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in Communication

Understand why you are Hesitant

Hesitance stems from uncertainty. Uncertainty is almost guaranteed, for every situation we will ever face. If we are always certain, we are probably wrong, because none of us knows everything. So hesitance is actually a sort of safety or defense mechanism in the face of uncertainty, almost everyone hesitates a little.

Address your fears

A huge factor in hesitation is fear of doing the wrong thing, or making a mistake. There are two main ways to deal with this: One is to imagine that worst case scenario that's really holding you back (like embarrassing one's self) and saying to yourself, "So what?" People embarrass themselves all the time. Even the most popular and charming people make mistakes but they immediately accept that they're human, and mistakes happen. One has to realize that if you make a mistake, it's NOT the end of the world. Secondly, we need to think of the consequences of inaction. Hesitating means NOT acting, and NOT acting has its own consequences. One has to take his chances and hope for the best.

Train yourself to think, then act

Overcoming hesitance does not mean we should just start jumping blindly into situations - that could get you into trouble, or worse, be dangerous. But taking a moment to mentally consider the ramifications of Decision A or Decision B and in rare cases, Decision C - could spare you problems later. We should train ourselves to think through first one possibility and then one other - and stop there unless a third possibility is glaringly obvious. However, we should not just go off on tangent after tangent, chasing down every possible eventuality.

Give yourself a time limit

To avoid "Analysis Paralysis," we should give ourselves a defined time limit when considering serious actions such as purchasing a home, accepting a job, or quitting one. Instead of grinding over endless possibilities, and then discovering we have now been chewing this over for a week and it's too late to care any more, we should take couple of hours to consider accepting a job. We should think before acting on a decision to quit or make an offer on a house. But once we have reached our time limit, we should take action.

Make the Decision

If we find that you are hesitant over simple, every day decisions, we should try giving ourselves just 30 seconds to decide; without retreating to the safe "non-action" all the time. This will help us save our NO(s) for events or decisions where it matters a lot more - or a lot less - what our answer would be. Next time we discover ourselves in a situation, deciding what to do and find ourselves cursing for hesitance, we should look at a clock or watch, and start counting down from 30. By the time we reach 1, we must make a positive decision.

Force yourself to do New Things

Having new, different experiences helps us learn to cope with new situations, and it builds your self-confidence, which helps us become more decisive persons. Often, hesitance and indecisive behaviors are caused by having lived a sheltered existence, or not having much experience to draw on. New experience broadens our horizons. As we become more experienced, we will be more certain of what will happen in different circumstances. Being more certain = being less hesitant.

Have Confidence and faith in yourself

We have some special talent and we need to show it to the world. So, we should not be scared to commit mistakes. We must understand that mistakes are a part of learning. English is just a form of language that we use to convey our observations and opinions. Many people fail to speak English eloquently because they are afraid of doing it. So, it really is attributable to our fear and apprehension.

Stay Calm
If we want to get rid of hesitation while speaking, we need to stay calm always. Even though, learning any foreign language can be quite tough, we must be patient. If we are really determined, we should take our time to study the language. We shouldnt give up easily, in fact should never give up! We shouldnt be nervous while speaking or conversing with someone in English, it is very natural for beginners to feel their heartbeat sky rocketing when speaking to someone in English. If we keep practicing then this will go away.

Take every opportunity to learn

We will overcome our hesitation over speaking English quickly when we grab every opportunity to get to know the language and learn it. There are many ways to do that. We may read books or newspapers written in English. Or we may also opt to watch TV programs or channels in English or with English subtitle. Taking part in public debates, group discussions, interacting with anyone we can in English is the way to go.


Ask for help from your friends

One good way of taking the fear of speaking in English out of our system is by means of t a l k i n g t o f r i e n d s . We c a n s e l e c t a f r i e n d w h o is fluent in English and let him or her help us practice our communication skills by frequent t a l k i n g t o h i m / h e r.


Constant and Regular Practice in front of the mirror

To b u i l d u p o u r c o n f i d e n c e , w e c a n p r a c t i c e s p e a k i n g i n f r o n t o f m i r r o r. Ta l k i n g t o ourselves in front of mirror is proven effective t o b o o s t u p o n e s c o n f i d e n c e l e v e l a n d removing fear of speaking in English . If we can talk to ourselves comfortably in English, then we can talk to anyone.



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