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Georg Simon Ohm

• Georg Simon Ohm (16

March 1789 – 6 July 1854)
was a German physicist. As
a high school teacher, Ohm
began his research with the
recently invented
electrochemical cell,
invented by Italian Count
Alessandro Volta.
Georg Simon Ohm
Using simple electrical
circuits containing various
lengths of wire , Ohm
determined that there is a
direct proportionality between
the potential difference
(voltage) applied across a
conductor and the resultant
electric current – now known
as Ohm's law.
Georg Simon Ohm
Using the results of his
experiments, Ohm was
able to define the
fundamental relationship
among voltage, current,
and resistance, which
represents the true
beginning of electrical
circuit analysis.
Ohm’s Law
• Ohm's law states that the current
through a conductor between two points
is directly proportional to the potential
difference or voltage across the two
points, and inversely proportional to the
resistance between them.
I= V=voltage

Ohm’s Law
• In physics, the term Ohm's law is also used to
refer to various generalizations of the law
originally formulated by Georg Ohm.

J = σE
•where J is the current density at a given location
in a resistive material, E is the electric field at
that location, and σ is a material dependent
parameter called the conductivity.
V = 10 volts
V = 10 volts I = 1 ampere
I = 1 ampere
10 volts
1 ampere
R = 10 ohms
Determine the amount of
current I flowing in the
circuit when voltage V is
applied to resistance R.
In the following circuit,
assume that resistance R
is 2 and voltage V that is
applied to it is 12 V.
R=2 ohms
V=12 volts

I =
12 volts
I =
2 ohms

I = 6 amperes
Alvin M. Suarez
Divine Mae S. Balondo
III- Flores

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