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Radio Network Optimization

Radio Optimization procedure

Lets Begin

Concept of radio optimization Evaluation of network Common procedure of optimization Parameter adjustment Common questions

Concept of optimization
! "o work out various network pro#lems after t$e t$e network put into service t$roug$ different tec$nical met$od to keep t$e s%stem running in a good state& ! 'djust different t%pe of parameters ()) parameters "runk circuit parameters Radio cell engineering parameters Radio resource parameters

Concept of optimization ! "$e following cases need to optimize t$e network

'fter t$e network was put into service or just finis$ e*pansion "$e qualit% decrease greatl% or too muc$ customer complaints +$en su#scri#ers c$anged and affect t$e network qualit% significantl% ,ne*pected events decrease t$e network qualit%

-ocus on
Capacit% Coverage


Radio Optimization procedure

Lets Begin

Concept of radio optimization Evaluation of network Common procedure of optimization Parameter adjustment Common questions

Evaluation of /etwork

(ain radio network indices

0oice qualit% Call drop rate Congestion rate C$annel assign1allocate1seizure success rate Coverage rate Call success rate 2andover success rate

Radio Optimization procedure

Lets Begin
Concept of radio optimization Evaluation of network Common procedure of optimization Parameter adjustment Common questions

Common procedure of optimization

/etwork data collection 'nal%ze traffic data Collect 3" data 4ntegrated anal%sis (ake optimization plan Evaluate O(C53"

Optimization report

Radio Optimization procedure

Concept of radio optimization Evaluation of network Common procedure of optimization Parameter adjustment Common questions

Lets Begin

'djust radio parameters

! Radio engineering parameters optimization ! Radio resource parameters optimization

Radio engineering parameters

! 'ntenna para6 7ain1 3iversit% mode1 8dB #andwidt$ ! Cell p$%sical para6 2eig$t1 3owntilt1 'zimut$ ! -requenc% plan adjustment6 -requenc% reuse mode1 BCC29"C2 carrier frequenc% ! Ot$ers6 Propagation model1output power of B")

Radio resource parameters


identification parameters6:4d; C741B)4C1L'4 )%stem control parameters :"raffic; CB'&CB.1RL" Cell selection parameters:'ccess; C<1C=

function parameters:2-13">; L4(4"14/"'0E

3ata Collection

!3ata collection of current network !Performance data and traffic from O(C?R !3riving test data !C."6"est data in special place !-eed#ack from t$e su#scri#ers !'?interface and '?#is interface signaling data

Collection of performance data

"$e performance data got from O(CR

Driving test
DT test: the qualit evaluation of the whole network! "requenc scanning test: checking e#ternal interference ! C$ test: propagation model correction test! Cell reselection %order test! Cell handover %order test! &nterference source confirmation!


C'T Test
The special place &ndoor test

"eed%ack from the su%scri%ers

The time The place The pro%lem description The solution The contact of the descri%er

()&nterface Data
The handover data of each cell The information of location update The information of call drop The traffic

'?#is data
"$e main information %ou can get
"$e w$ole signal procedure "$e uplink signal #etween () and /etwork -rom t$e anal%sis of measure report t$e distri#uting information of R>LE0 qualit% and num#er of measure report "' distri#uting information t$e information of #alance #etween uplink and downlink 'll of t$e signal information #etween B") and B)C

Radio Optimization procedure

Lets Begin

Concept of radio optimization Evaluation of network Common procedure of optimization Parameter adjustment Common questions

Common questions

! ! ! ! !

Coverage 4nterference Congestion 2andover Call drop

! Factor of coverage:
!B") Output !"$e loss of ant@feeder )%stem !"$e antenna t%pe !"$e engineering parameters 'zimut$ 3own tilt !Pat$ Loss

"$e Reason of weak signal

<& =& 8& A& B& C& D& E&

B") Output Power "$e loss of -eeder@'ntenna 'larm of 0)+R

+2F /o signal

Between t$e 3irectional antennas Outside of 2orizontal 8dB Beam widt$ "$e tilt of Omni@'ntenna "$e $eig$t of antenna "$e antenna t%pe -or e*ample 6t$e gain is too small "$e Pat$ Loss is #ig Landform or forest "$e (istake mount of antenna

Lonel% 4sland
<& P$enomenon "$e coverage area of one cell is divided into two or more parts& =& Reason "$e coverage is overs$ooting& 8& Result #ring call drops if t$e some neig$#or relations are not defined& frequent $andover "$e congestion #ecause of t$e #ig coverage "$e island area often $ave interferences A& )olution Reduce t$e coverage1adjust t$e down tilt of t$e cell etc&

4)L'/3 CELL '


Coverage Overlap
<& )ome area covered #% two or more cells is needed "$e area can provide coverage area continuousl% and $andover well =& "$e Overlap 'rea is )uita#le for =GHI8GH to t$e w$ole coverage area& 4f t$e overlap coverage area is #ig1 t$e error $andovers and call drops appear possi#l%& 8& )olution 'djust t$e Radio parameters plan coverage area for eac$ cell carefull% &Just like adjust t$e down tilt of antenna and output power of B")

"$e interference pro#lems

"$e Pro#lems #roug$t #% t$e interference
<& =& 8& A& /oise Call 3rop Low 2andover )uccess Rate ,nsuccessful Paging information increase

Reduce t$e interference

Object Increase the signal of main service cell ,reduce the signal strength of interference
<& =& 8& A& B& C& D& 4ncrease t$e signal of B") Reduce t$e coverage area of t$e main cell 7ood frequenc% Plan& )elect t$e suita#le antenna 'djust 3own tilt of t$e interference cell 'djust t$e $eig$t of antenna 3PC1-213">

3own tilt
,nsuita#le #ig direct down tilt can #ring #ig pro#lems t$roug$ t$e alternant coverage& +e suggest t$at we use direct and electro?down tilt toget$er if t$e down tilt is too muc$&
/o down tilt electro? down tilt

3own tilt too muc$

-requenc% Planning
The problems solved by Frequency optimization <& )olve t$e co?c$annel pro#lem =& )olve t$e adjacent c$annel pro#lem Main point of frequency optimization <& "$e regular BCC2 Reuse 6at least AK8 #etter BK8& =& "$e continuous frequenc% used #% BCC2 onl%& 8& BCC2 not frequenc% $opping&

"C2 Congestion
<& (ORE "R> Calculate #% Erl@B =& Reduce t$e coverage 'rea 8& 'djust t$e )election Parameters for e*ample 6R*'( A& 'djust t$e reselection Parameters for e*ample6 CRO B& 'djust t$e 2andover Parameters for e*ample6 ,PLE0

)3CC2 Congestion
The eason of !"##$ #ongestion <& Location update frequentl% =& 2ig$ traffic !"##$ #ongestion #ell Features <& 't t$e #order of location =& 'lone cell 8& 2ig$ traffic The solution to solve !"##$ congestion 4ncrease t$e )3CC2 c$annel num#er


'djacent cell
The neighbor relation
<& 't (O)" 68= =& Enoug$ is OL 1't first1%ou can define man% 1and reduce some 8& 4f some adjacent cell is left1 ma%#e cause t$e $andover success rate is low1and if t$e adjacent cell is important1 call drop increase

"efine the neighbor relation

%& The map '& "rive test

Call drop
The reason of call drop
<& -ield intensit% =& interference 8& +rong parameters

Important parameter related to call drop

%& (T timer

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