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Cell scheduling and sequencing

Travelling salesman problem Flowshop Jobshop Family scheduling Single piece transportation

-10 7

10 -12

7 12 --

5 6 8


X13 = X32 = X24 = X41 = 1 with Z = 30.

M1 P1 P2 P3 P4 8 4 6 10

M2 5 6 7 8

M3 7 9 10 8

makespan = 44.

M1 P1 P2 P3 P4 4 14 6 10

M2 5 6 12 8

M3 17 9 10 8

p=1. T1 = 3x4+2x5+17= 39; T2 = 63; T3 = 52 and T4 = 54. The ascending order is P1-P3-P4-P2. The four completion times are 26, 36, 44 and 53 for P1, P3, P4 and P2. The total completion time is 159. p = 2. T1 = 39 4 = 35; T2 = 49; T3 = 46 and T4 = 44. The ascending order is P1-P3-P4-P2. We get the same solution. p = 3. T1 = 35 5 = 30; T2 = 43; T3 = 34 and T4 = 36. The ascending order is P2-P1-P3-P4. We get the same solution.

M1 P1 P2 P3 P4 4 14 6 10

M2 5 6 12 --

M3 17 9 10 8

Completion times for the sequence P2-P3-P4-P2

P1 P3 P4 P2 M1 4 10 20 34 M2 9 22 -40 M3 26 36 44 53

The completion times are 26, 53, 44 and 34 for P1, P2, P3 and P4. The total completion time is 157. The due dates are 55, 60, 35 and 36 for the four parts. There is 1 tardy part (finished later than due date) which is P3 are and the total tardiness is 9

EDD rule, sum of CT = 179

Changeover time matrix among parts

P1 P1 P2 P3 -3 10 P2 3 -20 P3 10 20 -P4 12 22 6 P5 18 16 12 P6 14 15 17

P5 P6

18 14

16 15

12 17

-19 20


4 --

Since we have three part families (we call them f1 to F3), the optimal sequence based on minimum changeover times among the part families is F1-F2-F3-F1 or F1-F3-F2-F1 with changeover times = 10 + 12 + 14 = 36. The corresponding sequence in terms of parts is P2-P1-P4-P3-P5-P6-P1 whose changeover time is 3 + 12 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 15 = 52. If we followed the FIFO sequence the changeover times are 10 + 20 + 16 + 19 + 20 +14 = 99 units.

Consider the problem of sequencing four parts in a cell containing three machines. All the parts visit all the machines. Table gives the unit processing times for the parts on the machines. Create a schedule for the sequence P3-P4-P1-P2. Consider single piece transportation.

M1 P1 P2 P3 P4 2 2 1 1

M2 2 1 2 1

M3 3 1 1 2

The set up times on the three machines are 10, 15 and 20 for all the jobs. The processing batch size is 10. Consider the situation when set ups are not separated from the processing times. We start with P3 on M1. The setup is completed at t = 10. The ten pieces come out at 11, 12 13.. The batch is completed at t = 20. At t = 11, the first piece of P3 comes to M2. M2 is set up for 15 minutes and ends at t = 26. The batch is completed at t = 46. The first piece of p3 reaches M3 at t = 28. The set up is completed at t = 48 and the production is over at t = 58. The set up for P4 on M1 ends at t = 30 and the processing is over at t = 40. P4 is set up on M2 and the set up and production are over at t = 71. The set up on M3 is over at t = 78 and the processing is over at t = 98.

The set up and production of P1 on M1 ends at t = 70. M2 is available at t = 71 and the set up is over at t = 86. The production is over on M2 at t = 106. The set up and production are over on M3 at t = 156. The set up and production of P2 on M1 ends at t = 100. M2 is available at t = 106 and the set up is over at t = 121. The production is over on M2 at t = 131. The set up and production are over on M3 at t = 176

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