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*Prcis W


A prcis is to summarize and to
A prcis is a clear , compact logical
summary of a passage.
It gives only essential or important
ideas of the original text.
It is basically the 1/3rd summary of the
given paragraph.

*Rules Of Making A Prcis

Read the passage twice or
thrice carefully to
summarize it.
This will unable you to
understand the main theme
of the passage .

Underline and mark the important
ideas and essential points from the
original text.

with the help of underlined ideas,
draw the outline of your prcis

Omit all the unnecessary information
or the long phrases which could be
replaced by one word.

Don`t Omit
While writing the precise, the writer
should never omit the main points.

Indirect speech
The Prcis should be written in
indirect speech.
Convert direct into indirect
For example
He said, I am selling my car
He said that he was selling his

Tense And Third

It should be written in the third
person and past tense .
when prcis is about universal
truth or in present tense we
need not to change it.
Otherwise it should be written
in past tense.

Own Words

A Prcis should be written in your own

words .

One Paragraph:
There could be one or two paragraph
in the original text. While making the
prcis write all the ideas in one

*Rough Data
After ommiting unnecessary ideas,
the writer should prepare a rough
draft to finalize it.
Final Draft:
After pointing out some mistakes
from the rough draft, The writer can
prepare the final draft .

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