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Part 1

Material of Construction
1.1 Acronyms:
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASTM American Society of Testing Materials
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
USCS Unified Soil Classification System
A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
1.2 Standard Tests
AASHTO Classifies inorganic soils for suitability as sub
grade materials in terms of good drainage and bearing
A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
Defines particle sizes as:
a. Boulders above 75mm
b. Gravel 75mm to No. 10 Sieve
c. Coarse Sand No. 10 to No. 40 Sieve
d. Fine Sand No. 40 to No. 200 Sieve
e. Silt Clay Particles passing no. 200 Sieve
1.2 Standard Tests

ATTERBERG LIMITS tests performed on soils passing the no. 40
sieve (Fine Sand)
a. Liquid Limit (LL) moisture content at which a soil changes
from liquid state to the plastic state.
b. Plastic Limit (PL) the water content at which a silt clay
material will just begin to crumble when rolled into a tread.
c. Plasticity Index (PI) defined as the liquid limit minus the
plastic limit .

A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
1.3 Fill Materials
a. Fill Materials
- Soil, crushed stone, and sand used to raise and
existing grade, or as a man-made deposit, generally
used under spread footings, pavers, or concrete slabs
on grade.
A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
1.3 Fill Materials
b. Granular Fill or Filters

A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
1.3 Fill Materials
c. Borrow Fill

A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
Soil materials
suitable as fill
or subgrade.
1.3 Fill Materials
d. Base Course Materials
A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
Eskumbro - Earthfill
Tagalog time:
1.4 Riprap (Rock Lining)

A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
A constructed
layer or facing a
stone, placed to
prevent erosion,
scourging or
sloughing of a
structure or
1.5 Gabion Systems

A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
riprap consisting
of mats or baskets
fabricated from
the wire mesh,
filled with small
riprap and
anchored to a
1.6 Geosynthetic

A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
Construction materials consisting of synthetic components
made for use with or within earth materials.
Earth materials plus synthetics

A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
Are for silt fence
applications. They
serve the purpose of
filtering runoff, the
mechanism by which
they function is
different than
subsurface drainage
or erosion control

A. Siteworks
A. 1. Earthworks
Usually sheet or
edge drains
consisting of a
prefabricated core
to which a
geotextile is
Two types:
1. Physical barriers
2. Chemical Barrier

A. Siteworks
A. 2. Termite Proofing
3.1 Subgrade and Base Course Materials
A. Siteworks
A. 3. Roads and Parking
3.2 Surface Paving Materials
a. Hot Mix Asphalt or Asphaltic
- a dark brown to black
cementite's material, solid or
semi-solid, composed of bitumen
which occur in nature but are
obtained artificially in petroleum
and which when mixed with
graded aggregates is used as
paving material by placing,
shaping and compacting while
hot over a prepared base.
A. Siteworks
A. 3. Roads and Parking
3.2 Surface Paving Materials
b. Cold Mix Asphalt or
Asphaltic Concrete
- prepared with
relatively light and slow
curing asphalt, placed over a
surface without heat, hardens
to a state that is less firm and
durable than hot mix.
A. Siteworks
A. 3. Roads and Parking
3.2 Surface Paving Materials
c. Asphalt Macadam
- formed by grading
and compacting layers of
crushed stone or gravel, then
binding the top layer with
asphalt to stabilize the stone
provided a smoother surface
and seal against water
A. Siteworks
A. 3. Roads and Parking
3.2 Surface Paving Materials
d. Asphalt Overlay
- when one or more
courses or layers of asphalt
levelling course made of an
asphalt and aggregate
mixture of variable thickness
to correct the contour of
existing surface, are placed
on existing pavement.
A. Siteworks
A. 3. Roads and Parking

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