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Resolving Conflict

When a persons needs and ideas are

opposite to another persons needs and
ideas a conflict results
There are five styles of managing conflict

Withdrawing is when people physically or
psychologically remove themselves from
the conflict.
Withdrawing results in mulling behavior
That is thinking about it to such an extent
that it blows out of proportion then the
blaming game starts
Withdrawing is lose-lose situation

Effectiveness of
Withdrawal may be effective in the
following cases
Temporary withdrawal to take time to
Withdrawal when ideas on religion or
politics do not match

Accommodating is giving in to other
peoples needs while ignoring your own
The person who accommodates allows
the other person to win

Problems of
First conflicts resolved through
accommodation may lead to poor decision
making because important facts,
arguments and positions are not voiced.
Secondly habitual accommodation results
in the accommodators consistently
receiving less
It is a win-lose situation

Forcing is demanding through physical
threats, verbal attacks and
manipulation that your needs be
satisfied or your ideas be accepted,
forcers demand their way with little
regard for others

Problems of forcing
Forcing rarely improves the
relationship it usually hurts a
Forcing is only appropriate when the
issue is very important and quick
decisive action must be taken to
ensure safety and minimize harm.


Compromising: compromising occurs

when both people make sacrifices to
find common ground, attempting to
resolve the conflict by providing at
least some satisfaction for both parties
Under this approach, both people give
up some part of what they really want
or believe, or they trade one thing they
want to get something else.

Appropriation of
Compromising is appropriate when
The relationship is important
The issues have no simple solution
both people have a strong interest in
some parts of the issue.

collaborating is problem solving by
addressing the needs and issues of
each party to arrive at a solution
that is mutually satisfying

During collaboration people
Discuss the issues and their feelings about
the issues
Identify the characteristics that are
important for them to find in a solution

Collaboration is win-win because the

conflict is resolved to the satisfaction of

Resolving conflict
through collaboration
Resolving conflict through collaborative approach
includes five parts
a) Defining the problem
b) Analyzing the problem (what are its causes)
c) Developing criteria for judging solutions (What
goals are to be achieve
d) Suggesting possible solutions ( What could we do)
e) Selecting the best solution

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