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The French and Indian War, 1754-1763

Theme: As part of their worldwide rivalry, reat !ritain and France en"a"ed in a "reat str#""le for colonial control of $orth A%erica, c#l%inatin" in the !ritish victory in the &even 'ears( War )French and Indian War* that drove France fro% the continent+ Theme: !efore the &even 'ears( War, !ritain and its A%erican colonies had already ,een facin" so%e tensions as can ,e seen in sporadic !ritish efforts to enforce trade laws and colonial reaction to the peace treaty in 174-+ .#rin" the &even 'ears( War, the relationship ,etween !ritish %ilitary re"#lars and colonial %ilitias added to the tensions+ The French defeat in the &even 'ears( War created conditions for a "rowin" conflict ,etween !ritain and its A%erican colonies+ The lac/ of a threatenin" 0#ropean colonial power in $orth A%erica "ave the A%erican colonists a sense of independence that clashed with new !ritish i%perial de%and s s#ch as stationin" soldiers In the colonies and the 1rocla%ation of 1763+

I+ 2lash of 0%pires
A+ $ew France was #ni3#e
1+ 5+ eo"raphy-lac/ coastline, #r,ani4ation, a#tocratic 6es#its and 7co#re#rs de ,ois8 9in" Will and :#een Ann(s Wars )Treaty of ;ltrecht* 7&al#tary $e"lect8 6en/in(s and his ear, 173< =o#is,o#r"


2lash of 0%pires, 16---1741+ 5+ 3+ 4+

II+ >i"hli"hts 7French and Indian War,8

A+ !+
1+ 5+

?otivation@ =in/ Ahio Biver Calley to ?ississippi !attle at Fort $ecessity, 1754
Washin"ton ,rothers !ritish ti"hten control $ova &cotia%ove to =A

1+ 5+

Al,any 2on"ress, 1754

!enDi Fran/lin and Iro3#ois Al,any 1lan for ;nion

.+ 0+ F+ + >+

.efeat of !raddoc/, 1756 Invasion of 2anada Willia% 1itt !attle of :#e,ec, 175<
A+ 6a%es Wolfe

Treaty of 1aris

7An the scene that witnessed %y dishonor, I desire to ,#ry %y sha%e+8- en !raddoc/

III+ 0ffects of French and Indian War

A+ !ritish .o%inant $A Force
A+ !+ 2+ French Acadians &panish Florida and &o#thwest B#ssian $orthwestE ?yth of !ritish Invinci,ility West Indies trade

!+ 2+ .+ A+

2olonial 2onfidence
1+ 1+

!ritish ;pset A%erican !ritish .e,t

1+ 4,FFF,FFF l,sG AB >G

A%erican 0Hpansion
1+ 5+ 1ontiac(s Be,ellion 1rocla%ation of 1763

1ractice@ Bearran"e in the correct chronolo"ical order

)answers on neHt slide* 1+ A CA %ilitia co%%ander atte%pts an #ns#ccessf#l invasion of the Ahio Calley+ 5+ The 7 reat 2o%%oner8 ta/es co%%and of the !ritish "overn%ent and its war effort+ 3+ Toleration of French >#"#enots ,rin"s reli"io#s peace to France+ 4+ $ew France is fo#nded, one year after 6a%estown+ 5+ !ritain iss#es a procla%ation to prohi,it colonial eHpansion and there,y prevent another Indian war+ 6+ The second 7world war8 ,etween France and !ritain ends in !ritish victory and the ac3#isition of Acadia+ 7+ !ritish victory on the 1lains of A,raha% seals the fate of $ew France+ -+ Bet#rn of =o#is,#r" fortress at the end of 9in" eor"e(s War an"ers colonial $ew 0n"landers+ <+ War ,e"ins ,adly for the !ritish when !raddoc/ fails to ta/e Fort .#3#esne+ 1F+ A "reat e%pire ,#ilder eHplores =o#isiana and clai%s it for the French 9in"+

Answers@ 3, 4, 1F, 6, -, 1, 5, 7, 5

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