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Suspension,Dispersoin,Blending (Fluid Mechanics-2)

Ghulam Abbas 10043123-049 4th Smaester Chemical Engineering 18/06/2012

We are going to discus:


Mi ture containing solid particles that are su!!icientl" large !or sedi#entation$%


Larger then 1 but less then 10 micron. Particles are visible under a microscope. Settle over time if left undisturbed. Can be separated through a filter. Surface area exposed to fluid is constant. Increase surface area,
ate of dissolution.


!xial"flo# impellers are used for

$hree blade #ith s%uare pitch and four

blade #ith &'degree are common.

'#peller Speed:
S (
li# is carrie# up$ar# b% mil# stirring& n t t ' rm pile at b tt m cal up$ar# )el cit% is greater then terminal settling )el cit% ' particals*

(ritical '#peller Speed:

Critical +,ust-suspen#e#- impeller spee# nc*
n particle remains l nger than 1 sec n the )essel b tt m*

States o! Suspension:

'n (he#ical &rocessing)%%

$o dissolve the solids $o catal()e a chemical reaction $o promote the gro#th of cr(stal from

a super saturated solution

Heterogeneous Mi ture in *hich dispersed phase is uni!or#l" distri+uted in continuu# phase%$


Si)e of particle 0.01*' micron. Settle do#n if not disturbed but ver( little. !t high shear rate particles are bro+en, diameter reduces and ne# surface are is created. ,-ermentation. Li%uid"li%uid,/rops. and gas"li%uid,0ubbles. total interfacial area b1# dispersed and continuous material ma( var( according to condition and degree of Mixing.(Mean diameter).


adial and axial flo# t(pe impellers. $hat provide some of both shear
,turbulence. and movement.

'n (he#ical &rocessing)%%

1./ispersion of Pigment in paint.

Pain is re%uired to be mixed up to particle


Pigment S23& sedimentation is a problem. 4.-ermentation5 /ispersion of ammonium sulphate as a source of

6itrogen """"diet of (east.

Ho#ogeneous Mi ture o! t*o Misci+le -i.uids to !or# a single li.uid *ith no /ariation in concentration !ro# point to point$%

7niformit( at drop scale is re%uired. $he li%uid is #ell mixed close to the impeller

/ue to the intense turbulence.

Large radial mixing but small mixing along the

!t last li%uid returns to e(e of impeller for

again vigorous mixing.

889 mixing complete in ' circulations.

Small tan+"""Propeller,

:igh ;fficienc( Impeller center mounted

Large tan+""""Side

;ntering Propeller or <et =ixer

Static Mi er:
:elical"element mixer >ortex =ixer

For lo* /iscosit":

0lending is done b( turbulence in #hich eddies

are formed #hich helps mixing

For high /iscosit":

$he flo# is mostl( laminar 0lending is done b( repeatedl( dragging a la(er

of one fluid through another.

e.g.:and mixing of paint.

'n (he#ical &rocessing)%%

In the manufacturing of perfume, blending is

re%uired to dilute the concentrated perfume oils b( dissolving them in ethanol.

Pharmaceutical, in?ection, s(ringeabilit(, pourse

level mixing.
2asoline re%uires uniformit( up to 1mm si)e

drop variation in this causes @noc+ing.

Char\produ ct Purpose Si)e of particles Impeller used /egree of mixing

Suspension Dispersion Blending $urbidit( 1 to 10 um !xial -lo# >er( small 7niformit( :omogeneit(

0.01*' um Less then 0.01 um

adial as #ell -lat blade as !xial -lo# -lo# adial



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