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Grid Generation

Structured grid-------- in FDM

a family of coordinate lines



Choose of O-grid and C-grid

sharp edge

Avoid skewed or distorted grid elements

depend on the flow problem

the principle is more grid points in the important region

Multi-block/multi-zonal approach

Overset/overlapping grids
(moving objects)
Frame 001 12 Dec 2006 | |










Unstructured grid ------ in FVM

(triangular, quadrilateral, prism, tetrahedra, hexahedra)
(more easier to generate, automatic, adaptive refinement)

Hybrid grid ----in FVM

Structured grid----- in FDM

complex geometry body-fitted grid----the generalized curvilinear coordinate
lines are used to describe this grid.

finite difference are difficult to use for curvilinear grid in x-y plane.
it is convenient to set finite difference in - plane .
PDE should be transformed into - plane and the FDE in - plane is calculated.

Jacobian and metrics of transformation

x=x(,), y=y(,) or =(x,y), =(x,y)

dx x
dy y

x d
y d

d x

y dx
y dy

d 1 y
d J y


x dx
x dy

J is called jacobian.

x,y,x,y etc. are called metrics.

PDEs transformed into -- space

NS eqs transformation
In x-y-t space, the conservative NS eqs is Ut+Fx+Gy=0
In -- space, a conservative form of NS eqs is also needed.
In -- space, U , F, G are functions of (,,),
using chain rule in differential calculus,

where U=JU, F=JUt+JFx+JGy, G=JUt+JFx+JGy

Grid quality

several requirements
1 One-to-one correspondence.
if J0, it is ok, if J=0, some errors exist in the grid.
2 Smooth.
the grid spacing step change slowly
3 Orthogonal or near-orthogonal.
the grid lines of two families (,) are perpendicular
or nearly perpendicular to each other
4 Enough grid points in the important region

Example . Considering the Ux at point (i),

Ui-1= Ui(Ux)ix2+0.5(Uxx)i(x2)2+

U i 1 U i 1
(U x )i 0.5(U xx )i ( x2 x1 )
x2 x1

U i 1 U i 1
(U x )i 0.5(U xx )i ( x2 x1 )
x2 x1
If x2=x1

2nd order

If x2 x1 1st order

0.5( U xx ) i ( x 2 x1 )

0.5( U xx ) i x1

Grid generation---Possion equation method

Considering the solution of a steady heat conduction problem in 2D

with Dirichlet B.C.,
the solution of this problem produces isotherms which are smooth
and are nonintersecting.
The number of isotherms in a given region can be increased by
adding a source term.
Hence, isotherms can be viewed as grid lines.
So we consider Poisson equations:

xx yy P ( , )

xx yy Q ( , )

( x px ) 2 x ( x qx ) 0
( y py ) 2 y ( y qy ) 0
x2 y2

x x y y

p J P /

q J Q /

x2 y2
J 1

( x, y )
x y x y
( , )

After the source terms p and q

are specified with some methods on the boundary and
interpolated into the inner domainwe can solve the equations
then the grid is obtained.
How to solve the above equations ?
One solution: Five-point formula and GS.

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