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Bobi Wijaya 08310044
What is Alzheimer's disease?
Alzheimer's disease is
the most common orm
odementia,a serio"s
brain disorder that
im#acts daily li$in%
thro"%h memory loss and
co%niti$e chan%es&

Chemical and str"ct"ral chan%es in the brain

slo'ly destroy the ability to create( remember(
learn( reason( and relate to others&As critical
cells die( drastic #ersonality loss occ"rs and
body systems ail&
What else can cause Alzheimer's symptoms?

entral ner!ous system an" other

"e#enerati!e "isor"er

Meta$olic ailments

Su$stance in"uce" con"itions

%sycholo#ical &actors

Si%ns and sym#toms o Alzheimer's

most #eo#le o$er )* e+#erience some le$el o


the brain shrin,s(

chan%es in #rocessin% s#eed( attention( and

short term memory

-re."ently or%et entire con$ersations

E+#erience ra#id mood s'in%s( rom tears to

ra%e( or no discernible reason
Sta%es o Alzheimer's disease
3 Stages of Alzheimer's disease
Description Duration Characteristics
Mild/Early 2-4yrs Frequent recent memory loss, particularly of recent conversations and
events. Repeated questions, some problems expressin and
understandin lanuae. Mild coordination problems! "ritin and usin
ob#ects becomes difficult. $epression and apat%y can occur,
accompanied by mood s"ins. &eed reminders for daily activities, and
may %ave difficulty drivin.
Moderate/Middle 2-'( yrs )an no loner cover up problems. *ervasive and persistent memory loss,
includin foretfulness about personal %istory and inability to reconi+e
friends and family. Ramblin speec%, unusual reasonin, and confusion
about current events, time, and place.More li,ely to become lost in
familiar settins, experience sleep disturbances, and c%anes in mood
and be%avior, "%ic% can be aravated by stress and c%ane. May
experience delusions, aression, and unin%ibited be%avior. Mobility and
coordination is affected by slo"ness, riidity, and tremors. &eed
structure, reminders, and assistance "it% t%e activities of daily livin.
-evere/.ate '-/0 yrs )onfused about past and present. .oss of ability to remember,
communicate, or process information. 1enerally incapacitated "it%
severe to total loss of verbal s,ills. 2nable to care for self. Falls possible
and immobility li,ely. *roblems "it% s"allo"in, incontinence, and
illness. Extreme problems "it% mood, be%avior, %allucinations, and
delirium. 3n t%is stae, t%e person "ill need round t%e cloc, intensive
support and care.
/ana%ement alzhaimer

/a,e s"re the Alzheimer's #atient %ets #lenty o

e+erciseand mo$ement

0eass"re the #erson i they a##ear disoriented

1isorientation can be a res"lt o medication side2

e3ects( dr"% interactions

0emo$e or #re$ent access to "nsae s"bstances(

s"ch as cleanin% #rod"cts( alcohol( and medications

1on't conront the #erson or try to disc"ss the

an%ry beha$ior

1istract the #erson to a more #leas"rable to#ic or

than, yo"

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