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Correlational Research

Correlational Research
sometimes called "associational
sometimes referred to as a form of
descriptive research because it describes
existing relationships between variable.
illustrated graphically using scatterplot

What is a correlational research?

investigates the possibility of
relationships between variables
there is no manipulation of variables
describes the degree to which two or
more quantitative variables are related
and it does so by using a correlation

Purposes of Correlational Research

To explain
clarifies understanding of important
phenomena by identifying relationships
among the variables

Scatterplot showing a correlation of +1.00

Positive correlation means that high scores on one variable tend to be

associated with high scores ont he other variable. While low scores on one are
associated with low scores on the other.

Scatterplot showing a correlation of -1.00

Negative correlation means that high scores on one variable are associated
with low scores on the other variable and low scores on one are associated
with high scores on the other.

Scatterplot showing a 0 correlation

Purposes of Correlational Research

To predict
if a relationship of sufficient magnitude
exists between two variables, it becomes
possible to predict a score on one
variable if a score in the other variable is

Prediction Studies
Scatterplots for prediction
construct a scatterplot
calculate the regression line, which is the bais
for prediction

Prediction Studies
Prediction equation
express the regression line in the form of a
prediction equation, which has the following
Y'1= a + bX1

Y'1 = the predicted score on Y (criterion variable) for individual (i)
X1= individual i's sore on X (the predictor variable)
a and b = values calculated mathematically from the orginal
scores; constants for any given data.

Other Correlational Techniques

Multiple Regression
enables researchers to determine a
correlation between a criterion variable
and the best combination of two or more
predictor variables
The coefficient of multiple correlation is symbolized by R. It indicates the
strength of correlation between the comination of the predictor variables
and the criterion variables.

Other Correlational Techniques

The Coefficient of Multiple Correlation
symbolized by R (multiple regression),
which indicates the strength of correlation
between the combination of the predictor
variables and the criterion variables

Other Correlational Techniques

The Coefficient of Determination
the square of the correlation between a
predictor and a criterion variable
symbolized by r2 (simple regression)
indicates the percentage of the variability
among the criterion scores that can be
attributed to differences in the scores on
the predictor variable

Other Correlational Techniques

The Discriminant Function Analysis
Used when the criterion variable is

Other Correlational Techniques

The Factor Analysis
determines whether many variables can
be described by a few factors
Path Analysis
tests the likelihood of a casual
connection among three or more

Steps in Correlational Research

Problem Selection
Sample Determination
Identification of Instrument Form
Data Collection
Analysis and Interpretation

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