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1 Introduction to
Quadratic Functions
Objectives: Define, identify, and graph quadratic
Multiply linear binomials to produce a quadratic
Standard: !.".11.#. $se equations to represent cur%es.
c bx ax x f + + =
) (
&he 'tandard Form of a Quadratic Function is(
)* quadratic function is any function that can be
+ritten in the form f(x), ax
- bx - c, +here a . /.0
I. Quadratic function is any function that
can be +ritten in the form f(x), ax
- bx - c,
+here a . /.
List a, b & c
FOIL First Outer Inner Last
Ex 1. Let f(x) = !x 1"#x $ %". S&o' t&at f
re(resents a )uadratic function. Identif* a, b, and
c '&en t&e function is 'ritten in t&e for+
f(x) = ax
$ bx $ c.
Ex !. Let f(x) = !x %"x , !". S&o' t&at f
re(resents a )uadratic function. Identif* a,
b, and c '&en t&e function is 'ritten in t&e
for+ f(x) = ax
$ bx $ c.
List a, b & c
S&o' t&at eac& function is a )uadratic
function b* 'ritin- it in t&e for+
f(x) = ax
$ bx $ c. List a, b & c.
1. f)0 , ) 10 ) - "0
!. g)0 , )2 0 )3 - 0
1. g)0 , 4) !0 ) - 50
2. f)0 , 1) !0 ) - 10
5. g)0 , !) - 50
5. f)0 , ) 20 ) - 20

II. &he graph of a quadratic function is called a (arabo.a.

#ach parabola has an axis of s*++etr*, a line that di%ides the parabola
into t+o parts that are mirror images of each other.

&he vertex of a (arabo.a is either the lo+est point on the graph or the
highest point on the graph.

#ample 1
#ample !

Ex !. Identif* '&et&er f(x) = ,!x

, /x $ 1 &as a
+axi+u+ va.ue or a +ini+u+ va.ue at t&e vertex.
0&en -ive t&e a((roxi+ate coordinates of t&e

First, -ra(& t&e function:

1ext, find t&e maximum va.ue of t&e (arabo.a !


Fina..*, +ax,1, #".

III. 2ini+u+ and 2axi+u+

6et f(x) , ax
- bx - c, +here a . /. &he
graph of f is a parabola.

If a 4 5, the parabola o(ens u( and the

%erte is the lo+est point. &he y4coordinate
of the %erte is the +ini+u+ va.ue of f.

If a 6 5, the parabola o(ens do'n and the

%erte is the highest point. &he y4
coordinate of the %erte is the +axi+u+
va.ue of f.

Ex 1. State '&et&er t&e (arabo.a o(ens u( or

do'n and '&et&er t&e *,coordinate of t&e vertex is
t&e +ini+u+ va.ue or t&e +axi+u+ va.ue of t&e
function. 0&en c&ec7 b* -ra(&in- it in *our 8 =
button on *our Remember: f(x) means
the same thing as y!
a. f(x) = x
+ x 6
b. g(x) = 5 + 4x x

c. f(x) = 2x
- 5x + 2
. g(x) = ! - 6x - 2x
7pens up, has minimum %alue
7pens do+n, has maimum %alue
7pens up, has minimum %alue
7pens do+n, has maimum %alue
8riting *cti%ities

1. a. 9i%e an eample of a quadratic

function that has a maimum %alue. :o+
do you ;no+ that it has a maimum<

1. b. 9i%e an eample of a quadratic

function that has a minimum %alue. :o+ do
you ;no+ that it has a minimum<
Inte-rated :.-ebra II, Section %.1 Leve. :
9onors :.-ebra II, Section %.1 Leve. ;

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