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Characteristics of Java
Java is platform independent
A Java program that is written and compiled in one
platform can run on any other platform without any
recompilation or modification
Write Once Run Anywhere
Java is a very powerful OO programming language
developed by Sun Microsystems
Java is widely used for developing web applications
Java is the programming language used for
developing Enterprise Applications using the JEE

Deployment Environments
There are two main deployment environments:

1. The JRE supplied by the Java 2 Software Development Kit
(SDK) contains the complete set of class files for all the Java
technology packages, which includes basic language classes,
GUI component classes, and so on.

2. The other main deployment environment is on your web
browser. Most commercial browsers supply a Java technology
interpreter and runtime environment.

Features of JAVA
Some features of Java:

The Java Virtual Machine
Garbage Collection
Code Security

Sample JAVA program
public class HelloWorld
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello, world!");
The main method
is public so that it can be accessed outside the class
is static so that it can be invoked without creating any
is void and does not return anything
can take command line arguments as an array of String

Using a string:
public class hello{
public static void main (String [] args)
String s = Hello World\n;
//output simple string//
} //end main
}//end class hello

Phases of Java
tool: on any text editor
o/p: file with .java extension
tool: Java Compiler
o/p: file with .class extension
(byte code)
tool: Java Interpreter
o/p: program output

Java Program(.java)
Java Compiler(javac)
Byte Code(.class)
Interpreter(java) Interpreter(java) Interpreter(java)
Win32 Linux Mac
Difference between C and Java
C uses concept of structures (not object oriented).
In C we use the concept of pointers
In C the programmer needs to manage memory manually.
"malloc()" and "free()" are the fundamental memory
allocation library calls but JAVA has automatic garbage
collector and memory management.
In C the declaration of variables should be on the beginning of
the block but JAVA variables can be declared wherever we
want to.

Primitive Types
Integer Types
byte (1 byte)
short (2 bytes)
int (4 bytes)
long (8 bytes)
Floating Type
float (4 bytes)
double (8 bytes
char (2 bytes)
boolean (1 byte) (true/false)

Comments in Java
A single line comment in Java will start with //

A multi line comment starts with a /* and ends with a */

// This is a single line comment in Java
/* This is a multi line
in Java */
Declaring and using primitive data types is Java similar to that
of C

Unlike C, in Java variables can be declared anywhere in the

int i = 10;
System.out.println(Program starts here);
int j = 20;
for (int count=0; count < max; count++) {
int z = count * 10;
BEST PRACTICE: Declare a variable in program only when
int count;
int max=100;
Local Variables
In Java, if a local variable is used without initializing it, the
compiler will show an error

class Sample{
public static void main (String [] args){
int count;
Typecasting of primitive data types
Variable of smaller capacity can be assigned to another
variable of bigger capacity without any explicit typecasting

Whenever a larger type is converted to a smaller type, the
typecast operator has to be explicitly specified

int i = 10;
double d;
d = i;
double d = 10;
int i;
i = (int) d;
Type cast operator
Operators and Control Statements
Operators in Java are very similar to operators in C
Assignment Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
The syntax of the control statements in Java are very similar to that
of C language

What is a Class?
A Class
Is a blue print used to create objects.
Is a software template that defines the methods and variables
to be included in a particular kind of Object.
Animal, Human Being, Automobiles, Bank Account, Customer
A class contains state and behavior
State (Member Variables)
Variables defined inside the class
Not exposed to external world
Behavior (Member Methods)
Functions defined inside the class
Behavior exhibited by the class to external world
Exposed to external world
An object is an instance of a class

Example: Objects and Classes
Class Student
Methods in Java

The syntax of writing methods in Java is similar to that of
functions in C
Unlike C
All methods in Java should be written inside a class
There is no default return type for a Java method

Example method

public static int addNums(int num1, int num2)
int answer = num1 + num2;
return answer;

Arrays in Java
In Java, all arrays are created dynamically using the keyword
The operator new is used for dynamic memory allocation
The following statement creates an array of 5 integers

The above statement returns a reference to the newly created
References in Java are very similar to pointers in C
An array can be initialized while it is created as follows
new int[5]
int [] x = {1, 2, 3, 4};
char [] c = {a, b, c};
Length of an Array
Unlike C, Java checks the boundary of an array while accessing
an element in it
Java will not allow the programmer to exceed its boundary
If x is a reference to an array, x.length will give you the length
of the array
The for loops can be set up as follows
for(int i = 0; i < x.length; ++i){
x[i] = 5;
Multidimensional Arrays

Multidimensional arrays are arrays of arrays.
To declare a multidimensional array variable, specify each
additional index using another set of square brackets.

int [][] x;
//x is a reference to an array of int arrays
x = new int[3][4];
/*Create 3 new int arrays, each having 4 elements

3 Rows and 4 Columns
Reference variables in Java

Reference variables are used in Java to store the references of
the objects created by the operator new
Any one of the following syntax can be used to create a
reference to an int array

The reference x can be used for referring to any int array

int x[];
int [] x;
//Declare a reference to an int array
int [] x;
//Create a new int array and make x refer to it
x = new int[5];
The following statement also creates a new int array and
assigns its reference to x

In simple terms, reference can be seen as the name of the
A reference type can be assigned null to show that it is not
referring to any object
null is a keyword in Java

int [] x = new int[5];
int [] x = null;
Pointers References
Printing a pointer will print the address
stored in it

Printing a reference will NOT print the
address of the object referred by it

Pointer arithmetic like incrementing a
pointer is valid in the case of a pointer

We cannot use arithmetic operators on

A pointer has to be de-referenced
using the * operator to get the value
pointed by it

A reference is automatically de-
referenced to give the data referred by
it and no special operator is required
for this

Even though we can think of Java references as C pointers,
their usages are different

A constructor is a special method that is called to create a
new object

It is not mandatory for the coder to write a constructor for the
It can be seen as a readily available, implicit method in every
The constructor initializes the data members of an object to
some default values.
Note that local variables of a method are not initialized
automatically and using a variable that is not initialized will
result in a compilation error in the program.

PolicyHolder policyHolder = new PolicyHolder();
Calling the
A constructor method
will have the same name as that of the class
will not have any return type, not even void

public class PolicyHolder{
//Data Members
public PolicyHolder(){
bonus = 100;
//Other Methods
User defined
PolicyHolder policyHolder = new PolicyHolder();
//policyHolder.bonus is initialized to 100
Method Overloading
Two or more methods in a Java class can have the same name,
if their argument lists are different
Argument list could differ in
No of parameters
Data type of parameters
Sequence of parameters
This feature is known as Method Overloading

void print(int i){
void print(double d){
void print(char c){
void add (int a, int b)
void add (int a, float b)
void add (float a, int b)
void add (int a, int b, float c)

void add (int a, float b)
int add (int a, float b)
Not Overloaded
Just like other methods, constructors also can be overloaded
The constructor without any parameter is called a default
When the programmer wants to create a new class that needs
all the properties of an existing class with some more extra
features, the new class need not be programmed from the
scratch. Instead the new class can be inherited from the old
class using the keyword extends. The programmer needs to
add only the additional features needed by the new class.
Inheritance leads to code re-usability.

The keyword extends is used in Java to inherit a sub class from
a super class

public class TermInsurancePolicy extends Policy{
//Data Members and Methods
Super Class
Abstract Class
A method without a body is known as an abstract method and
qualified by the keyword abstract

A class that has at least one abstract method is known as an
abstract class and should be qualified using the keyword
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
They are used as base classes for other classes
Subclasses that extend an abstract class need to provide
implementation of all the abstract methods of the base class
or declare the subclass also as abstract
The following cannot be abstract
Static methods
Private methods

public abstract double getBenefit();
public class TermInsurancePolicy extends Policy{
//Other Data and Methods
public double getBenefit(){
//Code goes here
public abstract class Policy{
//Other Data and Methods
public abstract double getBenefit();
public class EndowmentPolicy extends Policy{
//Other Data and Methods
public double getBenefit(){
//Code goes here
Multiple Inheritances is not permitted in JAVA so comes a
concept called INTERFACE that is a class can extend one class
and implement an interface at the same time
An interface cannot have concrete methods in it nor can it
have member variables
A data members declared in an interface are implicitly
public, final and static and hence become constants

interface Editor{
public void edit();
//ProgramEditor is an Editor
interface ProgramEditor extends Editor{
public void highlightKeywords();
Unlike classes, an interface can be extended from more than one interface

interface Editor{
public void edit();
interface Painter{
public void draw();
interface EditorWithPainter extends Editor, Painter{
public void wrapTextAroundPicture();
Abstract Classes Vs Interfaces
Abstract Classes


Can have concrete methods

Can have only abstract methods

Can have variables

Can have only static final (constant)
data members

Can have private and protected

All members are public by default

Can be extended from one class

Can be extended from any number of

A class can extend only one abstract

A class can implement any number of


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