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Business Plan

Purpose of a business plan 營運計劃目的
1. Provide clarity of thought and purpose
2. Introduce business model 介紹商業模

3. Introduce the company and the team
4. Attempts to persuade investors 嘗試去
5. Highlights risks and challenges 點出風
6. Serves as an entry points for further di
scussion 作為更進一步討論的切入點
Key elements of a plan 計劃的主要成份

1. Explain business model in simple terms 用簡單

2. Fit the plan to the company 公司與計劃契合
3. Be credible and informative 可信 & 有傳達力
4. Do your homework; know your market and com
petitors 作功課,了解市場和競爭者
5. Highlight risks and steps to overcome the risks
6. Execution risk as critical as market or technolo
gy risk 執行性風險和市場及技術風險同樣重要
Business plan contents 營運計劃內容

1. Executive summary 執行摘要

2. Company description 公司簡介
3. Product/services 產品 / 服務
4. Market analysis 市場分析
5. Marketing plan 市場行銷計劃
6. Operations plan 營運計劃
7. Financial plan 財務計劃
8. Management team 管理團隊
9. Exit strategy 退場策略
10.Risks 風險
Executive Summary 執行摘要

1. The most important section of the plan, often t

he only read section 是計劃書最重要的部分,通
2. Compact version of the big plan 此計劃的濃縮
3. Stick to hard facts; no room for exaggerated o
ptimism 著重於事實,無誇大及過度樂觀的空間
4. Limit to a concise summary; no more than a co
uple of pages 摘要要簡明,數頁即可
5. Summary is the prelude to further meetings 摘
Executive Summary(2) 執行摘要

Summary should answer questions: 摘要需回答


1. What sort of company is it? 這是那一類型的公

2. What’s the product/service and what’s special
? 產品 / 服務是什麼?有什麼特別?
3. Who are the managers? 經理人是誰?
4. How much money do you need? In what stage
s? What will it be used for? 需要多少資金?用
The company description 公司描述

1. A brief history of the company 公司簡史

2. How you started? What was the original idea?
3. Share your mistakes and what you learned; add
s credibility 分享錯讓及自錯誤中所學習到的,增
4. Share financials; actual vs. planned; if applicabl
e 如果可能,分享實際及計劃的財務目標
5. Should lead up to the discussion as to where yo
u intend to go from here 引導討論關於要將公司
Product/ Service 產品 / 服務

1. What is your value proposition? 提案中什麼是具有價值

2. How are you going to solve their problem better than
your competitor? Than what they are doing now? 如
3. Any patent protection possible? 是否有專利的保護?
4. Technology details; defensible? Unique? sustainable
competitiveness? 技術之細節;具防禦性?獨特性?持
5. Time to market? Ability to execute? 進入市場時間?執
6. What prevents someone else from doing it more chea
ply? 什麼優勢使得其他競爭者無法以更便宜的價格執行?
Market Analysis 市場分析

1. Who is your target market? 目標市場為何人?

2. Profile of the people? What is their behavior patt
ern? 這些客群之側寫?及其行為模式為何?
3. Any complementary products or services? 是否
4. How large is your market? Growth rates? 市場規
5. What are the trends in the market? 市場趨勢為何

6. How do you see the market evolving? 市場將如
Marketing Plan 行銷計劃

1. Detailed note on how you will convert large mark

et into revenue 詳細說明如何將廣大的市場轉為收

2. Provide different marketing tactics – cheapest to
most expensive 提出不同的行銷策略 – 由最便宜
3. Costs and strategy of acquiring customers 抓住
4. Sales and marketing strategies 銷售及行銷策略
5. Respect your competitors 考慮競爭者
6. Risks and unknowns 風險及未知數
7. Strategies for reducing risks 減低風險的策略
Operations Plan 營運計劃

1. The nuts and bolts – how will you make it? Ho

w will it be available to your customers? 具體細
節 – 如何達成?為何對客戶有效?
2. What’s involved in running the company 公司
3. Location, equipment needs 地點,需要的設備
4. Labor requirements 勞動力需求
5. Risks at different levels and how best to mitiga
te risks 不同程度的風險,何為最好的方法去減輕
風險 ?
Management Team 管理團隊

1. Provide the key members 提供主要人員

2. Relevance of past experience 過去的相關經驗
3. Start-up experience 起始經驗
4. Market creation experience 市場創造經驗
5. Team dynamics – very critical when more than
one founder 團隊發展 – 當超過一個創始人時,這
6. Clarity of roles 角色需清楚

Great team + mediocre plan > mediocre team + gre

at idea 好的團隊 + 二流計劃 > 二流團隊 + 一流計

Financial Plan 財務計劃

1. Detailed numbers not the key 詳細的數字不是

2. Assumptions very critical 假設條件非常重要
3. Key drivers of revenue 利潤的主要來源
4. Realistic projections 實際的預測
5. Exercise prudence 執行需謹慎
6. Benchmark your model 標竿化商業模式
7. Revenue estimate: bottoms-up 獲利預估
8. Expenses – past and/or industry average 費用
– 過去及一般業界水準
Exit Strategy 退場策略

1. Exit strategy for the investor; not necessa

rily the entrepreneur 對於投資者的退場策
2. Exit could be merger, acquisition, or IPO
退場可以是合併、併購或 IPO
3. Each strategy should be plausible and def
ensible 每個策略需是有道理的並且具防禦性

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