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In groups, devise and carry out

spelling activity for an esl

primary classroom.
Specify the year of class and
level of proficiency.

Prepared by :
Nurul Atiqah Faizulzaman
Nor Atasha Normi
Nur Atika Md Ros
Level : Year 3, intermediate.
Form a circle with the children. Teacher joins the circle too.
Teacher walks into the center of the circle and says a word.
Then teacher spells each letter while touching or pointing to
each student in turn. Go clockwise or counter clockwise but
stick to your pattern.
The last letter of the word falls on a student who then must be
pulled into the middle and the teacher takes that student's
place in the circle.
Kids will play this for an hour. They love it. Older children invent
variations and teacher can use whole language if the group is
Whole expressions like "I love you" or "Give me a kiss" make
everybody laugh.

Level : Year 3, intermediate.
The teacher gives a word and asks a student to spell it,
and then a second student should say a word beginning
with the last letter of the word given.
The game continues until someone makes a mistake,
that is, to pronounce the word incorrectly, misspell it or
come up with a word that has been said already, then
he/she is out. The last one remaining in the game is the
This game can be made difficult by limiting the words to
a certain category, e.g.. food, tools, or nouns, verbs, etc.


Level: Year 3, intermediate.

First, if you have a large class you have to divide it in 2
Then the teacher says a word or a sentence depending
on the level for the students to spell.
Students should spell these correctly with not even one
The team that has more points is the winner

Spelling Train
Level : upper primary,
Read a spelling word aloud
and have the pupils write it
Using the last letter in that
word, pupils must write
another word by beginning
by the last letter.
They continue the train
using the letter of the
You can put a certain limit
on how many words they
can create.

Cat Tan Nap
Spelling Race
Year 2-6, intermediate.
Divide the class into two teams.
On the board, write Team 1 and Team 2 or the names
of the teams.
One person from each team goes to the board with
chalk in hand.
The teacher reads a spelling word, the two students
must write the word on the board.
The first person to finish spelling the word first gets a
point for their team.
The team with the most points wins.

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