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Skill, Scale and Speed

A Self Inquiry Into the Economic Prescriptions of the PM-Part

(Achtung ! Slides are slightly crowded ! )

V.I.G.Menon, Vyloppilly.
Model For PMSS Production Economy

PMSS Culture
And aspirations
PMSS Processor
Of Resources

More Organised
Values through gfbc*

It is convenient to visualise products/services as Vehicles of PMSS Values
gfbc = greener,faster,better,cheaper
* PMSS =Physical,Mental (Intellectual/Emotional),Social,Spiritual

PMSS energy
PMSS Knowledge
PMSS Culture/
Higher Levels of
PMSS energy
Any National Economy works to meet the market Demand for PMSS Values by
Converting The natural Resource base into Products of Higher PMSS Value
using PMSS Energy based Resource Processors and knowledge and aspirations dictated
by the Prevailing PMSS Culture
Recall Learning Point in Part II
The Energetics Of Production
This conversion of lower order less
useful inputs into higher order more
useful products or services requires
PMSS energy.
* PMSS =Physical,Mental (Intellectual/Emotional),Social,Spiritual

Types of Energy Requirement
1.Fundamental energy derived from nature makes machines work
2.The Physical energy, of the people , as mere calories ,help
transferring, moving ,the materials (or code pieces by pressing key tabs)
across work stations.
3.The Intellectual/emotional energy using which people design the
production /cultural/governance process such as a sequence of heating,
hammering, forging and so on or decide the work flow.In a software process
or in government.
4.The Social energy
4a. The Social energy of leadership of entrepreneurs to Organise individuals across
the organisation to run a production/service system and earn profits for the organisation.
4b.The Social Energy of the Leadership of the Nation organises human behaviour
so that the cross-organisation or cross- people or people-Organisation transactions can be
errorfree and so conflict free ! Remember Error is Terror
5. Finally the Spiritual Energy ,make people understand the value of values
such as ;dharma/righteousness,duty,prayer for welfare of all or the self ,so on for
harmonious growth of all ..
Understanding Energy Types
1.Fundamental Energy (of
These exist in two forms (1) Potental Energy Such as
the energy of water stored in a dam,fuel in a tank or
electricity stored in a battery and (2) Kinetic Energy
that is,energy in action.
We convert potential energy into kinetic energy for
usage and for doing work.Stored Potential energy is
always likely to fail,even creating a threat,if not
secured well (thus dam may burst,fuel tank may
catch fire,battery may get shorted)
We also convert the kinetic energy (of the panch bhoothas
such as of flowing water,or flux of sunlight,or flow of wind )into
(stored )
potential energy for later use in our work.
As the school text book says,Natural Energy ,whether
Potential or Kinetic,manifest as Nuclear ,Chemical
,Mechanical ,Electrical Energy,Sound,Heat and other
similar forms .

Economy And Natural Energy
A Nations Economy also inter
converts forms of energy for ease
of use ,transmission etc.Thus a Hydro Electric project
converts the Potential Mechanical Energy of Water into Electrical energy
which can be transmitted or converts the Chemical energy of fuel/fire wood
into heat energy for motoring or cooking etc.
Production Process
All production Processes use one or
other forms of natural energy to
transform or convert the raw material
into products.
Thus heat is used to produce kerosene, petrol etc by
distillation of crude..these products are potential energy
A forging hammer uses mechanical energy to shape a metal
block into say a sppon or a car part.

Order and Potential energy
A tall multi storeyed building is constructed by materials
such as sand,iron,cement wood,which were on the earth as
sand, iron ore, limestone,felled trees,but now the building
made of these contains enormous Gravitational Potential
Energy due to its heavy mass and height.
And therefore it has high Potential energy,which may be released
by sufficiently high disturbances to its structure, leading to
collapse/failure , as we have seen often.
This potential failure is a possibility in nature as well as in
manmade products,services,organisation ,even to the the
entire civilisation
Learning point 2
Learning point 2: As civilisation
progresses,it is adding higher and higher order
in its structure ,and hence higher and higher
potential energy ,which can make the PMSS
Products/ Services ,Government or the entire
Civilisation fail unexpectedly*
Sub Learning point :Enormous
preventive action should be built in the production
economy and the Governance itself to thwart any
unexpected failures.
(*That is why we see everyday news on accidents
and errors in road, rail,air,factory, defence,
communication ,national security and so on,including
* PMSS =Physical,Mental (Intellectual/Emotional),Social,Spiritual

If Economy Is About producing WealthWhat is
(PMSS ) Wealth ?
Organised Information for Goal attainment is Knowledge
Organised Group Of Codes is a Software (Mental/Intellectual)
Organised Group Of People is a Team (Social)
Organised Structure Of Brick & Mortar is Building (Physical)
Organised Belief/faith on universal consciousness is Religion
Organised Entitlement of Land/Physicals is Wealth (Physical)
Organised Application of PMSS skill set is Talent (PMSS)
Organised Attainment of Goals is Capability.(P/M/S/S)
Organised Assimilation Of Knowledge is Education (Mental)
Organised Set Of Guidance and Evidence for
Goal Attainment is Administrative System(Social)
Orgainised Token Of Social Reward/Value is Money (Social)
Organised Attainment Of Social Recognition is Status(Social)
and so on and so forth.
(Contd in Slide IV)

Wealth Is Organisation

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