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Da Nang University of Technology

Prepaired by:
Kien T.Nguyen, Lab Assistant
Minh Vu, Lab Assistant
Specification: Word, AbiWord, Open Office
RTL coding: HDL TurboWriter, Notepad++, Vim,
Emacs, conTEXT
Simulation: iVerilog, ModelSim, Quartus
Simulator, ISE Simulator
Synthesis: Quartus, Xilinx ISE

Reference documents link
Lab 3 of course EE215 in University of
Lectures Outline
1. DE1s pin which are connecting our resources.
2. Lab 2: Full design Led 7 segment decode circuit
1.DE1s pin which are connecting our resources
Push buttons are active in low level
Up position is in high level
Dow position is in low level
Leds are active in high level. They
will turn on if have high level input
1.DE1s pin which are connecting our resources (contd)
7 segments Leds are active in low level. It mean the segment will light on
when we give it logic 0.
2. Lab 2: Executing a Design from a Set of Requirements.
1. Finish the verilog coding myphoto module
follow the specification (structural code)
2. Write test bench to check circuit function
using Icarus.
3. Synthesis your design, assign pins and
program to DE1 kit.
4. Make the hard report submit to LA or your
2. Lab 2: Executing a Design from a Set of Requirements.
myPhoto system: Today, image you are a senior system
designer, design and develop the prototype of myphoto
First of all, all system are build from its specification.
Specification describes the operation of a system.
Specification is also used in testing phase, when you
finish your design and ask your self whether system
works correct or not. Let test it with specifications.
In the future, you have to design you own specification for
your own system. So study this specification in this Lab
as carefully as you can.
Myphotos Specification
SYSON: the photographic system is turned on.
TAKE: capture the currently selected image.
SELFLASH: enable the advanced built-in light system.
NOFLASH: sensor that detects that the use of artificial
lighting is prohibited.
~INFOCUS: sensor that detects if the image is in focus.
~LOWLIGHT: sensor that detects a low ambient light
The inputs SYSON, TAKE, SELFLASH, and NOFLASH, are active high
(logic 1).
The inputs, ~INFOCUS and ~LOWLIGHT are active low (logic 0).

Myphotos Specification (contd)
~CAPTURE: start save the picture to memory
~OUTOFFOCUS: indicate picture is out of focus now
~FLASH: Make a flash to take a picture
Note: All outputs are low true asserted low (logic 0)

This symbol says: this signal is
active with low level or logic 0
Myphotos Specification (contd)
Operation: The operation of the myPhoto system is as follows
Capture - the CAPTURE output is to be asserted under the following conditions:
The system is on, it is in focus, the ambient light is sufficient, flash has not
been selected (Why? Flash select is still ok), and the user chooses to
take a picture.
The system is on, it is in focus, the ambient light is low, flash has been
selected, the use of flash is permitted, and the user chooses to take a

What is the function of Capture?
Write it before going to the Lab.
Myphotos Specification (contd)
Operation: (contd)
Out of Focus - the OUTOFFOCUS output is to be asserted under the
following conditions:
The system is on, the in focus sensor indicates that the potential image is out of
focus, and the user chooses to take a picture.

What is the function of OUTOFFOCUS?
Write it before going to the Lab.
Myphotos Specification (contd)
Operation: (contd)
Flash - the FLASH output is to be asserted under the following
The user has elected to capture an image, flash has been selected, flash
is permitted, the system is in focus and ON.
The user has elected to capture an image, the ambient light sensor
indicates a low light condition, flash is permitted, the system is in focus
and ON.

What is the function of FLASH?
Write it before going to the Lab.
Design, Test, Implement Myphoto
1. Model verilog structural module.
2. Simulate, and test your design using the
Icarus Verilog Tools.
Test all appropriate inputs. Verify your design by using
the output truth table and timing.
3. To implement the system, we are going to
use the Altera Cyclone II FPGA on the DE 1
Use document link in slide 3 and pin information in
slide 5,6 to implement system to DE1 board

1. If you had implemented your myPhoto image capture
system using SSI parts (IC), how many chips would
you have used?
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
implementing the design in SSI (IC) vs. array logic
parts (FPGA).
Consider the following:
The amount of work (e.g. wiring, etc) that goes into making each
The number of extra components needed for the circuit.
The amount that is to be produced.
Other items that may be considered when determining "cost".

Laboratory Final Report
There is one hard report per team.
The report contain all the lab your team have
done, code, test result in Icarus, test result in
DE1 , answer questions.
Structure of report:
Member: Names and class
Introduction about this Lab
Lab report
Analysis Errors

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