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Science And


Me And Myself

A Journey Through The Solar System

The Earth in Perspective


The Sun or Sol, is the star at the

centre of our solar system and
is responsible for the Earths
climate and weather. The Sun
is an almost perfect sphere
with a difference of just 10km
in diameter between the poles
and the equator. The average
radius of the Sun is 695,508 km.
Star Profile:
Age:4.6 Billion Years
Type:Yellow Dwarf (G2V)
Diameter:1,392,684 km
Surface Temperature:5500 C
Distance: 93 million km

Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sunand due to its proximity
it is not easily seen except
during twilight. Thirteen
times a century Mercury
can be observed from the
Earthpassing across the face
of the Sun in an event called
a transit, the next will occur on
the 9th May 2016.
Distance from earth: 57 million km


A day on Venus lasts longer than

a year:
It takes 243 Earth days to rotate
once on its axis. The planets
orbit around the Sun takes 225
Earth days, compared to the
Earths 365.It also differs from
most other planets in our solar
system by having no natural
satellites. Distance from earth: 25.8 million km

Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky:

Only the Moon is brighter. With a magnitude of between -3.8
to -4.6 Venus is so bright it can be seen during daytime on a
clear day.

Earth is the third planet
from theSunand is the
largest of theterrestrial
planets. The Earth is
the only planet in our
solar system not to be
named after a Greek or
Roman deity. The Earth
was formed
approximately 4.54
billion years ago and is
the only known planet
to support life.

Mars is the fourth planet
from theSun. Named after
the Roman god of war,
and often described as the
Red Planet due to its
reddish appearance. Mars
is aterrestrial planetwith
a thin atmosphere
composed primarily
of carbon dioxide.
Distance from earth: 48.6
million km


The planet Jupiter is

the fifth planet out
from theSun, and is
and a half times more
massive than all the
other planets in the
It is made primarily of
gases and is
therefore known as a
gas giant.
Distance from earth:
390.6 km

Saturn is the sixth planet from theSunand the most distant
that can be seen with the naked eye. It is best known for its
fabulousring systemthat was discovered in 1610 by the
astronomer Galileo Galilei.
Distance from earth : 777 million km

Uranus is the seventh
planet from theSun.
Its not visible to the
naked eye, and
became the first planet
discovered with the
use of a telescope.
Uranus is tipped over
on its side with an
axial tilt of 98 degrees.
It is often described as
rolling around the Sun
on its side.
Distance from earth:
1.69 billion km

Neptune is the eighth
planet from the Sun
and is the most
distant planet from
theSun. Thisgas
giant planet may
have formed much
closer to the Sun in
earlysolar system
history before
migrating to its
present position.
Distance from earth:
2.7 billion km

Discovered in 1930,
Pluto is the second
closest dwarf planet
to theSunand was at
one point classified
as the ninth planet.
Pluto is also the
second most massive
dwarf planet
withErisbeing the
most massive.
Distance from earth:
5.7 billion km

How old is the earth?

4.54 billion years old

How long Humans have

been on earth?
Only for a fraction of the
lifetime of the earth...around
200,000 years old

How big is the Universe?

Astronomers have measured the
age of the universe to be
approximately 13.8 billion years.

If someone on a planet 65 million light years

away look at the earth, what will they see..?

What will happen to the sun

The sun is about 4.5 billion years old,
it has used up about half of its nuclear
fuel(hydrogen). As it will grow old, it
will expand.

What is a Black Hole ?

A black hole is a place in space
where the pull of gravity is so much
that even light cannot escape. It is
created when a star dies. Why cant
we see it ???

Heres the distance to scale, between the earth

and the moon. Doesnt look too far, does it?

THINK AGAIN.Inside that distance you

can fit every planet in our solar system.

That little green smudge is North

America on Jupiter.

And heres the size of Earth ( well,

six Earths) compared with Saturn.

This is a comet. We just landed a probe on

this one. Heres it compared to Los Angeles.

The size of all planets as compared

to the sun.

EARTH.. Compared to the

sun..Terrifying..isnt it?

This is our galaxy, The Milky Way,

and this is where we are.

The limits of our visible sky.

Our galaxy as compared to just a few average

galaxies, about 350 million light years away.

Me And Myself

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