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G325: Section A: Theoretical Perspectives in Media

Question 1a)

Post Production
What skills did we develop at the stage of
post production?
Production and Post Production

• Production at AS consisted of taking the

pictures, writing the article and
producing banners, shapes, text in
Photoshop and Quark.
• Post Production at AS consisted of
manipulating the photographs and
putting all the text and graphics
together on Quark.
• You have 5 minutes to brainstorm
everything you did for your main
product at AS at the stage of post-
• This must be detailed in terms of
tools used, the software pros /cons,
your strengths /weaknesses.
Production and Post Production

• Production at A2 consisted of filming

the main product and recording the
audio for it. It also consisted of raking
pictures, writing the articles and
producing banners, shapes, text in
Photoshop and Quark for the ancillary
Post Production at A2 consisted of editing
the footage on Adobe Premiere and audio
on the mixer/Adobe Audition. It also
included manipulating the photographs
and putting all the text and graphics
together on Quark.
• You have 10 minutes to
brainstorm everything you did for
your main product at A2 at the
stage of post-production. This
must be detailed in terms of tools
used, the software pros /cons,
your strengths /weaknesses.
• You should also detail your
progression of graphics and DTP
skills at stage of post production
between AS and your A2 ancillary

• You also have to remember that you

produced and post produced work for
your both your evaluations.
• The main difference between AS and A2
for us is obvious – print to video but
you did use basic video post production
software at AS.
• But you must be able to evaluate these
skills and think about everything that
you have learned for your entire two
pieces of coursework.
• You have 10 minutes to detail the
progression specifically from:

• Movie Maker to Premiere in general.

• Use of Movie Maker at AS to help post
produce your evaluation.
• Further advanced use of Movie Maker
or similar at A2 to construct your
evaluation and create meaning.
• Try to think about how you have
become more technically
competent in terms of your use of
digital technology to present
work creatively at the stage of
•All of your work should make reference to your
knowledge of the KEY MEDIA CONCEPTS.


So if you were to state that you used Premiere’s

dip to white tool as a transition you need to
explain why you did this in terms of
communication/meaning/mode of address for
the audience.
E.g. “At the stage of post-production there
were more advanced transitions effects in
the video effects bin on Adobe Premiere
than on Windows Movie Maker. I used the
dip to white tool as a transition that would
signify a flashback in the narrative for
the audience. This connotes that this
flashback is important, giving more
information about X character, enhancing
their representation of X. It is also
convention of the horror genre”.
• You have 10 minutes to link 6 post
production choices you made to one
or more of the key media concepts.
Links between the areas?

• It is vital that you understand that

for Q1a) of this exam that you will
be required to answer an evaluation
of skills between AS and A2 on
either one or two areas.
• So far we have considered:
Digital Technology
Research and Planning
Post Production
• We need to start recognising links between these
at the different stages of production and there is
a choice of 3 essay questions.
• You therefore have 15 minutes to identify how
each area might fit with the others in terms of
SKILLS development.
• e.g. start with DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY in the
middle and write the other three areas around it,
make notes on how they fit. e.g Research and
Planning – technology of blogger.
Choice of 3 questions...remember they start
with a statement as below for you to ultimately
answer as part of your evaluation.

“A media product is primarily created a the stage of

editing”. In your own experience detail how far the
meaning of your product was constructed at the stage
of post production.

“Creativity is something that is inherent and cannot be

In your experience detail how the post production of
your media products developed your creative skills.

“Consumers are now media producers”. In your

experience detail how far the post production of your
work was enabled by the digital technology available to

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