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Research Design:
The most important step after defining the Research
problem is preparing the Research Design
Research design is the conceptual structure within
which the research is conducted.
It constitutes the BLUE PRINT for collection,
measurement and analysis of data.
Research design provides an answer to the question,
what the Researcher is going to do with regards to
framing hypothesis, its operational implications and
how to analyze the data?

A research design is the arrangement of

conditions for collection and analysis of data in
a manner that aims to combine relevance to the
research purpose with economy in procedure.

The function of the Research design is to

provide relevant evidence with minimal
expenditure of effort, time and money. It
provides an outline of what the researcher is
going to do in terms of 1) Framing the
hypothesis, 2) its operational implications and
3) finally data analysis

Research Design: - Decisions

Research Design helpful to take decision regarding
the following questions:
What is the study about?
Why is the study be carried out?
Where will the study be carried out?
What type of data be required ?
Where can be required data be found?
What periods of time will the study include?
What will be the sample design?
What techniques of data collection will be used?
How will the data be analyzed?
In what style will the report be prepared?

Type of Research
Design :
Keeping in view the above stated
design decisions, one may split
the overall research design into
the following parts:

Exploratory Design:
Exploratory research is most commonly unstructured,
informal research that is undertaken to gain background
information about the general nature of the research
Exploratory research is usually conducted when the
researcher does not know much about the problem and
needs additional information or desires new or more
recent information.
Exploratory research is used in a number of situations:

gain background information

define terms
clarify problems and hypotheses
establish research priorities

A variety of methods are available to conduct

exploratory research:

Secondary Data Analysis

Experience Surveys
Case Analysis
Focus Groups

Descriptive Research Design: Descriptive

Research Design is concerned with describing
the characteristics of a particular individual or a
Study concerned with narration of facts or
characters related to an individual, group or
institutions are descriptive research studies.
It attempts to describe and explain conditions
of the present by using many subjects and
questionnaires to fully describe a
Survey research design /survey
methodology is one of the most popular
for dissertation research.

Experimental Research Design- This design

is most appropriate in controlled settings such
as laboratories.
The design assumesrandom assignmentof
subjects and random assignment to groups (E
and C).
It attempts to explore cause and effect
relationships where causes can be manipulated
to produce different kinds of effects.
Because of the requirement of random
assignment, this design can be difficult to
execute in the real world (non-laboratory)

Hypothesis testing Research Design:

Test the hypothesis of causal relationship between
two or more variables. Adopt procedure that not
only reduce bias but enhance reliability and
facilitates deriving Inferences (results) about the
Research problem.
Historical Research Design- The purpose is to
collect, verify, synthesize evidence to establish
facts that defend or refute your hypothesis. It
uses primary sources, secondary sources, and lots
of qualitative data sources such as logs, diaries,
official records, reports, etc. The limitation is that
the sources must be both authentic and valid.

Case and Field Research Design- Also

calledethnographicresearch, it uses direct observation to
give a complete snapshot of a case that is being studied.
It is useful when not much is known about a phenomenon.
Uses few subjects.
Correlational or Prospective Research Design- It
attempts to explore relationships to make predictions. It
uses one set of subjects with two or more variables for
Causal Comparative or Ex Post Facto Research
Design- This research design attempts to explore cause
and affect relationships where causes already exist and
cannot be manipulated. It uses what already exists and
looks backward to explain why.

Developmental or Time Series

Research Design Data are collected at certain points in
time going forward. There is an
emphasis on time patterns and
longitudinal growth or change.
Sampling Research Design :
Deals with, the method of selecting
items for the study.

Observational Research Design: Deals

with the observations (field observations) that
is to be made.
Statistical Research design: Deals with
the information on the data collected &
Operational Research Design: deals with
the technique by which the procedures
specified in the sampling, Observational,
Statistical Research design can be carried out

Research Design Features :

1) Helps to identify the type and
source of information needed for the
2) Specifies the methods to be
adopted in collecting & analyzing
3) Specifies the time schedule of the
research and the monetary budget

Importance of Research Design:

Facilitates the smooth flow of the various
stages of Research.
Helps yield maximum information with
minimum effort, time and money.
Helps to plan in advance data collecting
and analysis techniques.
Prepare with utmost care to avoid errors.
Attain reliability

Concepts Relating to Research Design

1) Dependent and Independent

variables :
Variables : A magnitude that varies is
known as variable
Dependent or Endogenous variables :
When the change in one variable depends
on the change in other variable, it is known
as dependent or Endogenous variable.
Demand ----- Price (independent)

Independent or Exogenous variable

The variable that causes the change in the
dependent variable is known as independent or
exogenous variable.
Demand (Dependent) ------- Price ,Income
Here demand is a dependent variable while price /
income is an independent variable.
Extraneous variable :
The independent variable which is not directly
related to the purpose of the study but affects the
dependent variable is known as Extraneous
A research study or a Research design should always
be framed in such a manner that the influence of
Extraneous variables on the dependent variable is
completely controlled and the influence of the
independent variable is clearly evident.

Good Research design should minimize
the effect for extraneous variables.
Confounded Relationship
The relationship between dependent and
independent variable is said to be
confounded by an extraneous variables.
Research Hypothesis:
When the formulated hypothesis is tested
by adopting scientific methods, it is
known as Research Hypothesis.

Experimental & Non Experimental

Hypothesis testing:
When the objective of the Research is to
test the hypothesis, it is Research
Research in which the independent
variable are (handled with skill)
manipulated, it is experimental
hypothesis testing.
When the variables are not manipulated,
it is non experimental hypothesis testing.

Experimental & Control Groups:

When a group is exposed to usual
conditions in an experimental hypothesis,
research it is control Groups.
When the group is exposed to special or
certain new conditions, it is experimental
8. Treatments:

The different conditions to which the

experimental & control groups are subject
to is known as treatments.

Characteristics of a Good Research

Posses the qualities of being flexible,
suitable efficient & economical.
Should minimize bias and maximize
reliability of data collection & Analysis.
No experimental error should be allowed
Should yield maximum information
Research problem should be viewed from
different angles or dimensions.

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