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AltaGas Ltd.

(ALA) - Financial and

Strategic SWOT Analysis Review
Comany !ro"les and Con#erences
AltaGas Ltd. (ALA) - Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis
Review provides you an in-dept strategic SWOT analysis o!
te co"pany#s $usinesses and operations. Te pro%le as
$een co"piled $y Glo$al&ata to $ring to you a clear and an
un$iased view o! te co"pany#s 'ey strengts and
wea'nesses and te potential opportunities and treats.
Te pro%le elps you !or"ulate strategies tat aug"ent
your $usiness $y ena$ling you to understand your partners(
custo"ers and co"petitors $etter.
T$e ro"le contains critical comany in#ormation
'%siness descrition ) A detailed description o! te
co"pany#s operations and $usiness divisions.
Cororate strategy ) Analyst#s su""ari*ation o! te
co"pany#s $usiness strategy.
+o$ ,-.-//0012343 5 -.-//0141...
SWOT Analysis ) A detailed analysis o! te co"pany#s
strengts( wea'ness( opportunities and treats.
Comany $istory ) 6rogression o! 'ey events
associated wit te co"pany.
(a)or rod%cts and services ) A list o! "a7or
products( services and $rands o! te co"pany.
*ey cometitors ) A list o! 'ey co"petitors to te
*ey emloyees ) A list o! te 'ey e8ecutives o! te
+,ec%tive -iogra$ies ) A $rie! su""ary o! te
e8ecutives# e"ploy"ent istory.
*ey oerational $eads ) A list o! personnel eading
'ey depart"ents5!unctions.
+o$ ,-.-//0012343 5 -.-//0141...
AltaGas Ltd. (AltaGas) is an energy in!rastructure
$usiness. 9t underta'es activities related to e8traction(
trans"ission( distri$ution and storage o! natural gas
troug its su$sidiaries. 9t conducts $usiness activities
troug tree units suc as Gas( 6ower and :tilities.
AltaGas is involved in te generation o! electricity
utili*ing diverse !uel sources( suc as wind( run-o!-river
ydro( geoter"al and gas-%red generation plants. 9n Gas
$usiness( it gaters( processes( transports( stores and
"ar'ets natural gas and natural gas li;uids( wit capacity
o! / <c! per day in =anada. :nder utilities( it owns and
operates utilities to serve nearly 223(333 custo"ers
across >ort A"erica.
+o$ ,-.-//0012343 5 -.-//0141...
Section / - A-o%t t$e Comany
AltaGas Ltd. - ?ey Facts
AltaGas Ltd. - ?ey @"ployees
Section 0 1 Comany Analysis
AltaGas Ltd. - <usiness &escription
AltaGas Ltd. - =orporate Strategy
Section 2 1 Comany Financial Ratios
Financial Ratios - =apital +ar'et Ratios
Financial Ratios - Annual Ratios
(o- 34/4002256787 9
Tere are ti"es wen you "ay not %nd te co"pany
pro%le o! your coice in our data$ase. 9! tat is te case
ten you "ust go !or custo"i*ed researc. Our
"ulti!arious capa$ilities( cross-sector e8pertise and
detailed 'nowledge o! various "ar'ets( put us at a uni;ue
position to ta'e up =usto" Researc de"ands o! te
We provide te speci%cations o! te custo" researc 7o$
to a dedicated tea" co"prising o! researcers( analysts
and industry e8perts( wo ave close e8perience and
understanding o! glo$al "ar'ets( co"petitive landscapes(
various $usiness "odels( "ar'et sares( drivers(
restraints and $enc"ar's. Te =usto" Researc is igly
insigt!ul and actiona$le.
+o$ ,-.-//0012343 5 -.-//0141...
=ontact :s B
+o$ B ,-.-//0012343 5 -.-//0141...
Fa8B ,-. // /1C.311C
Email id :"panypro%lesandcon!"

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