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Coagulation and

Prismita Nursetyowati

Coagulation and Flocculation

In coagulation operations, a chemical substance is added
to an organic colloidal suspension to cause its
destabilization by the reduction of forces that keep them
It involves the reduction of surface charges responsible
for particle repulsions.
This reduction in charge causes flocculation
Particles of larger size are then settled and clarified
effluent is obtained.

The Process..

Negatively charged
particles repel each other
due to electricity.

Neutrally charged
particles attract due to
van der Waal's forces.

Particles and
coagulants join
together into floc.

Coagulation-Flocculation and
Settling in a Wastewater Treatment

Rapid Mixing and Flocculation

In the rapid-mix basins, intense mixing or agitation is
required to disperse the chemicals uniformly throughout
the basin and to allow adequate contact between the
coagulant and the suspended particles.
By the time the water leaves the rapid mix basins, the
coagulation process has progressed sufficiently to form

Rapid Mixing and Flocculation

In the flocculation basins, the fine microfloc begins to
agglomerate into larger floc particles.
The aggregation process (flocculation) is dependent on
duration and amount of gentle agitation applied.
By the time water leaves the flocculation basins, the floc
has agglomerated into large, dense, rapid-settling
floc particles.

The Agitator
Mechanical agitators (most common)
Pneumatic agitators
Baffle basins

Rapid Mixing and Flocculation

Based on T.R. Camp (1955), rapid mixing and
flocculation are basically mixing operations,
governed by the same principles and require similar
design parameters.

Degree of mixing is based on the power imparted to

the water, which is measured by velocity gradient.

Velocity Gradient for Mechanical or

Pneumatic Agitation

Velocity Gradient for Baffle


Velocity Gradient
The rate of particulate collisions is proportional to the
velocity gradient (G), therefore the gradient must be sufficient
to furnish the desired particulate collisions.

The velocity gradient is also related to the shear forces in the

Large velocity gradients produce appreciable shear forces.

If the velocity is too great, excessive shear forces will result

and prevent the desired floc formation.

Velocity Gradient
The total number of
particle collisions is
proportional to the
product of velocity

gradient (G) and the

detention time (T).
Thus, the value of GT is
important in design.

Rapid Mixing
Mechanical agitation is the most common method for
rapid mixing since it is reliable, very effective and
extremely flexible in operations.

Usually rapid mixing employs vertical shaft rotary

mixing devices such as turbine impellers, paddle
impellers and propellers.
All of the rotary mixing devices impart motion to the
water in addition of turbulence.

Types of Rapid Mixing Chambers or


n used

Types of Rapid Mixing Chambers or


Variable Speed Drives

Since the optimum velocity gradient may vary
respect to time, it is desirable to have equipment with
variable speed drives.
A speed variation of 1:4 is commonly used.

Mixing Basin
If only one chemical is added, a mixing basin with only one
compartment may be used.
If more than one chemical is required, sequential
application and dispersion of each chemical is desirable,
necessitating multiple compartments.

Mechanical mixing basins are not affected to any extent

by variations in the flow rate and have low head losses.

Detention Time and Velocity

Detention times from 2060 sec are generally used.
(range 10 sec 5 min)
To obtain high velocity
gradients (700-1000 fps/ft),
requires relatively high
mixing power levels.

Mixing Basins
Single compartment mixing basins are usually circular or
square in plan view.

Fluid depth is 1.0 to 1.25 times the basin

diameter or width.
Tanks may be baffled or unbaffled.
Small baffles are desirable since they minimize
vortexing and rotational flow.

Turbine Impellers

n used

Turbine Impellers
The stationary vanes of the shrouded turbine prevent rotational

The impeller blades maybe pithed and vertical (most common ).
The diameter of the impeller is usually 30 to 50 percent of the
tank diameter or width .
The impeller is usually mounted one impeller diameter above the
tank bottom.
The speed ranges range from 10-150 rpm and the flow is radially
outward from the turbine.

Flow Pattern
Small baffles extending into
the tank a distance of 0.1
times the tank width or
diameter will:
1. Minimize vortexing and
rotational flow
2. Cause more power to be
imparted to the liquid

greater turbulence.

Turbine Impellers
Turbines are the most effective of all mechanical
agitation or mixing devices because the produce high
shear, turbulence and velocity gradients.


impellers usually have two or four blades.

The blades may be pitched or vertical (most common).
The diameter is usually from 50 to 80 percent of the
tank diameter or width.
The width of paddle is usually to of the diameter.
The paddles are usually mounted one-half of paddle
diameter above tank bottom.

The paddle speeds 20 to 150 rpm.

Types of Paddle Impellers

Flow Regime
The flow regime for two-blade
paddle is similar to the turbine
Baffling is required to minimize
vortexing and rotational flow except at
very slow speeds.

Paddle Impellers
The paddle is not as efficient as the turbine type
since it does not produce as much turbulence and
shear forces.

Propeller Impeller
May have two or three blades.
The blades are pitched to
impart axial flow to the liquid.
Usually the pitch is 1.0 or 2.0
and the max propeller diameter
is 18 inch.

Flow Regime
The rotation of a propeller traces
out a helix in the liquid and the
pitch is defined as the distance
the liquid moves axially during
one revolution, divided by the
propeller diameter.
The axial flow strikes the bottom
of the tank and divides and
imparts a flow regime.

Propeller Impellers
For deep tanks two propellers may be mounted on the same

The propeller speed is ordinarily 400 to 1750 rpm.

Baffling is required in large tanks.
In small tanks the propeller may be mounted off center to
avoid rotational flow.

Propeller agitators are very affective in large tanks because

of high velocities imparted to the liquid.

Power Imparted to The Liquid

For turbulent flow (NRe >10.000), the power imparted by
an impeller in a baffled tank is given:

Power Imparted to The Liquid

If the flow is laminar (NRe >10 to 20), the power imparted
by an impeller in either a baffled or unbaffled tank is

Power Imparted to The Liquid

The reynolds number for impellers:

Power Imparted to The Liquid

For laminar flow, the power imparted in a tank is
independent of the presence of baffles.
In turbulent flow, the power imparted in an unbaffled
tank may be as low as one-sixth the power imparted in
the same tank with baffles.

KL and KT

Power Imparted
For turbulent flow, the power required for agitation in a baffled
vertical square tank is the same as in a baffled vertical circular
tank having a diameter equal to the width of the square tank.
In an unbaffled square tank the power imparted is about 75
percent of that imparted in a baffled square of circular tank.
Two straight blade turbines mounted one turbine diameter apart on
the same shaft impart about 1.9 times as much power as turbine

Pneumatic Mixing Basins

Variation of velocity gradient may be
obtained by varying the air flow
Not affected to any extent by
variations in the influent flow rate.
Hydraulic head losses are relatively

Pneumatic Mixing Basins

Power required can be determined
by equation given.
The basin volume (V) may be
determined from the flow rate and
detention time (T).

Pneumatic Mixing Basins

The air flow rate to impart the desired power to the water
may be determined by:

Baffle Type Basins

This type depends on hydraulic turbulence

to furnish the desired velocity gradient.

The head loss usually varies from 1 to 3 feet.
These basins have very short circuiting.
Baffle basins are not suitable for conditions
where there are wide variations in the flow
It is not possible to vary the velocity
gradient to any extent.
Because of that, baffle basins are not widely

Velocity Gradient in Baffle Type


Mechanical agitation being the most common for

Formerly, baffle basins were used, but since the

available range of G and GT values is limited, they
are not employed at present to any extent.

Most mechanical agitators are paddle wheels.


The degree of completion of the flocculation process is dependent
on the floc characteristic, the velocity gradient, and the
value of GT.
GT is related to total number of collisions during aggregation in
flocculation process.
High GT indicates a large number of collisions during flocculation.

GCT where C is the ratio of the floc volume to the total

water volume being flocculated.

If the velocity gradient is too great, the shear
forces will prevent the formation of large floc.
If velocity gradient is insufficient, adequate inter
particulate collisions will not occur and proper
floc will not be formed.
If water coagulates readily, a high strength floc
usually results and final velocity gradient may be as
large as 100 fps/ft.

Flocculation Basins
Flocculation basins are frequently designed to provide for
tapered flocculation.
The flow is subjected to decreasing G values as it passes trough
the flocculation basin.
This produces a rapid buildup of small dense floc the aggregates
at lower G values into larger, dense, rapid settling floc particles.
Accomplished by providing a high G value in the first third of
flocculation period, a lower G during the next third and much
lower G during the last third.

Horizontal Shaft Paddle Wheel

Flocculator (Cross Flow Pattern)

Horizontal Shaft Paddle Wheel

Flocculator (Axial Flow Pattern)

Vertical Shaft Paddle Wheel


Drag Force

Power Imperted

Peripheral velocity should range from
0.3 to 3 fps.
The velocity of a paddle blade
relative to the water is threefourths the peripheral blade
The total paddle-blade area on a
horizontal shaft should not exceed 15

to 20 percent of total basin cross

sectional area (or excessive
rotational flow will result!).

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