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Done by:

Hassan Alanazi

Ibrahim Albawardi
Overview of Engineering
Patrick Yomba
Unmesh Srivastava

MSE 401
Research Assignment# 2

Supervised by: Dr. Mark Rajai

Overview of Engineering

Introduction and Definitions (Ibrahim)

Engineering Management Objectives (Hassan)

Engineering Management Careers (Patrick)

Business Activities on Engineering Management (Unmesh)

Introduction & Definitions
 What is Engineering Management?
 the blend of the management skills and engineering experience that guides
specialists in highly technical tasks

 Communication skills

 Academic degrees (location and standing)

 Academic concentrations

 American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM)

Objectives of Engineering
 Managing Workforce

 Strategic Plan
 Mission
 Vision
 Values

 Forecasting

 Organizing
Engineering Management &
 Courses:

Engineering Management MBA

Financial & Cost Analysis Accounting

Engineering Economics Economics & finance

Operational Research Operational Management

Engineering Management Careers

 Salaries
 $99,000 to $128,000

 Tasks and practices

 25 % Chief Operating Officer
 30% Plant Manager
 12 % Quality Assurance Engineer
 12% Training Executive/Management
 13% Group Manager
 8% Academic Professionals
Business Activities on
Engineering Management
 Accounting and Financial cost Analysis

 Marketing of Engineering Tech.

 Managerial science

 Manufacturing systems and production

Recommendations of

 Enhance online learning within the degree

 Design the program to match the current business trend

 Rapidly compare with other universities program for

 Include certification programs within EM:
 Project management
 Risk analysis
Thank you

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