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Understand the mechanism of muscle contraction and relaxation including:

Microstructure of skeletal muscle Sliding filament theory role of calcium ion(ca++) and energy source(ATP)

The major component are The muscle fibers which vary, about 10 100m in diameter and 1 40 mm in length Within muscle fiber, there are Numerous of thin myofibrils that has banding or striations Sarcomere contain protein Myofilaments, actin(thin filament) and myosin(thick filament)

The cytoplasm is called Sarcoplasm while the endoplasmic reticulum is called sarcoplasmic reticulum The myofibrils are seen to be banded or striated in appearance: a regular alternation of light and dark bands I bands appear more lighter than A bands because contain only thin Filament(actin) A bands is a region where thin filament overlap with thick filament(myosin)

Each I band is split into two by the presence of the Z line, a region where the thin filaments of adjacent sarcomeres are connected by a protein called a-actinin In the centre on A bands,there is less denser portion called H zone(no Overlapping occur here)

*A band-anisotropic *I band-isotropic

Huxley and Hanson suggested that muscle contract by the action of actin filaments sliding over the myosin filaments During contraction, actin filaments move inward toward centre of sarcomere causes: -Z lines move closer together -I band becomes shorter -A band remains the same

The myosin head is the centre of bioenergetic reactions that power muscle contraction High energy configuration heads of myosin filaments operate like a hook, attaching actin form cross bridge When ATP molecule bound to the heads,it hydrolyzed to ADP and phosphate, the high energy configuration state is achieved

Myosin heads then change their relative configuration such that actin molecules are pulled into A Band After the process is complete, myosin heads bound to another ATP molecules to detach from actin Then they split the new ATP molecules to revert the high energy configuration and attach to another site further along the actin Filaments. ratchet mechanism is pulling actin repeatedly toward centre

At rest, tropomyosin blocks the myosin from attach to actin Upon stimulation by nerve impulse, Calcium ion(Ca2+ )are released into Sarcoplasm from SR The ion binds to the troponin complex Troponin complex will changes Its conformation Myosin binding site(active site) is Exposed as the tropomyosin shifted Myosin heads attach to actin filament

Cross bridge is occur and muscle is contract The formation and breaking of cross-bridge repeating and resulting In sliding of filaments and Sarcomere shortening

Relaxation phase occur when: Acetylcholinerase released and breakdown the acetylcholine in neuromascular junction Then, the sarcolemma and T-tubules are repolarized Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR) pump activated and Ca2+ returned to SR terminal Actin-myosin cross-bridge formation terminated Returned the tropomyosin to actin binding site Mg2+ complex formed with ATP Passive sliding of filaments and sarcomere return to resting state

Presentator- ZULIYANA ADNAN aka YaNan

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