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dr. Arthur E. Mongan, M.Sc., Sp.PK


Terminology in HEMATOLOGY
Blood Plasma Serum Blood cells (counts, morphology) Specimen collection (phlebotomy / venipuncture) and anticoagulant Volume of packed red cells (Hematocrit) Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration Red cell indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC) Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis


Basic principles and practice: unit of measure, reagent, chemicals, standard, solutions (molarity, normality, etc.) , water specifications, laboratory mathematics and calculations, concentration, dilutions, types of samples, analyte, etc. Quality assurance: preanalytical (specimen collection, handling, processing), analytical, postanalytical phase Reliability of tests

Terminology in IMMUNOLOGY
Natural and acquired immunity Antibodies (immunoglobulins) Antigens Lymphatic system Primary and secondary lymphoid organs Immunoassays Allergy / Hypersensitivity Immunohematology (blood banking) Serologic test

Terminology in Body Fluid Analysis and URINALYSIS

AF (amniotic fluid), CSF, sweat, synovial fluid, serous fluid, etc., urine Frontline diagnostic procedures: - Macroscopic, microscopic examination - Dipstick (reagent strip) urinalysis Others: Chemistry, bacteriological / cultures, immunological / serologic tests, molecular diagnostics

1. 3. 4. Hoffbrand AV, Lewis SM, Tuddenham EGD. Postgraduate Hematology, 4th ed., BH International Ed., London UK, 1999. Bishop ML, Duben-Engelkirk ZJL, Fody EP. Clinical Chemistry: principles, procedures, correlations. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia , PA, USA, 2000. McPherson RA, Pincus MR. Henrys Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 21st ed., Saunders Elsevier Co., Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2007.


Lee GR, Bithell TC, Foerster J, Athens JW, Lukens JN. Wintrobes Clinical Hematology. 9th ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia USA, 1993.


A 25-year-old man, legislative, Manadonese, initiatively comes to a Clinical Lab office for general laboratory check-ups. The laboratory doctor suggests him for taking some measurements of pre-analytic (preinstrumentation) phase before his speciment taken.

Seorang laki-laki Manado, 25 tahun , anggota legislatif (DPR), datang ke laboratorium klinik untuk pemeriksaan laboratorium atas keinginan sendiri untuk cekap laboratorium. Oleh dokter laboratorium, pasien dianjurkan untuk mengikuti beberapa petunjuk yang diperlukan pada tahap pra-analitik (pra-instrumentasi) terlebih dahulu sebelum spesimen (sampel) cairan tubuhnya diambil. (A 25-year-old man, legislative, Manadonese, initiatively comes to a Clinical Lab office for general laboratory check-ups. The laboratory doctor suggests him for taking some preparation of pre-analytic (pre-instrumentation) phase before his speciment taken.)


Mengenal beberapa istilah, batasan, klasifikasi yang sering digunakan dalam Ilmu Kedokteran Patologi Klinik

TIK menyebut secara tepat beberapa istilah di bidang HEMATOLOGY menyebut secara tepat beberapa istilah di bidang CLINICAL CHEMISTRY menyebut secara tepat beberapa istilah di bidang IMMUNOLOGY menyebut secara tepat beberapa istilah di bidang URINALYSIS menyebut secara tepat beberapa istilah di bidang TATA KELOLA LABORATORIUM KLINIK

Cocokan JAWABAN (NOMOR SOAL) dengan PERNYATAAN DI BAWAHNYA! A. SERUM B. PLASMA C. MOLALITAS D. MOLARITAS E. NORMALITAS 1. Jumlah solute per 1 kilogram solvent 2. Jumlah unit moles bahan (gram) per 1 liter solution 3. Jumlah berat ekuivalen bahan (gram per valensi) per 1 liter solution 4. Cairan darah tanpa disertai komponen sel, pada darah yang tidak membeku 5. Cairan darah tanpa disertai komponen sel, pada darah yang membeku BERHITUNG! Lakukanlah konversi: 6. 8 x 103 mg = 8 x 106ug 10. 5 uL = 5 x 10-3mL 7. 40 ug=4 x 10-2mg 11. 50 mL = 5 x 10-2L 8. 13 dL = .0,13 mL 12. 4 cm = 40mm 9. 200 uL = 0.2. mL


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

C D E B A 8 x 106

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

4 x 10-2 0.13 0.2 5 x 10-3 5 x 10-2 40

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