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Radiation Heat Transfer

Radiation Heat Transfer

Radiation differs from conduction and convection in that it
does not require the presence of a material medium to take
Radiation is most effective in vacuum

Radiation transfer occurs in solids as well as liquids and


Unlike conduction and convection, heat transfer by radiation

can takes place between two bodies even when they are
separated by a medium colder than both

Radiation Heat Transfer

Two theories explaining heat transfer by radiation

Maxwells Electromagnetic Wave Theory

Heat Transfer in the form of electromagnetic waves takes
place from a body when its temperature is above absolute
zero. All electromagnetic waves travel with the speed of
Max Plancks Quantum Theory
Propagation of radiation takes place in the form of discrete
quanta called photons, each photons having an energy of
h =Planck's constant = 6.625 x 10-34 J.S
f =frequency

Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic waves transport energy just like other waves
and they are characterized by their frequency(f) or wavelength
(). These two properties in a medium are related by

C =speed of light = 3 x 108 m/s
micrometers (10-6 m) or Angstrom (1Angstrom = 10-10 m)

Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses all of the
radiation wavelengths between the shortest waves of gamma
radiation at around 10-14 m to the longest radio waves at around
107 m with the infrared sector or the spectrum roughly in the

Thermal Radiation
Thermal radiation is continuously emitted by all matter whose
temperature is above absolute zero.
In heat transfer studies, we are interested in the energy emitted
by bodies because of their temperature only Therefore, we
limit our consideration to thermal radiation.

Thermal Radiation
The electrons, atoms, and molecules of all solids, liquids, and
gases above absolute zero temperature are constantly in
Radiation is constantly emitted, as well as being absorbed or
transmitted throughout the entire volume of matter. That is,
radiation is a volumetric phenomenon.
For opaque bodies, radiation is considered as a surface
phenomenon as the radiation emitted only by the surface
molecules at the surface can escape the solid


Different bodies may emit different amounts of radiation per unit
surface area.
A black body is an idealized body to serve as a standard against
which the radiative properties of real surfaces may be compared.
A blackbody emits the maximum amount of radiation by a surface
at a given temperature.
A blackbody is a perfect emitter and absorber of radiation.

A blackbody absorbs all incident radiation, regardless of

wavelength and direction.



Stefan-Boltzmann Law


Radiation from a Real Body

The emissive power of a real body

E = T4 = Eb
= Emissivity (0<

Monochromatic (Spectral) Power

Monochromatic emissive power (E) gives the rate of radiation
per unit area per unit wavelength (W/m2.m )
Plancks Law
Monochromatic emissive power of a blackbody at a
thermodynamic temperature T per unit time, per unit surface
area, and per unit wavelength about the wavelength, (m )

(m )

Total Emissive Power

Total emissive power (E) is the amount of radiation emitted by
a body per unit area and time (W/m2)

E = E d
Total emissive power of a black body

Emissive Power -Black Body

Plancks Distribution
Planck law describes theoretical spectral distribution for the emissive
power of a black body.
At given wavelength, the emissive power increases with increasing
As the temperature increases, more emissive energy appear at
shorter wavelengths
For low temperature (>800 K), all radiant energy falls in the infrared
region and is not visible to the human eyes. That is why only very
high temperature objects, such as molten iron, can glow.
Sun can be approximated as a blackbody at 5800 K

The wavelength at which the peak

occurs for a specified temperature is
given by Wiens displacement

Receiving Properties
Targets receive radiation in one of
three ways; they absorb, reflect or

White Body (All incident radiations are reflected, =1)

Perfect Black Body ( Absorbs all radiations, =1)
Opaque Body ( Does not transmit radiations, (=0)
Perfect Transparent Body( Transmits all radiations, (=1)

Gray Body Radiative properties , , are uniform over the

entire wavelength
For a gray body absorptivity does not vary with temperature
and wavelength of incident radiation.( = constant )
For a colored surface, vary with the wavelength and
temperature of the incident radiation.

Kirchhoff's Law or Kirchoffs identity

For all bodies, the ratio of emissive power to absorptivity is
the same and is equal to the emissive power of a black body at
the same temperature
E1/ 1 = E2/ 2 = E3/ 3 = E4/ 4 = E5/ 5 .. = Eb
But we have E = Eb
Substituting, we get
1/ 1 = 2/ 2 = 3/ 3 = 4/ 4 = 5/ 5 .. = 1
This is called Kirchoffs law or identity
Thus emissive power of a real surface increases with its
absorptivity .

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