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Genuri academice

FCRP | 19.11.12

Scott Fitzgerald:

The reason one writes isnt the fact that he wants to say something. He writes
because he has something to say.


I write because I want to read other books like the ones I write.


Tez de licen / disertaie
Articol tiinific
Referat (essay)

Rspuns (reaction paper)

Sumar al literaturii

Articolul tiinific

Rezumat [abstract]
Cuvinte cheie (5 +/-2)

Structur (continuare)
and Discuie

cutare/sortare/indexare (!)

Tem general (Comunicare nonverbal)

Particularizare (Comunicarea nonverbal: gesturile i postura)

Titlu interogativ (Care sunt particularitile comunicrii

Titlu care anun rezultatul cercetrii (Copiii cu autism au
dificulti de interpretare a semnalelor nonverbale)

Titluri care trimit la metodologia folosit (Rolul mimicii in
comunicarea nonverbal. O abordare experimental)

Titluri care fac trimitere la expresii, citate, opere celebre (Crede
i nu cerceta. Semnalele nonverbale ale sinceritii)

Perceptions of psychology university students

Do psychology students perceptions of Psychology change over time?

Possible gender and year of study differences in the orientation of students
learning strategies

Students learning strategies: the effects of gender and year of study

Student preferences of class size in higher education

Class size matters! The preferences of undergraduates

(Hartley 2008: 27)

Exemple de titluri propuse de studeni i de titluri revizuite

Rezumat [abstract]

Scris dup redactarea textului
Dimensiuni reduse (200 de cuvinte +/-)

Structur (uneori explicit; nu toate elementele sunt ntotdeauna prezente)

Contextul cercetrii / fundal

This study investigates media effects on stereotypic attitudes toward immigrants in a
political campaign that dealt with the naturalization of immigrants. By combining a
content analysis of the campaign coverage with a 2-wave panel survey, the study
found that negative news portrayals of immigrants increased stereotypic attitudes in
the public in the course of the campaign. Additionally, the frequent exposure to
positive news portrayals of immigrants reduced the activation of negative outgroup
attitudes. However, these findings are contingent on people's issue-specific
knowledge. Only people with low to moderate knowledge were influenced by
negative and positive news stories about immigrants in the campaign. Well-informed
people were resistant to the effects of positive and news portrayals of immigrants.

*The Influence of News Media on Stereotypic Attitudes Toward Immigrants in a
Political Campaign

Exemplu de rezumat (obiectiv, metod, rezultate, limitri/precizri)

Cuvinte cheie

n general substantive

Evitai termenii comuni (ex. comunicare)



Doar acronime consacrate

Nume de persoane doar dac sunt parte din terminologie (ex. efect Doppler)


Delimitarea unui teritoriu pentru cercetare

Sintetizarea rezultatelor (literaturii) relevante

Situarea propriului efort relativ la literatura existent

Formularea unui obiectiv i/sau a unei ipoteze
Care continu i/sau confirm cercetrile rezumate
Care infirm
Care nuaneaz...


Tipologie (cercetare cantitativ, calitativ)

Corpus, dac este cazul (ex. articole, transcrieri, nregistrri, imagini)

Participani (numr, profil socio-demografic)

Instrumente sau msurtori aplicate

Descrierea procedurilor experimentale, dac este cazul

Analiza statistic, dac este cazul


Se menioneaz rezultatele principale ale cercetrii
Autorul arat care este relaia logic a acestora cu ipotezele de plecare
Se discut relaia rezultatelor cu metodele folosite, dac este cazul

Se menioneaz rezultate secundare sau cu o baz probatorie mai fragil (ex.
la limita relevanei statistice)

Sunt menionate posibilele limitri


Se sintetizeaz rezultatele studiului/cercetrii

Acestea sunt puse n contextul literaturii existente n domeniu

Sunt discutate limitrile studiului/cercetrii

Rezultatele sunt interpretate i se evalueaz semnificaia lor

Se rspunde unor eventuale contraargumente

Sunt menionate direcii posibile pentru cercetri viitoare

Exemplu: Sokals hoax

There are many natural scientists, and especially physicists, who continue to reject the notion that the
disciplines concerned with social and cultural criticism can have anything to contribute, except perhaps
peripherally, to their research. Still less are they receptive to the idea that the very foundations of their
worldview must be revised or rebuilt in the light of such criticism. Rather, they cling to the dogma imposed by
the long post-Enlightenment hegemony over the Western intellectual outlook, which can be summarized briefly
as follows: that there exists an external world, whose properties are independent of any individual human being
and indeed of humanity as a whole; that these properties are encoded in ``eternal'' physical laws; and that
human beings can obtain reliable, albeit imperfect and tentative, knowledge of these laws by hewing to the
``objective'' procedures and epistemological strictures prescribed by the (so-called) scientific method.

But deep conceptual shifts within twentieth-century science have undermined this Cartesian-Newtonian
metaphysics; revisionist studies in the history and philosophy of science have cast further doubt on its
credibility; and, most recently, feminist and poststructuralist critiques have demystified the substantive content
of mainstream Western scientific practice, revealing the ideology of domination concealed behind the faade of
``objectivity''. It has thus become increasingly apparent that physical ``reality'', no less than social ``reality'', is at
bottom a social and linguistic construct; that scientific ``knowledge", far from being objective, reflects and
encodes the dominant ideologies and power relations of the culture that produced it; that the truth claims of
science are inherently theory-laden and self-referential; and consequently, that the discourse of the scientific
community, for all its undeniable value, cannot assert a privileged epistemological status with respect to
counter-hegemonic narratives emanating from dissident or marginalized communities. These themes can be
traced, despite some differences of emphasis, in Aronowitz's analysis of the cultural fabric that produced
quantum mechanics; in Ross' discussion of oppositional discourses in post-quantum science; in Irigaray's and
Hayles' exegeses of gender encoding in fluid mechanics; and in Harding's comprehensive critique of the gender
ideology underlying the natural sciences in general and physics in particular.


~ essay

Structur (I) pentru un text mai scurt

Reproduce structura unui paragraf bine scris

Introducere prezentarea temei, enunarea unei teze
Tratarea temei probatoriu: argumente, exemple


Structur (II)

Cele 5 seciuni/paragrafe

Introducere formularea unei ipoteze/argument/punct de vedere
Prezentarea structurii referatului (meniul zilei);

Fundal situare n context (literatur relevant, context
sociocultural amd)

Argumentare dezvoltarea i susinerea tezei; dovezi, argumente,

Nuanare contraargumente, contraexemple,
evaluarea/respingerea acestora

Concluzii discutate n relaie cu obiectivele asumate n
Introducere; sumarul argumentului pe care l-ai construit n text

Referat pe o tem dat/aleas

Analizai titlul
Tematica general
Concepte (de obicei sunt cel puin dou, de ex. Comunicarea nonverbal
i competena emoional)


Formulai un punct de vedere
Ex. - care este relaia dintre conceptele specificate n titlu?

Identificai argumente, dovezi i exemple pentru respectivul punct de vedere

Schiai structura referatului (outline)

Redactai prin umplerea schiei

Exemplu de schi

Tem: Ce impact social, cultural i de mediu are faptul c anumite locaii din rile n
curs de dezvoltare sunt destinaii turistice?

Schi de tip list

(i) Impact social
mai multe locuri de munc
oportuniti de afaceri
(ii) Impact cultural
probleme legate de import cultural (ex. mod vestimentar)
pia mai mare pentru artizanat
(iii) Impact de mediu
resurse limitate ex. apa exploatate mai intens
distrugerea mediului prin extinderea construciilor
extinderea infrastructurii ex. osele
(Bailey 2011: 41)

Schi de tip hart

(Bailey 2011: 41)


Recenzii extinse >> reviste culturale (ex. New York Review of Books, London
Review of Books)
Titlul ales liber
Format de eseu, abordare personal
Publicul este nespecializat, cu educaie general (se vor evita termenii
tehnici; dac sunt folosii, vor fi explicai)

Recenzii publicate n reviste de specialitate
Titlul reia titlul lucrrii recenzate
Dimensiuni reduse (n general 1-3 pagini)
Anumite publicaii au propriile recomandri
Se presupune c publicul este avizat (termenii tehnici sunt permii,
redundanele sunt de evitat)
Abordarea este impersonal


Prezentarea materialului recenzat (volum de autor, volum colectiv
etc.). Eventual un sumar al activitii autorului/autorilor.
Rezumatul materialului recenzat coninut i organizare (capitole,
pri etc.)
Evaluare critic
Identificai tema tratat i obiectivele autorului
Este o tem relevant? Sunt atinse obiectivele asumate?
Identificai teza sau argumentul fundamental al lucrrii
Este corect i/sau convingtor respectivul argument?
Evaluai dovezile sau exemplele folosite de autor pentru a-i
susine teza
Discutai pe scurt argumentele sau temele secundare
Identificai punctul de vedere/perspectiva autorului
Este aceast perspectiv echilibrat (bias)?

Exemplu Chomsky recenzeaz Verbal Behavior, de BF Skinner

A great many linguists and philosophers concerned with language have expressed the hope
that their studies might ultimately be embedded in a framework provided by behaviorist
psychology, and that refractory areas of investigation, particularly those in which meaning is
involved, will in this way be opened up to fruitful exploration. Since this volume is the first
large-scale attempt to incorporate the major aspects of linguistic behavior within a
behaviorist framework, it merits and will undoubtedly receive careful attention. Skinner is
noted for his contributions to the study of animal behavior. The book under review is the
product of study of linguistic behavior extending over more than twenty years. Earlier
versions of it have been fairly widely circulated, and there are quite a few references in the
psychological literature to its major ideas.
The problem to which this book is addressed is that of giving a "functional analysis" of verbal
behavior. By functional analysis, Skinner means identification of the variables that control
this behavior and specification of how they interact to determine a particular verbal
response. Furthermore, the controlling variables are to be described completely in terms of
such notions as stimulus, reinforcement, deprivation, which have been given a reasonably
clear meaning in animal experimentation. In other words, the goal of the book is to provide a
way to predict and control verbal behavior by observing and manipulating the physical
environment of the speaker.

Rspuns (reaction paper)

Text de mici dimensiuni (n general 1-3 pag)

Structura unui eseu cu 5 paragrafe

Formuleaz un punct de vedere personal fa de:
Un text citit
O situaie
Film, foto, muzic etc.

Susine punctul de vedere, ns fr a apela (neaprat) la alte resurse

Tonul este personal

Pot fi folosite exemple din experiena proprie care n alte condiii (ex.
referat, articol, licen) ar fi considerate anecdotice

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