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Health and Safety Forum SAFE LEARNING 29th September 2005 Presented to Tyne and Wear and Northumberland

Providers By Jack Park


Introduction and domestics Learner incidents Regional Roundup Assuring Safe Learning Assessor competence Guest speaker (Brian Burr) Learner satisfaction surveys (Simon Gallagher) Updates Any other business and questions

Jack Park LSC Health and Safety Adviser Tyne and Wear and Northumberland

Simon Gallagher LSC

Health and Safety Adviser County Durham

Brian Burr

Executive Officer Tyne and Wear WBL Provider Network

Learner incidents ? ?

Learner Incidents
Under reporting of Learner incidents 60%

Reasons for under reporting:

Data protection (BL5l0 accident book) More employed status than ever before (Mod apps EQ8 etc) Contractual control remote employers (or lack of it)

Learners not questioned re incidents during review

Learners not prepared properly prior to placement LIR paperwork difficult complete Internal communication problems Assessor competency re RIDDOR reporting Seen as a negative event

Regional Round up

Assuring Safe Learning

Assuring Safe Learning

18 interactive workshops held for T&W and N providers
Which responded to requests to have a formalised process for assessing employers Gave every provider an opportunity to prepare an action plan LSC policy on Learner H&S and to seek assurance that standards are in place Safe Learner Concept and Framework Health and Safety Procurement Standards

LSC contractual controls (Hasps)

Assessor competency

Assessor competency

Assessor competency
LSCs statement on Competence indicates that a competent person would have an understanding of:
Risks and control measures for the environment and occupational area Health and safety legislation applying to the environment and activities (including those relating to young persons) LSCs HASPS and their own policy and procedures Particular / specific needs of individual learners

Own limitations and when to seek advice Other capabilities are also important (e.g. interview techniques, communication skills, ability to evaluative, analyse, plan, etc)

Guest Speaker
Brian Burr Executive Officer Tyne and Wear WBL Provider Network

Work based Learning Provider Network

NTO unit D funding and the network Advantages of joining the network

Learner Satisfaction Surveys

Simon Gallagher Health and Safety Adviser County Durham LSC

Learner Satisfaction Survey (Findings)

Work based learning Further Education

Adult and Community Learning

North East Region Learner Survey


LSC Learner satisfaction Survey (WBL, FE, ACL) LSC Learner Satisfaction Survey (Local N/E Region) David Bryants Guidance on Managing Safe Learning The Safe Learner Consultation Paper Analogous injuries benefit scheme (guidance) Learner entitlements A Guide for FOs in the use of LSC learner health and safety procurement standards The Health and Safety (Training for Employment Regulations 1990 The Work at Height Regulations 2005 Personal protective equipment at work (second edition) L25 HSE info sheet on incident reporting in schools (a,ddo) HSE Newsletters 160, 161, and 162

Health and Safety Forum SAFE LEARNING 29th September 2005 Presented to Tyne and Wear and Northumberland Providers By Jack Park


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