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In this exposition we are going to explain the different uses of get:
Get is used:
1. Get alone
2. Get + noun/pronoun (object)
3. Get + adjective
4. Get + place
5. Expressions with get
6. Phrasal verbs / get + a particle preposition
7. Get + past participle
8. Passive causative
9. Colloquial usage

Meaning: To obtain, catch or receive

Base Form: Get

Past Simple: Got

Past Participle: Got/Gotten

3rd Person Singular: Gets

Present Participle/Gerund: Getting


Examples in all the tenses

In simples tenses
Simple present: I get my ticket.
Simple past: I got my ticket.
Simple future: I will get my ticket OR I am going to get the ticket.

In perfect tenses

Present Perfect: I have gotten my ticket .
Past perfect: I had gotten my ticket.
Future perfect: I will have gotten my ticket.

In progressive/ continuous tenses

Present progressive: I am getting my ticket.
Past progressive: I was getting my ticket.
Future progressive: I will be getting my ticket.

In perfect progressives / present continuous tenses

Present perfect progressive: I have been getting my ticket.
Past perfect progressive I had been getting my ticket.
Future perfect progressive: I will have been getting my ticket.

When get is followed by a direct object, it usually means 'receive', 'fetch', 'obtain', 'earn' or
something similar.

I have got an invitation to their party.
I will buy a car if I get my rise.
Get can have two objects.

Can you get me a coffee?
Let me get you a drink.
When get is followed by an adjective, it usually means 'become'.
Get ready to leave in five seconds.
When I get nervous, I get angry.

The structure get + object + adjective is also possible. It usually describes situations
where we want someone else to do something for us.

Can you get the children ready for school?
We can make a site or something that replace such words here or there.

I get home by 3 o'clock.
I get to the office.
I'll get to London in About Two Hours.
I'll get there in About Two Hours.

Note: we usually use "to" after get, less home that is a special word.

Get sick = enfermarse (tambin get a cold, a flu etc)
I dont feel well. I think I might be getting sick.
If you go out with wet hair, youll get a cold.

Get worse = empeorar
If the economy gets worse, people are going to lose trust in the government.

Get into something = interesarse por algn tema

He got into jazz music when he lived in Chicago.
Even though my father loved it, I never really got into baseball.
Get around to doing something = encontrar tiempo para Hacer algo

Ill go pick up the dry cleaning if I get around to it, but I dont have much time.

I never got around to reading that article. Was it interesting?

Get on with something = seguir con algo despus de una pausa

Lets get on with the meeting. Weve got work to do!

Get drunk = emborracharse

He got drunk at the party and couldnt drive home.
get about - (a) divulgarse, correr un rumor (b) caminar, moverse, viajar
It got about that Charlie has proposed to Angela.
Se corri el rumor de que Charlie le propuso matrimonio a ngela.
Why don't we get about the beach so we can see the sunset?
Por qu no caminamos por la playa as vemos la puesta del sol?
get above - volverse un engredo
Alan got above himself after being promoted to chief director.
Alan se volvi un engredo luego de haber sido nombrado director ejecutivo.
get across - (a) cruzar, comunicar (b) hacer entender
That door gets across my room and Jonathan's room.
Esa puerta comunica mi cuarto con el de Jonathan.
How can I get my message across if nobody listens to me?
Cmo hago entender mi mensaje si nadie me escucha?

get after - (a) perseguir (b) estar continuamente pidindole a alguien que haga algo o
estar continuamente dicindole cmo hacer algo
Paul's getting after Jimmy because they're playing hide-and-seek.
Paul est persiguiendo a Jimmy porque estn jugando a las escondidas.
Tony is always getting after me about how to solve my problems.
Tony se la pasa dicindome cmo solucionar mis problemas.
get ahead - tomar la delantera, progresar
Sally's really getting ahead in the investigation.
Sally realmente est progresando con la investigacin.
get along (with) llevarse bien, manejar una situacin
Sid doesn't want Bob to come, he doesn't get along with him.
Sid no quiere que Bob venga, no se lleva bien con l .
get around - (a) viajar a varios lugares diferentes (b) divulgar una noticia (c) evadir algo
(d) to hacer algo que has tenido intencin de hacer por mucho tiempo
I'd love to get around more, I always stay here for my holidays.
Me encantara viajar ms, siempre me quedo para las vacaciones.
I'd appreciate it if you don't get around that I broke up with John.
Te agradecera que no divulgaras que me separ de John .
I think we're getting around the problem of the lost money.
Me parece que estamos evadiendo el problema del dinero perdido.
Rachel finally got around to visiting her best friend after being a long time abroad.
Finalmente Rachel visit a su mejor amigo luego de haber estado mucho tiempo en el exterior.
get at (a) alcanzar, sobornar, meterse con alguien (b) descubrir informacin- especialmente la
verdad acerca de algo
Martha has changed her statement. I think she has been got at.
Martha ha cambiado su declaracin. Creo que ha sido sobornada.
The man was murdered because he got at really important information.
Asesinaron al hombre porque descubri informacin realmente importante.

get away - (a) irse, apartarse,tomarse unas vacaciones (b) salir, escaparse (c)from - comenzar a hablar
de algo diferente a lo que deberas estar hablando (d)with - lo lograr no ser criticado o castigado por algo
malo que hayas hecho
Her boss told her to get away for a couple of days and rest.
Su jefe le recomend que se tomara un par de das y descansara.
Don't try to get away from the subject, we're going to talk about it!No trates de cambiar de tema, vamos a
Jo thought he could get away with his lies, but this time he's been caught.
Jo pens que podra salirse con la suya, pero esta vez lo descubrieron.
get back - (a) recuperar, devolver, volver (b) at vengarse de alguien por algo (c)into - volver a hacer algo
luego de no hacerlo por un tiempo (d) to - devolver una llamada
If you are getting back early we could go to the movies.
Si vuelves temprano podramos ir al cine.
Clark got back at Bill for telling his mother he cut classes.
Clark se veng de Bill por contarle a su madre que falt a clase.
Two years after the accident, Jen was able to get back into her job.
Dos aos despus del accidente Jen pudo volver a su trabajo.

get behind - (a) retrasarse, quedarse atrs (b) apoyar
I got behind with the payment of the house, I need the money!
Me atras con la cuota de la casa, necesito el dinero!
get by - pasar, arreglrselas
Monica couldn't study much, buy she got by and passed the exam.
Monica no pudo estudiar mucho, pero se las arregl y aprob el examen.
get down - (a) escribir (b) deprimir (c) agacharse (d) on - pensar que alguien o algo est
mal y criticarlo por eso (e) to - ponerse a hacer algo seriamente y con mucho esfuerzo
Get the agreement down on paper so we can all sign it.
Escribe el acuerdo en una hoja para que todos podamos firmarlo.
get in - (a) llegar (b) entregar (c) entrar (d) on - involucrarse en una actividad que otra
gente ya est realizando generalmente sin ser invitado (e) with - congraciarse con
Let's go! The plane'll get in soon and Dan will wonder where we are.
Vmonos! El avin va a arribar pronto y Dan se va a preguntar dnde estamos.
get into - comenzar a estar interesado en algo o comenzar a estar involucrado en una
actividad, comenzar a tener un hbito o comportamiento en particular, involucrar a
alguien o involucrarse en una difcil situacin sin intencin
You won't believe it, but Jerry got into swimming last week.
No lo vas a creer, pero Jerry empez natacin la semana pasada.
get off - (a) dejar, librarse (b) aprender algo de memoria
Nina needs medical help to get off drugs.
Nina necesita ayuda mdica para dejar las drogas.

get on - (a) ponerse (b) llevarse bien (c) to - ponerse en contacto con
Get your boots on if you are going out, it's raining heavily.
Pnte las botas si vas a salir, est lloviendo mucho.
get out - (a) salir (b) poder decir algo especialmente cuando es difcil (c) of - pensar que
algo es til (d) of - librarse
Sally is so sad that she doesn't want to get out tonight.
Sally est tan triste que no quiere salir esta noche con nosotros.
get over - (a) superar (b) transmitir (c) with - acabar de una vez
Ben could get over his fear of flying and took a plane to Spain.
Ben pudo superar su miedo a volar y tom un avin a Espaa.
get rid of - deshacerse de, sacarse de encima
Jim should get rid of those awful friends of his. They're no good.
Jim debera deshacerse de esos amigos horribles que tiene. No sirven para nada.

get round - (a) convencer (b) divulgar informacin
I will call Elizabeth and get round her to come.
Yo llamo a Elizabeth y la convenzo de que venga.
get through - (a) aprobar (b) superar (c) terminar, aguantar (d) to - hacerle comprender
algo a alguien (e) to - pasar a otro nivel en una competencia
You must study if you want to get through tha Maths exam.
Tienes que estudiar si quieres aprobar el examen de matemtica.
get to - (a) estar (b) hacer enojar o hartar a alguien (c) comenzar a hacer algo
Where the telephone has got to? I need to make an important call.
Dnde est el telfono? Tengo que hacer una llamada importante.

get together - (a) controlar tus emociones as te calmas (b) poner en orden (c) reunirse
(d) comenzar una relacin romntica
Get yourself together or we will have to leave the bar.
Clmate o nos tendremos que ir del bar.
get up - (a) levantarse, ponerse de pie (b) disfrazarse (c) organizar (d) to - llegar a un
punto de algo que ests haciendo y detenerte ah
When I was in school, we had to get up if a teacher entered the classroom.
Cuando yo iba a la escuela nos tenamos que poner de pie si un profesor entraba al aula.

Get can be used with a past participle. This structure is often used to talk about things that we
do to ourselves. Common expressions are get married, get divorced, get engaged, get lost,
get dressed etc.

They are getting married in May.
I never get interviewed.
Get dressed in five minutes.
The structure get + object + past participle often has a passive meaning. It usually means
arrange for something to be done by somebody else.

We are getting the house painted.
I must get my hair cut.
We must get the roof repaired before monsoon sets in.
This structure may also describe situations where something is done to us.

I got my car stolen last night.
They got their roof blown off in the storm.
With a time expression, this structure refers to the completion of an activity.

You must get the job done before lunchtime.
Get those orders placed as soon as possible
Get and Have are used when it comes to a professional service that we provide (example: hair
cut, fix our car ..).

Note: when we managed to get used to lend us the service. "Have" is more formal than "get."
And finally, "get" is used to give commands (imperative) and when the action happens
unexpectedly, out of control of the person who happens)
Therefore the structure is:

Get / have + something + past participle (by someone)

Here I put some examples to make it look good:

-I went to the bank to have my check cashed. I went to the bank to pay the check . We do not
know for sure if finally had time to pay us.

-I got my car washed and the oil changed. I took my car wash and change the aceite.Aqu
you know for sure that we did both.

-Get your hair cut! Get a haircut. (imperative)

-I stood so close to the fire That I got my legs burnt. I stayed as close to the fire that
burned my legs. Beyond their control.

-After being late for work every day for two weeks, Billy had his pay reduced. After arriving
late every day for two weeks, he reduced the salaries Billy out of his control.

Gotta To have to (US) I gotta go it's late
Have got to To have to (US) I've got to hurry up!
To get down to business To begin working Tom arrived at 12 and
immediately got down to
To get together To meet Let's get together this weekend.
To get it together To improve one's performance Come on! Get it together, you
are playing horrible tennis.

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