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Cancer Cell Line T47D

Elfi Rahmi
Sandra Aprillia Effendi

Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells
divide without control and are able to invade other tissues.
Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through
the blood and lymph systems.
Statistic Cancer
Breast Lung &
Colon &
Non Hodgkin
of the skin
Estimated 2007 cancer incidences (top) and deaths (bottom) in the United States for males and females.
(Reproduced with permission from Jemal et al.2) (Taken from Pharmacotherapy a physiologic approach)
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in
the cells of the breast.
Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common
invasive breast cancer
There are many type cancer cell line of breast
cancer : T47D, MCF7, SKBR3, MDA-MB-453

Cancer Cell Line
Cancer cell line is cell that isolated from human body
One of the major benets of using cultured cell lines in
cancer research is that they oer an innite supply of a
relatively homogeneous cell population that is capable of
self-replication in standard cell culture medium
Cancer cell line T47D
Cancer cell line is cell that isolated from human body, and
cell is used for research which cell has proliferation
capability in media culture in vitro
Cancer cell line T47D was isolated from epithelia cell of
breast tissue of woman age 54 years old that has ductal
carcinoma in 1970
This cell growth in basis media RPMI (Roswell Park
Memorial Institue) 1640.
Media that we will use must be complete to prevent
another microorganism growth.
So we have to add Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Penicillin-
Streptomycin, and Phosphat Buffer Saline (PBS).
Cells are growth in temperature 37C and CO

Invasive potential of 16 breast cancer cell lines as measured by modied
Boyden chamber assays (see Experimental Procedures). Each data point
represents the mean SD of three wells.
The T47D human breast cancer cell line is
ER/progester-one receptor-positive and is derived
from a pleural effusion
T47D cell line cancer often used in cancer research
by invitro.
Because it is
easy to handle
have unlimited replication or growth.
T47D has high homegenity and we can use
frozen stock if there are cell cancer get
Cancer cell line is one of the way to help
researcher find new drug.
It gives advantages because we can see how the
cell work in patient body, with see the progress by
in vitro or see from cancer cell line.

Holliday, Deborah L and Valerie. 2011. Speirs Choosing the right cell line for breast cancer research. Breast
Cancer Research, 13:215
College of American Pathologists. 2011. Breast Cancer Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. United States of America
Schafer ,Jennifer MacGregor, Eun Sook Lee, Ruth M. O'Regan, et al. 2000. Tumors (T47D) in Athymic Mice
Rapid Development of Tamoxifen-stimulated Mutant p53 Breast. Clinical Cancer Research ;6:4373-4380. .
Stacey, Glyn. 2004. Fundamental Issues for Cell-Line Banks in Biotechnology and Regulatory Affairs Cell Biology.
South Mimms, UK :NIBSC
Zampieri, L., Bianchi, P., Ruff, P., dan Arbuthnot, P. 2002.Differential modulation by estradiol of P-glycoprotein
drug resistance protein expression in cultured MCF7 and T47D breast cancer cell. Anticancer Res.,

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