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Intravenous anesthetic agents


Barbiturates Benzodiazepines Opioids
1. Induction of anesthesia (smother and
more rapid than inhalational agents)
2. Maintenance (alone or with inhalational
3. Sedation during regional anesthesia
4. Sedation in intensive care unit
5. Treatment of status epilepticus
Barbiturates (thiopenton or thiopental)

2. Induction of anesthesia
3. Maintenance of anesthesia (but has
cumulative effects)
4. Treatment of status epilepticus
5. Reduction of intra-cranial pressure (ICP)
Adverse effects:
2. Hypotension
3. Respiratory depression
4. Tissue necrosis (if injected extra-vascular)
5. Laryngospasm
6. Bronchospasm (avoid in asthma)
7. Thrombophlibitis (less common in 2.5% conc.)
8. Allergic reactions 1 in 14000-20000
9. Intra-arterial injection (lead to sever
vasospasm and sever pain it may lead to
gangrene of the limb, treatment by keeping the
cannula in and inject papeverine 20 mg,
heparin and fluid, using 2.5% conc. Is safer)
Contra indications:
2. Airway obstruction (epiglottis or
pharyngeal tumours)

4. Porphyria

6. Previous hypersensitivity to this drug

Benzodiazepines (Diazepam,
2. Sedation during regional anesthesia
3. Radiological procedures (children, anxious
4. Endoscopy
5. ICU
6. Supplementation to general anesthesia
7. Amnesia
8. Status epilepticus
Adverse effects:
2. Prolong duration (diazepam)
3. Painful on injection (diazepam)
4. Hypotension if used with other agents
like opioids
5. Dependence
6. Respiratory depression in over dosage

Early pregnancy (teratogenic effect)

Morphine, Pethidine, Tramadol
(Fentanyl & Al, Remi, Su (fentanil

Pentazocine, Nalburphine

2. Provision of analgesia before or after surgery
3. Induction of anesthesia and maintenance of
anesthesia in patients with severe cardiac
4. Inhibition of reflex sympathetic nervous system
5. Supplementation of inhalational anesthetics
being used for maintenance of anesthesia
6. Provide post operative analgesia by injecting it
to the subarachnoid or epidural space
Adverse effects:
• On cardiovascular system:
2. Orthostatic hypotension (decreased
sympathetic nervous system tone to
peripheral veins)
3. Release of histamine (Morphine)
4. Bradycardia (Sufentanil)
• On Ventilation:
2. Increase resting Paco2
3. Decrease of responsiveness to the ventilatory
stimulation of CO2
4. Decreased rate of breathing but tidal volume is
often increased
5. Spasm of thoraco-abdominal muscles

• Stiff chest syndrome

• Spasm of biliary smooth muscles which leads

to pain also spasm of the sphincter of Oddi
• On CNS
2. Miosis
3. Stimulation of Dopamine receptors in the
chemoreceptor trigger zone which cause
nausea and vomiting
4. Addiction
• Enhancement of bladder sphincter tone
which lead to urine retention
• Decrease peristalsis
• Increase the tone of the pyloric sphincter
which lead to delayed gastric emptying
Preemptive analgesia
Injection of an opioid before painful surgical
stimulation occurs this may decrease the
subsequent amount of opioid required in
the postoperative period to provide
Morphine (10, 15mg)
• Can be Administered by variety of routes
• Has active metabolites
• Risk of accumulation in patient with renal impairment
• Avoid in asthma (histamine release)

Pethidine (100mg)
• Shorter acting
• Its metabolites has long half life with risk of
accumulation in patient with renal impairment, also the
metabolites are neurotoxic and result in grand mal
• Avoid in patient with history of epilepsy
Tramadol (100mg)
• Analgesic efficacy around one tenth that of
• Avoid in patient with history of epilepsy
• Useful for elderly
• Useful For Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA)

Fentanyl (100μg )
• Very potent opioid used primarily for intra-
operative analgesia
• Useful drug for PCA
• Cause respiratory depression
Alfentanil (100μg )
• Ultra short-acting potent opioid used for intra-
operative analgesia
• Limited use in the post operative period
• Cause respiratory depression
• Is closely related in structure to fentanyl
• 5-10 times more potent than fentanyl and slightly
shorter duration
• Ultra short acting opioids
• The duration of action is short with no residual
Those drugs have limited analgesic
properties (ceiling effect) above which
increasing doses do not produce
additional anesthesia, they usually used
for treatment of addiction
Is used as a short acting opioid antagonist
because of its short duration of action
opioid terminated depression may return
when effect of Nalaxone have terminated
Nalaxone may precipitate the sympathetic
drive of unrelieved pain (tachycardia,
hypertension, arrhythmias-----etc.)
Miscellaneous drugs



Ketamine hydrochloride
• Induction of anesthesia when rapid early recovery of
consciousness is indicated
• Sedation during regional anesthesia
• Sedation in ICU
• Total intravenous anesthesia
Adverse effects:
• Cardiovascular depression
• Respiratory depression
• Excitatory phenomena (convulsion, myoclonus)
• Pain on injection
• Allergic reaction
Contra indication:
• Airway obstruction
• Hypersensitivity
• Used in patient with cardiovascular disease
(cardiovascular stable)
• Suitable for out patient anesthesia
Adverse effects:
• Excitatory phenomena (involuntary movements, hiccups,
• Pain on injection
• Nausea and vomiting
• Venous thrombosis
• Airway obstruction
• Porphyria
• Adrenal insufficiency
• Long term duration
Ketamine hydrochloride:
• Shocked patient
• Paediatric anesthesia
• Difficult locations (at accident site, wars)
• Analgesia And sedation (wound dressing change)
• In ICU
• In developing countries (where anesthesia equipments
and trained staff are in short supply)
Adverse effects:
• Emergence delirium, nightmares and hallucinations
• Hypertension and tachycardia
• Prolong recovery
• Salivation
• Increase intra-cranial pressure

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