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Unit-V Psychrometry

Psychrometry & Psychrometry charts

Property calculation of air vapor mixtures
Sensible heating exchange processes
Latent heat exchange processes
Adiabatic mixing
Evaporative cooling

The psychrometry is the branch of engineering science, which deals
with the study of moist air i.e. dry air mixed with water vapor or
Psychrometry Terms
1.Dry air
Wet bulb depression
2.Moist air
Dew point temperature
3.Saturated air
Dew point depression
5.Degree of saturation
6.Absolute humidity
7.Relative humidity
8.Dry bulb temperature
9.Wet bulb temperature

1. Dry air
The dry air is a mixture of number of gases such as nitrogen,
oxygen, carbon-dioxide, hydrogen, argon, neon, helium etc.
But the nitrogen and oxygen have the major portion of the
The dry air is considered to have the composition as given in
the following table.
Composition of dry air
Constituent By Volume By mass
Nitrogen(N2) 78.03%
Oxygen (O2)
Argon (Ar)
Carbondioxide (CO2) 0.03%
Hydrogen (H2) 0.01%

The molecular mass of dry air is taken as 28.966 and gas

constant fro air (Ra) is equal to 0.287 kJ/kg K
2. Moist air
It is a mixture of dry air and water vapor.
The amount of water vapor, present in the air depends upon
the absolute pressure and temperature of the mixture.
3. Saturated air
It is a mixture of dry air and water vapor, when the air has
diffused the maximum amount of water vapor into it.
The water vapour, usually occur in the form of superheated
steam as an invisible gas.
However, when the saturated air is cooled, the water vapour in
the air starts condensing, and the same may be visible in the
form of moist, fog or condensation on cold surfaces.

4. Humidity (W)
It is the mass of water vapor present in 1 kg of dry air, and is
generally expressed in terms of gm per kg of dry air.
It is also called as specific humidity or humidity ratio.
5. Degree of saturation
It is the ratio of (mv/ma) / (mv/ma)s

The ratio of actual mass of water vapor in a unit mass of dry

air to the mass of water vapor in the same mass of dry air at
saturated condition.
6. Absolute Humidity
It is the mass of water vapor present in 1 m3 of dry air, and is
expressed in terms of gm per cubic metre of dry air.
7. Relative Humidity
It is the ratio of actual mass of water vapor in a given volume
of moist air to the mass of water vapor in the same volume of
saturated air at the same temperature and pressure

8. Dry bulb temperature

It is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when it
is not affected by the moisture present in the air
It is generally denoted as td or tdb.
9. Wet bulb temperature
It is the temperature of air recorded by the thermometer, when
its bulb is surrounded by a wet cloth exposed to the air.
It is generally denoted as tw or twb.
10. Wet bulb depression
It is the difference between dry bulb temperature and wet bulb
temperature at any point.
11. Dew point temperature
It is the temperature of air recorded by the thermometer, when
the moisture (water vapor) present in it begins to condense.
It is generally denoted as tdp.

12. Dew point depression

It is the difference between the dry bulb temperature and dew
point temperature of the air.
Psychrometric Relations
1. Humidity, specific or absolute humidity, humidity ratio or
moisture content (W)
It is the mass of water vapor present in 1 kg of dry air and is
generally expressed in kg/kg of dry air.
W = 0.622 X Pv / Pa

= 0.622 Pv / Pb-Pv
Pv = Partial pressure of water vapour

Pa = Partial pressure of dry air

Pb = Barometric pressure

For saturated air ( i.e. when the air is holding maximum amount of water
vapour), the humidity ratio or maximum specific humidity,
Ws = Wmax = 0.622 (Ps / Pb-Ps)
Ps = Partial pressure of air corresponding to
saturation temperature
2. Degree of saturation or percentage humidity ()
The degree of saturation is denoted by
It is defined as the ratio of specific humidity of the moist air to
the specific humidity of saturated air.
= W/Ws = (0.622Pv/Pb-Pv) / (0.622Ps/Pb-Ps)
= Pv/Ps [(pb-ps)/(pb-pv)


Relative Humidity
It is denoted by
= mv /ms
It is also defined as the ratio of partial pressure of water vapour in
moist air to the saturation pressure of water vapour.
= Pv /Ps
Also we know that degree of saturation,
= Pv/Ps [ (Pb-Ps) / (Pb-Pv) ]
= Pv/Ps [ (Pb-Ps) / (Pb- Ps]
= [ (Pb-Ps) / (Pb- Ps]
= / [ (Pb-Ps) / (Pb- Ps]
= X (Pb- Ps) / (Pb-Ps)
(Pb-Ps) = (Pb- Ps)


(Pb-Ps) = .Pb- Ps
.Pb = (Pb-Ps) + Ps
.Pb = [(Pb-Ps) +.Ps]
= .Pb / (Pb-Ps+.Ps)
= / [(Pb-Ps+ .Ps) / Pb]
= / [1-Ps/Pb+ .(Ps / Pb)]
= / [1-(1- )Ps / Pb]
Where Ps = Saturation pressure corresponding to dry bulb TC
Pressure of water vapour
According to Carriers equation, the partial pressure of water
Pv = Pw {[(Pb-Pw) (td-tw)] / [1544 1.44 tw]}
Pw = saturation pressure corresponding to wet bulb temperature.
Pb = barometric pressure

td = Dry bulb temperature

tw = Wet bulb temperature

Vapour density or absolute density

= W.Pa / Ra.Td
= W.(Pb Pv) / Ra.Td
where, Pb = Pa+Pv
Pa = Pressure of air in kN/m2
W = humidity ratio
Ra = gas constant for air = 0.287 kJ/kg K
Td = dry bulb temperature in K.

1) The atmospheric air has a dry bulb temperature of 21C and wet bulb
temperature of 18C. If the barometer reads 750mm of Hg, determine: 1. Partial
pressure of water vapour

2. Relative Humidity

3. Dew point temperature

Pv = Pw {[(Pb-Pw) (td-tw)] / [1544 1.44 tw]}
At 18C (wet bulb temperature), from steam tables
Pw = 0.02062 bar

= 0.02062 / 0.00133
where, 1mm of Hg = 0.00133 bar

= 15.5 mm of Hg.
Pv = Pw {[(Pb-Pw) (td-tw)] / [1544 1.44 tw]}

= 15.5 - {[(750-15.5) (21-18)] / [1544 1.44 (18)]}

= 14 mm of Hg
ii) =Pv/Ps
At 21C,

Ps = 0.02485 bar

Ps = 0.02485 / 0.00133 = 18.7 mm of Hg

iii) Dew point temperature
The dew point temperature has a saturation pressure equal to
the pressure of water vapor in the air.
From steam tables , at Pv = 14mm of Hg

= 14 * 0.00133

= 0.01862 bar
The corresponding temperature is
T T1
P P1

T2 T 1 P2 P1
T 16
0.01862 0.01817

17 16
0.01936 0.01817

T 16.378C

Enthalpy of Moist Air

The enthalpy of moist air is numerically equal to the enthalpy of
the dry air plus the enthalpy of water vapor associated with the
dry air.
Total enthalpy of moist air is given by
H = Cp.tdb + .hg
Cp = specific heat at constant pressure = 1.005 kJ/kg K
tdb = Dry bulb temperature
= specific humidity
hg = specific enthalpy of air corresponding to dry bulb

2) A sling psychrometer gives reading of 25C dry bulb

temperature and 15C wet bulb temperature. The barometer
indicates 760mm of Hg. Assuming partial pressures of the
vapor as 10mm of Hg. Determine ,
1) Specific humidity, and
2) Saturation ratio
3) Enthalpy of moist air
Data given : tdb = 25C, twb = 15C, Pb = 760mm,
Pv = 10mm of Hg
i) W = 0.622 Pv / Pb-Pv
= (0.622 * 10 ) / (760-10)
= 0.0083 kg/ kg of dry air

ii) = Pv/Ps [(pb-ps)/(pb-pv)

Ps corresponding to dry bulb temperature of 25C from steam
Ps = 0.03166 bar
= 0.03166 / 0.00133
= 23.8 mm of Hg
= 10/23.8 [(760-23.8)/(760-10)
= 0.412
iii) H = Cp.tdb + .hg
= 1.005 * 25 + 0.0083 * hg
Where, hg= 2547.3 (at 25C)
= 46.26 kJ/kg

3) A sleeve psychrometer reads 40C dry bulb temperature and 28C wet
bulb temperature. Assuming the barometric pressure as 1.013 bar,
determine: i) Humidity ratio, ii) Relative humidity, iii) Dew
point temperature and iv) Enthalpy of the mixture per kg of dry
Sol: td = 40C,
tw = 28C , Pb = 1.013 bar
Humidity ratio

W = 0.622 Pv / Pb-Pv

Pv = Pw {[(Pb-Pw) (td-tw)] / [1544 1.44 tw]}

Pw = 0.03778 bar at 28C

Pv=0.03778 [{(1.013-0.03778)(40-28)}/{1544-1.44*28}]

Pv = 0.03778 0.00778

Pv = 0.03 bar

W = 0.622 * 0.03 / (1.013-0.03)

W = 0.019 kg/kg of dry air.

ii) Relative Humidity

Where, Ps = 0.07375 bar at 40C
=0.407 or 40.7
iii) Dew Point Temperature
tdp = at 0.03 bar

= 24C
iv) Enthalpy of mixture per kg of dry air
From steam tables, at (tdp) 24C
hgdp = 2545.5 kJ/kg
Therefore, H = Cp.tdb + .hg

= 1.005 * 40 + 0.019 * 2545.5

= 88.4 kJ/kg of dry air

4) Atmospheric air at a pressure of 1 bar and 25C has a relative

humidity of 75%. Find
i) Partial pressure of water vapor and the air
ii) Specific Volume
iii) Dew point temperature
iv) Specific humidity
v) Degree of saturation
vi) Density of the mixtures
vii) Water vapor condensed per kg of dry air when the mixture
is cooled at constant pressure to a temperature of 10C.
Data: Pb = 1 bar,
td = 25C , = 75 %
Sol: Pv = Pw {[(Pb-Pw) (td-tw)] / [1544 1.44 tw]}
or, = Pv / Ps

Where, Ps (at 25C from steam tables),

Ps = 0.03166 bar
therefore, 0.75 = Pv / 0.03166
Pv = 0.023745 bar (Partial pressure of water vapor)
Pa = Pb Pv
= 1 0.023745
= 0.976 bar (Partial pressure of air)
ii) Specific Volume(air)
Pava = RaTa
va = Ra Ta / Pa
va = 0.287*(25+273) / (0.0976*100)
= 0.876 m3/kg
iii) Dew point temperature
From steam table for partial pressure of water vapor (Pv), the corresponding
temperature is obtained from interpolation

For, Pv = 0.023745 the corresponding T = 20C (P.N.2)

iv) Specific Humidity
W = 0.622 Pv / Pb-Pv
= 0.622 * 0.023745 / (1-0.023745)
= 0.0151kJ/kg of dry air
v) Degree of saturation
= Pv/Ps [(pb-ps)/(pb-pv)]
= 0.023745/0.03166 [(1-0.03166)/(1-0.023745)]
= 0.992
vi) Density of the air
a = 1 / v a
= 1/ 0.876
= 1.141 kg / m3

4) A sling psychrometer reads 40C DBT and 36C WBT. Find the humidity ratio,
relative humidity, dew point temperature, specific volume of air density of
air, density of water vapour and enthalpy.
Data: DBT = 40C & WBT = 36C
Humidity Ratio
W = 0.622 Pv / Pb-Pv
pb = 1.013 bar (assumed if not given)

Pv = Pw {[(Pb-Pw) (td-tw)] / [1544 1.44 tw]}

Pw = 0.05940 bar at WBT

Pv=0.05940 [{(1.013-0.05940)(40-36)}/{1544-1.44*36}]

Pv = 0.0568 bar

Now, W=0.622*0.0568/(1.013-0.0568)

= 0.037 kJ/kg of dry air

ii) Relative Humidity

= Pv / Ps
Ps at DBT from steam tables,
Ps = 0.07375 from p.n.2
= 0.0568 / 0.07375
= 0.77
iii) Dew point temperature
For Pv = 0.0568 the corresponding temperature is obtained from steam tables.
From saturated temperature table (p.n.2) lies in between 35C & 36C
By interpolation,
T-35 = 0.0568-0.05622
= 0.00058

iv) Specific volume of air (va)

P av a = R aT a
va = RaTa/Pa
Pa = Pb-Pv
= 1 - 0.0568
= 0.9432*100 kN/m2
va=0.287 * (td+273)
va = 0.96 m3/kg
v) Density of air
a = 1 / va
= 1/ 0.96
= 1.041 kg / m3

vi) Density of water vapor (v)

From steam table, corresponding to DBT,
the value of vg = 19.546 m3/kg
v =1 / vg
= 1/19.546
= 0.039 kg/m3
vii) Total Enthalpy
hg at DPT from steam tables,
hg = 2574.4 kJ/kg
h=1.005*40 + 0.037*2574.4

Psychrometric Chart

It is a graphical representation of the various

thermodynamic properties of moist air.

The psychrometric chart is very useful for finding out the

properties of air and eliminate lot of calculations.

The chart is normally drawn for standard atmospheric

pressure of 760mm of Hg. ( or 1.01325 bar)

It is a plot between the dry bulb temperature and specific


Though the chart has a number of details, the following lines

are important from the subject point of view.


Dry bulb temperature lines

Dry bulb temperature lines are vertical i.e. parallel to the

ordinate (Sp.Hum.) and uniformly spaced .
Generally the temperature range of these lines on
psychromeric chart is from -6C to 45C.


Specific Humidity or Moisture content lines

The Specific humidity lines are horizontal i.e. parallel to X

axis and are uniformly spaced.
Generally, moisture content range of these lines on
psychrometric chart is from 0 to 30 J/kg of dry air (or from 0
to 0.030 kJ/kg of dry air).

3. Dew Point Temperature



Dry Bulb Temperature, C

The dew point temperature lines are horizontal i.e. parallel

to the horizontal ordinate.
At any point on the saturation curve the dry bulb and dew
point temperatures are equal.

4. Wet Bulb temperature




Dry Bulb Temperature, C

The wet bulb temperature lines are inclined straight lines and nonuniformly spaced.
At any point on the saturation curve, the dry bulb temperature and
wet bulb temperature are equal.

5. Enthalpy (total heat) lines

The enthalpy lines are inclined straight lines and uniformly spaced.
These lines are parallel to wet bulb temperature lines, and are drawn
up to the saturation curve.
Some of these lines coincide with the wet bulb temperature lines
The values of total enthalpy are given on a scale above the
saturation curve.

6. Specific Volume Lines

The specific volume lines are obliquely inclined straight lines

and uniformly spaced.
These lines are drawn up to the saturation curve.
The values of volume lines are generally given at the base of
the chart.

7. Relative Humidity lines

The relative humidity lines are curved lines and follows the
saturation curve.
Generally, these lines are drawn with values 10%, 20%, 30% etc up
to 100%

1. Atmospheric air at 760mm of Hg barometric pressure has 25C dry bulb temperature
and 20C wet bulb temperature. By using psychrometric chart, determine: i) Relative
ii) Dew point temperature, iii) Humidity ratio, iv) Specific volume and v) Enthalpy.

i. Relative humidity

ii. Dew point temperature

J / kJ of dry air

iii) Humidity Ratio

iv) Specific Volume

V) Enthalpy

2) With the help of psychrometric chart, find: 1. dew point

temperature, 2. Enthalpy and 3. Vapor pressure of air having dry
bulb temperature 0f 30C and 50% relative humidity
Data: DBT, tdb = 30C
RH() = 50%
Sol: i) DPT



ii) Enthalpy

64.7 kJ/kg of air




iii) Vapor Pressure


16 mm of Hg



Psychometric Process
Sensible Cooling
Sensible Heating
Humidification and Dehumidification
Cooling and Dehumidification
Heating and Humidification
Adiabatic mixing of two air streams
i) Sensible Cooling(lowering the temperature)
The cooling of air without any change in its specific humidity, is
known as sensible cooling.
Let air at temperature td1 passes over a cooling coil of temperature td3,
as shown in Fig.(a)
From fig.b the temperature of air leaving the cooling coil t d2 will be
more than td3.

Cooling Coil


Air out

Air in


2 1


td3 td2 td1



W1,W2 = specific humidity

1, 2 = relative humidity

The process of sensible cooling, on the psychrometric chart, is shown by

a horizontal line1-2 extending from right to left.
The point 3 represents the surface temperature of the cooling coil.
The heat rejected by the air during sensible cooling may be obtained
from the chart by the enthalpy difference (h 1-h2).
It may be noted that the specific humidity during the sensible cooling
remains constant.(W1=W2)
The dry bulb reduces from t d1 to td2 and relative humidity increases from
1 to 2.
The amount of heat rejected during sensible cooling may be obtained
from the relation:
Heat rejected, h=h1-h2

= Cpa (td1-td2) + W.Cps (td1-td2)

= Cpa+W.Cps (td1-td2)

= Cpm (td1-td2)

The term (Cpa+W.CPs) is called humid specific heat (Cpm) and its value
is taken as 1.022kJ/kg K.
Therefore, heat rejected,
h = 1.022(td1-td2) kJ/kg
By Pass Factor:
Under ideal conditions, the dry bulb temperature of the air leaving the
apparatus (td2) should be equal to that of the cooling coil (t d3).
But it is not so due to the inefficiency of the cooling coil.
This phenomenon is known as By Pass Factor.
BPF = td2-td3

c = 1 BPF

= 1 - td2-td3

Where, c = coil efficiency


Td = 28C


1) Atmospheric air with dry bulb temperature of 28C and a wet

bulb temperature of 17C is cooled to 15C without changing
its moisture content. Find:
i) Original relative humidity
ii) Final relative humidity
iii) Final wet bulb temperature.
Data: td1 = 28C , tw1 = 17C and td2 = 15C
the intersection
of tw1 & td1
lies in between
[ 30% - 35%]






Here the relative humidity of td2 lies in between 70% - 75%







Here the relative humidity of td2 lies in between 70% - 75%

The value of tw2 lies in between 12C-13C

Sensible Heating
Heating Coil

Air in



1 2 3

td1 td2 td3




The heating of air, without any change in its specific humidity, is

known as sensible heating.
Let air at temperature td1 passes over a heating coil of
temperature td3 as shown in fig.a
A little consideration will show that the temperature of the air
leaving the heating coil td2 will be less than td3.
The process of sensible heating, on the psychrometric chart, is
shown by a horizontal line 1-2 extending from left to right as
shown in fig.b
The point 3 represents the surface temperature of the heating coil.
The heat absorbed by the air during sensible heating may be
obtained by the psychrometric chart by the enthalpy difference
(h2-h1) as shown in fig.b
It may be noted that the specific humidity during the sensible
heating remains constant (i.e. W1=W2)

The dry bulb temperature increases from td1 to td2 and

relative humidity reduces from 1 to 2 as shown in fig.b
The amount of heat added during sensible heating may also be
obtained from the relation:
Heat added, h = h2-h1

= Cpa(td2-td1) + W.Cps(td2-td1)

= Cpa +W.Cps (td2-td1)

= Cpm (td2-td1)
The term Cpm is called specific heat and its value is taken as
1.022 kJ/kg-K.
Therefore, Heat added, h=1.022(td2-td1) kJ/kg
BPF = td3-td2

c = 1 - td3-td2


h2- h1 = hfg(d) (W2-W1)
hfg(d) is the latent heat of vaporisation at dry bulb temperature.
The change in enthalpy per kg of dry air is the latent heat of
vaporisation of the increased moisture content equal to
(W2-W1) kg per kg of dry air.
Sensible Heat Factor:
The ratio of the Sensible heat = SH

Total heat
SH = Sensible heat,
LH = Latent heat

Cooling and Dehumidification

This process is summer air conditioning to cool and
dehumidify the air.





The process of cooling and dehumidification is shown by line 1-2

on the chart.
The air enters at condition 1 and leaves at condition2.
In this process, the dry bulb temperature of air decreases from td1 to
td2 (i.e.cooling) and specific humidity of air decreases from W1 to
W2(i.e. dehumidification).
The final relative humidity of the air is generally higher than that of
the entering air.
Actually the cooling and dehumidification process follows the path
as shown by the dotted curve.
But for the calculation of psychrometric properties only end points
are important.
Thus the cooling and dehumidification process shown by a line 1-2
may be assumed to have followed a path 1-A( sensible cooling) and

The total heat removed from the air during the cooling and
dehumidification process is
h= h1-h2

= (h1-hA) +(hA-h2)

= SH + LH
Where, SH = h1-hA = sensible heat removed, and

LH = hA-h2 = Latent heat removed due to

condensation of the vapour of the reduced moisture content
= h1-hA


Atmospheric air at 30C dry bulb temperature and 45% R.H. is

to be conditioned to 17C dry bulb temperature and 15C wet
bulb temperature. Find the amount of heat rejected by the air.
Also find the sensible heat factor of the process.
Data : tdb1=30C

= 45%

tdb2 = 17C

twb2 = 15C

h1-h2 = ?
SHF = ?
Sol: here tdb1 is less than tdb2 and SHF is asked, so the process is
considered as cooling and dehumidification.

i) h = h1-h2






= 19 kJ/kg of dry air

ii) SHF
=(h1-hA) / (h1-h2)
= 60-49 / 60-41
= 0.58
Heating & Humidification
This process is generally used in winter air conditioning to
warm and humidify the air.
The process of heating and humidification is shown by a line
1-2 on the chart.
The air enters at condition 1 and leaves at condition 2.










In this process, the dry temperature of air increases from td1 to

td2 (i.e. heating) and specific humidity of air increases from
W1 to W2.(i.e. humidification).
The final relative humidity of the air can be lower or higher
than that of the entering air.
The total heat added to the air during heating and
humidification is h = h2-h1

= (h2 hA) + (hA-h1)

= LH + SH

= hA-h1 / h2-h1
Moisture added to the air = W2 W1

Atmospheric air at a dry bulb temperature of 16C and 25%

relative humidity passes through a furnace and then through a
humidifier, in such a way that the final dry bulb temperature is
30C and 50% relative humidity. Find the heat and moisture added
to the air. Also determine the sensible heat factor of the process.

Ans : h1 = 23

hA = 37.5

h2 = 64.5

h = 41.5

W1 = 0.0028

W2 = 0.0134
SHF = 0.35

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