1. 'rue. 2. ;alse.

Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion '

4ou can add client ob5ects to a web database#

6# True#

You can add client ob<ects and create a hybrid database, but you cant publish those ob<ects. You can only use the& when the database is open in )ccess.
Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion (
7hich of the following is not a rule for web databases$ %&ick one answer#'

1. You &ust use #ayout view to chan-e a for& or report. 2. You &ust use #ookup fields instead of table relationships. 1. You can only create one8to8&any relationships in a web database. 2. You &ust create tables in .atasheet view.

Build and publish web databases

Test %uestion (
7hich of the following is not a rule for web databases$

,# 4ou can onl! create one2to2man! relationships in a web database#

You can set inde(in- and create a one8to8one relationship, and you can create <unction tables and create &any8to8 &any relationships.
Build and publish web databases

)uic* +eference Card

;or a su&&ary of the tasks covered in this course, view the =uick "eference %ard.

Build and publish web databases

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