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Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang baik
Mrpk penerapan perlindungan naker dari bahaya
akibat kerja

Pencapaian derajat kesehatan

Keselamatan kerja
Kenyamanan kerja
Penurunan angka kecelakaan kerja dan PAK

Sehingga produktivitas tinggi/meningkat

Menurut National Safety Counsil -USA

Kesehatan kerja sangat berkaitan
dengan satu atau lebih kondisi di
tempat kerja yang dapat
menimbulkan penyakit akibat kerja
dan menurunkan produktivitas kerja
yang pada akhirnya menimbulkan
kergian bagi perusahaan

Occupational health

Occupational health can be considered as the

science of resiprocal relations existing between
work and its contrains, on the one hand and the
person who are performing the work and are
subjected to the contrains, on the another hand.
It studies the physiological, psychological and
pathological effect in relation to the work and
the working environment. Its aim is to promote
and carry out programs for the prevention
hazards which have been identified, to treat
health problem arising from hazardous working
conditions, to adapt work to man and to maintain
satisfactory level of health . Its role therefore , as
mentioned earlier, is to promote and maintain
the highest degree of physical, mental, and
social well- being of worker in all occupations.
In trying to ensure the adaption of work to man

Occupational health

the way relationship

between work and health
ILO/WHO: The promotion and
maintenance of the highest degree of
physical, mental and social wellbeing of workers in all occupation
The main emphasis is on prevention
of occupational diseases and
promotion of the workers health

Problem (occupational injury & diseases)


million accident
160 million occupational diseases
360.000 fatalities
4 % of gross national product is lost
ILO estimates of work-related deathin the
year 2000 :
1.9 2.3 million !!

Global estimated workrelated mortality

Communicable diseases : 17 %
Respiratory diseases : 7 %
Mental disorders : 1 %
Genitourinary system :9 %
cancer : 32 %
Circulatory diseases : 23 %
Digestive system diseases : 1 %
Accidents and violence : 19 %

Ilmu keselamatan dan

kesehatan kerja
Mempelajari hub interaktif antara tiga komponen
utama obyek keilmuannya :
1. kapasitas kerja : sex, umur, status gizi,
pendidikan, masa kerja
2. Beban kerja : beban akibat pekerjaannya
baik kerja fisik maupun kerja mental
3. Beban tambahan (lingk. kerja) :
bising, debu, tekanan panas, penerangan,
kondisi alat, getaran

Occupational Health hazards

Physical factors : bising, pencahayaan,
radiasi, tekanan panas, getaran
Chemical factors : debu, gas
Biological factors
Phycological factors
Physiological/ergonomic factors

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