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Introduction to


Learning objectives

To describe magnetic properties of hydrogen nuclei: spin,

precession, Larmor frequency

To present the origin of the net magnetization

To explain the nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon

To differentiate spin-lattice relaxation from spin-spin relaxation

To define relaxation times T1 et T2

Nuclear spin

Hydrogen nuclei (protons)have magnetic properties,

callednuclear spin. They behave like tiny rotating magnets,
represented by vectors.

The sum of all the tiny magnetic fields of each spin is callednet
magnetization or macroscopic magnetization. Normally,
thedirectionof these vectors israndomly distributed. Thus,
the sum of all the spins gives anull net magnetization.

Within alarge external magnetic field(calledB0), nuclear

spins align with the external field. Some of the spins
alignwiththe field (parallel) and some alignagainstthe field

Main nuclei imaged in human


In clinical MRI, Hydrogen is the most frequently imaged nucleus

due to its great abundance in biological tissues.

Other nuclei such as 13C, 19F, 31P, 23Na have a net nuclear spin
and can be imaged in MRI. However, they are much less
abundant than hydrogen in biological tissues and require a
dedicated RF chain, tuned to their resonance frequency.

Precession and Larmor


Spins wobble (or precess) about the axis of the BO field so as to

describe a cone. This is calledprecession.Spinning protons are
like dreidles spinning about their axis. Precession corresponds to
thegyration of the rotating axis of a spinning body about
an intersecting axis.

The resonance frequency, calledLarmor frequency(0) or

precessional frequency, isproportional to the main magnetic
field strength:

0= B0.

Net magnetization

The magnetic vector of spinning protons can be broken down into two
orthogonal components: alongitudinalor Z component, and
atransverse component, lying on the XY plane.

Precession corresponds torotation of the transverse

componentabout the longitudinal axis.

Within theB0magnetic field, there are more spins aligned with the
field (parallel - low energy state) than spins aligned against the field
(anti-parallel-high energy state). Due to thisslight excess of
parallel spins, net magnetization(macroscopicmagnetization)
has alongitudinal component(along the Z axis)aligned with B0.

Asspinsdonotrotatein phase, the sum of all the microscopic

transverse magnetizations of each spin is anull transverse
macroscopic magnetization.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Exchange of energybetween two systems at a

specificfrequencyis calledresonance.Magnetic
resonancecorresponds to the energetic interaction
betweenspinsandelectromagnetic radiofrequency(RF).

Only protons thatspinwith thesame frequencyas the

electromagneticRF pulsewill respond to that RF pulse. There is
amodification of spin equilibriumand
absorptionofelectromagneticenergyby atomic nuclei, which is
calledexcitation. When the systemreturnsfrom this state of
imbalanceto equilibrium(relaxation), there is anemission of
electromagnetic energy.


Excitation modifies energy levels and spin phases. At the quantum

level, a single proton jumps to a higher energy state (from parallel
to anti-parallel). The consequence on the macroscopic net
magnetization vector is a spiral movement down to the XY plane.

In a rotating frame of reference, the net magnetization vector tips

down during excitation. The flip angle is in function of the strength
and duration of the electromagnetic RF pulse.

The net magnetization vector can be broken down into

alongitudinalcomponent (along the Z axis, aligned with B0), and
atransverse component, lying on the XY plane.

During excitation, longitudinal magnetization decreases and a transverse

magnetization appears (except for a 180 flip angle).

Longitudinal magnetization is due to a difference in the number of spins in

parallel and anti-parallel state. Transverse magnetization is due to spins
getting into phase coherence.

If we consider an excitation with a 90 flip angle, when the RF transmitter

is turned off:


There is no longitudinal magnetization (equal proportion of parallel and

anti-parallel spins)


A transverse magnetization exists (all spins are in phase : complete

phase coherence)

Key points

The net magnetization vector tips down during excitation but the
microscopic spin magnetization vectors do not. Modifications of
the energy state and phase of spins depend on intensity,
waveform and duration of RF pulse.

Longitudinal magnetization is due to a difference in the number

of spins in parallel and anti-parallel state.

Transverse magnetization is due to spins getting more or less into


Relaxation and its

characteristics: T1 and T2
Return to equilibrium of net magnetization is called Relaxation.

During relaxation, electromagnetic energy is retransmitted: this

RF emission is called the NMR signal. Relaxation combines 2
different mechanisms:


Longitudinal relaxation corresponds to longitudinal

magnetization recovery


Transverse relaxation corresponds to transverse magnetization


Longitudinal relaxation is due to energy exchange between the

spins and surrounding lattice (spin-lattice relaxation), reestablishing thermal equilibrium.

As spins go from a high energy state back to a low energy state,

RF energy is released back into the surrounding lattice.

The recovery of longitudinal magnetization follows an

exponential curve. The recovery rate is characterized by the
tissue-specific time constant T1.

After time T1, longitudinal magnetization has returned to 63 % of

its final value. With a 1.5 T field strength, T1values are about
200 to 3000 ms. T1values are longer at higher field strengths.

Transverse relaxation results from spins getting out of phase. As spins

move together, their magnetic fields interact (spin-spin interaction),
slightly modifying their precession rate.

These interactions are temporary and random. Thus, spin-spin relaxation

causes a cumulative loss in phase resulting in transverse magnetization

Transverse magnetization decay is described by an exponential curve,

characterized by the time constant T2.

After time T2, transverse magnetization has lost 63 % of its original value.
T2is tissue-specific and is always shorter than T1.

Transverse relaxation is faster than longitudinal relaxation.

T2values are unrelated to field strength.

Key points

Within a magnetic field B0, the sum of spins is a net

magnetization aligned with B0. This macroscopic magnetization
results from a slight excess of spins in parallel state and a null
transverse magnetization due to spins being out of phase.
Precession frequency (Larmor frequency) of protons is
proportional to field strength intensity.

A RF pulse that matches the precession frequency affects the

spin equilibrium : there is an exchange of energy and a tip down
of the net magnetization vector. Flip angle depends on intensity,
waveform and duration of RF pulse.

Relaxation is the dynamic physical process in which the system

of spins returns to equilibrium. Relaxation can be broken down
- Recovery of longitudinal magnetization, aligned with B0,
following an exponential curve characterized by time constant T1

- Decay of transverse magnetization, due to spins getting out of

phase, according to an exponential curve characterized by time
constant T2.

MRI instrumentation and MRI




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