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• Some viruses are useful

 Phage typing of bacteria

Some groups of bacteria,such as some Salmonella species,
are classified into strains on the basis of the spectrum of
phages to which they are susceptible. Identification of the
phage types of bacterial isolates can provide useful
epidemiological information during outbreaks of disease
caused by these bacteria.

 Sources of enzymes.
A number of enzymes used in molecular biology are virus
enzymes. Examples include reverse transcriptases from
retroviruses and RNA polymerases from phages.
 Pesticides. Some insect pests are
controlled with
Anti-bacterial agents. In the mid-20th
century baculoviruses and myxoma virus
has been used to control rabbits.
 Anti-bacterial agents. In the mid-20th
century phages were used to treat some
bacterial infections of humans. Interest
waned with the discovery of antibiotics, but
has been renewed with the emergence of
antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
Anti-cancer agents.
 Genetically modified strains of modified viruses, such as
herpes simplex virus and vaccinia virus, are being
investigated for treatment of cancers.These strains have
been modified so that they are able to infect and destroy
specific tumour cells, but are unable to infect normal
 Gene vectors for protein production.
Viruses such as certain baculoviruses and adenoviruses are
used as vectors to take genes into animal cells growing in
culture. This technology can be used to insert into cells
genes encoding useful proteins, such as vaccine
components, and the cells can then be used for mass
production of the proteins.
• Pada tanaman
Tobacco Mosaic Virus
Potato Mosaic Virus
• Hewan
Tetelo pada unggas : Newcastle Diseases Virus
Cacar pada sapi:Vaccinia virus
• Manusia
Influenza : influenza virus
AIDS : Retrovirus
SARS: coronavirus
Flu Burung: Avian virus
Shingles in an AIDS Patient
• Struktur partikel Virus
bervariasi:ukuran,bentuk dan susunan
Sangat kecil ukuran berkisar 20 – 400 nm
• Virion:
Merupakan istilah teknis untuk satu
partikel virus lengkap yang tersusun dari
asam nukleat dikelilingi protein
Virus mempunyai DNA atau RNA di dalam protein
Capsid (Nucleocapsid)
Structure of Influenza Virus
• Capsid:
Susunan protein yang mengelilingi genom
Mantel protein yang terdiri dari beberapa
subunit protein(Capsomer)
Pada beberpa virus kapsid ditutupi oleh
sampul (envelope) yang umumnya terdiri
dari lipid,protein dan karbohidrat Envelop
dapat ditutupi oleh struktur serupa paku
(spike) yang merupakan kompleks
karbohidrat dan protein
Morfologi Capsid:
• Helical: protein mirip-pita membentuk spiral
disekeliling asam nukleat. Dapat kaku atau fleksibel.
– Tobacco mosaic virus
– Ebola virus

• Polyhedral: banyak sisi. Bentuk umum adalah

icosahedron, dengan 20 muka segitiga dan 12 sudut
– Poliovirus
– Herpesvirus
• Complex viruses: bentuk tidak teratur (umum)
– Bacteriophages mempunyai serabut, lembaran, dan plat
yang terikat capsid
– Poxviruses mempunyai beberapa selubung membungkus
asam nukleat.
Morphology of Herpesviruses

A. Schematic Representation B. Electron micrograph

Source: Virology 3rd edition, 1996

• Virus Bersampul
Berbentuk bulat
Jika virus heliks dan polihedral ditutupi
envelope, maka disebut virus heliks
bersampul (enveloped helical virus) atau
virus polihedral bersampul (enveloped
polyhedral virus).
Contoh :
virus influenza (heliks bersampul),
virus herpes simpleks (polihedral bersampul
Protein virus
• Proteins that are components of virions are
known as structural proteins. They have to carry
out a wide range of functions, including
 protection of the virus genome
 attachment of the virion to a host cell (for
many viruses)
 fusion of the virion envelope to a cell
membrane (for enveloped viruses).
Virus proteins may have additional roles, some of
which may be carried out by structural proteins,
and some by non-structural proteins (proteins
synthesized by the virus in an infected cell but
they are not virion components). These
additional roles include
• enzymes, e.g. protease, reverse transcriptase
• transcription factors
• primers for nucleic acid replication
• interference with the immune response of the
• Envelope virus
• Envelope virus hewan biasanya muncul dari nukleus
atau membran plasma inang, beruplipid dan
• Sedangkan envelope (protein) dikode oleh gen virus
dan keluar ke permukaan envelope sebagai spikes
atau peplomers.
• Spike dibutuhkan virus untukmenempel pada sel
dapat untuk identifikasi
Beberapa spike mempunyai:
• Enzim neuroamidase
membantu virus dalam penetrasi ke dalam lap
epitelmukosa salurn pernapasan sel inang
• Hemagglutinin
membalut/mengikat virion pada membran sel darah
merah dan menyebabkan hemaglutinasi
• Glycoprotein
protein yang mempunyai karbohidrat
• Spike berperan pada proses pelekatan
virus pada sel inang.
• Virus dengan kapsid yang tidak tertutup
oleh envelop disebut virus telanjang
Material genetik :
The virion contains the genome of the
virus. Where as the genomes of cells are
composed of double stranded ,there are
four possibilities for a virus
double-stranded DNA (ds DNA)
single-stranded DNA (ss DNA)
double-stranded RNA (ds DNA)
single-stranded RNA. (ss RNA)
Tipe materi genetik virus:
Materi genetik dapat untai tunggal atau ganda:
– DNA untai tunggal (ssDNA):
• Parvoviruses
– DNA untai ganda (dsDNA):
• Herpesviruses
• Adenoviruses
• Poxviruses
• Hepadnaviruses* (Partially double stranded)
– RNA untai tunggal (ssRNA): dapat plus (+) atau
minus (-) sense:
• Picornaviruses (+)
• Retroviruses (+)
• Rhabdoviruses (-)
– RNA untai ganda (dsRNA):
• Reoviruses
Genome sizes of some DNA viruses and cells.
genome size
(kbp DNA)

Hepatitis B virus 3.2


Phage λ 48.5

Mimivirus 1200

Cells Mycoplasma genitalium 5800

Escherichia coli 4700


ss, linear Parvoviruses

ds, linear Poxviruses

ss, circular Phage X174

ds, circular

RNA genomes
ss, linear Tobacco mosaic virus
ds, linear Reoviruses

ss, circular Hepatitis delta virus

Linear and circular viral genomes.

ss: single-stranded
ds: double-stranded

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