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Transfer Of Training In PEL Pakistan



PEL was established in 1956 with the technical collaboration of M/S
AEG, West Germany.

In October 1978, PEL was taken over by SAIGOL GROUP OF
COMPANIES, which is the largest and well-know industrial and
commercial group in Pakistan.

The high growth rate proves the complete success of the professional
management and provides sufficient confidence to trust in its future
development schemes.

Company's Mission Statement

To grow the size of the organization, develop better
business practice and build-up greater resource.

To motivate the employees by making they feel that
management cares about them by recognizing their
efforts by remuneration or by promotion depending
on the individual efficiency and what he deserves.

Company's Objectives
The continuous improvement of all products and
services through total involvement of employees.

Providing innovative and higher quality products to
achieve total customer satisfaction by understanding
their requirements and anticipating their future
expectations or needs through:

Total Quality Management implementation for getting
ISO 9002 for their other products.

The company Comprises of Two Divisions

PEL Current Power Division

Power Transformer
Distribution Transformer
Dry Type Transformer
Energy Meter

PEL Current Appliances
Air conditioner
Microwave oven
Washing machine
Water Dispenser
PEL media

Human Resource Department:

This department oversees the selection criteria for employees
i.e. it sets different guide lines for selection of employees. After
selection of employees it also offer the training and to upgrade
their skills.

Functions of HR Department:
Learning and Development
Firing decisions
Labor Affairs
Staff welfare
Manpower planning for next 5 years

Training & Development
"Training and development refers to a planned effort by a
company to facilitate the learning of job-related knowledge,
skills, or behavior by employees.

At PEL, training is a partnership between the employee and the
organization. PEL provides a framework within which the
employee can identify the training and development needs.

Development Programs are carried out right after joining and
throughout the year, applicable to all management and trainees,
across the organization.
The Importance of TNA
Needs assessment is the most important process of training
and development. It is the process which identifies whether the
training is necessary for the employees.

Needs assessment involves three types of analysis.
1 -Organization Analysis
2-Person Analysis
3-Task Analysis

Why is Need Assessment required?

The need assessment is necessary for the organization to know
that either it is going for the right way to improve the
performance of the employees.

The HR department is also responsible directly for the creation
of an environment that will support the training and its transfer
for the employees.

TNA is also vital as if there will be no TNA in the organization before
the training is held:
Training can have contents, methods and objectives which are not
Training may not bring the required results for the company.

Basis of Training Need Assessment in PEL:

PEL pays a lot of attention on the needs of employees, on
every level, for Learning and development. As "we have
passed the stage of training and are now on the level of
learning in PEL

1-Need Assessment on Individual level:
2-Need Assessment on Departmental Level:

Who Participates in the Needs Assessment?

Methods in Needs Assessment:

1. Observation
2. Questionnaire
3. Interviews
4. Focus group:
TNA Methods in PEL:

One to one meetings
one to one meetings are conducted to address the
problems to know if there are issues of lack of motivation
in the employees. This method is used in PEL for the
executives and the managers.

As team work is the main focus in PEL, it uses the
questionnaires to dig out the problem regarding
teamwork. When the manager of the technical staff, from
any department reports the HR about the need for learning
/ training or asks for the solution,


Methods of Training in PEL:

Product Training:
Skill Training
On-job Training:
Management Development Training:
Specific Competency Training:
Learning and Development:
Outsourcing of Training:
In house trainings:
Team Building Programs
Decentralized Training in PEL:
Learning and Development of Executives:

Perception of PEL Employees about the
Training as opportunity:
Training as a Reward:
Planning the Training:
Learning Objectives:
Teaching and Learning Methodology:

Learning Objectives:

After attending this workshop participants would be able to:-
Know and understand a wide range of ideas and
approaches to managing change.
Understand the psycho dynamic approach to change.
Understand the humanistic approach to change.
Grasp different types of team, the process of team
development and the way in which different types of
team contribute to the organization change.
Perceive the nature, significance and role of leadership
in change.
Comprehend the change scenarios vis--vis
organizational restructuring and cultural change.

Transfer of Training

Problems in the Transfer of Training:
Working conditions:
Lack of peer support
Lack of management support


The Effectiveness of the Transfer of Training in


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