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Comprehensive Course 1:


Algebra 1

By: Junard P. Kaquilala, RECE

Topic Outline:

Number System
Significant Figures
Greatest Common Factor
Least Common Multiple
Laws of Exponents
Laws of Logarithm
Theory of Equations
Quadratic Equation
Cubic Equation
Binomial Expansions

Number System
Complex Numbers



Number System
Complex Number
Is an expression involving a combination of real and
imaginary numbers
They are written in the form :
a + bi
a and b are real numbers
Real Numbers
Are the rational and irrational numbers taken
Example: { 2, 5, -4, 0, 2/3, -3/4, 2, , etc.}
Imaginary Numbers
Are the square roots of negative numbers
Example: -2 = i 2

Number System
The Set of Real Numbers
1. Rational Numbers
are numbers which can be expressed in the form
m/n, where m and n are integers and n 0
Examples: {2, 5, -4, 0, 2/3, -3/4, etc}
2. Irrational Numbers
are numbers, which cannot be expressed in the form
Examples: {2, 3, pi, etc}
3. Integers
are the natural numbers, along with their negatives,
and zero
Examples: {-3, -1, 0, 3, 5, etc.}

Number System
The Set of Real Numbers
4. Natural Numbers
are numbers, except 0, formed by one or more of the
digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0.
a.k.a positive integers or counting numbers
Examples: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...}
5. Whole Numbers
are the positive integers and 0
Examples; {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... }
6. Prime Numbers
are natural numbers that are divisible by 1 and itself
7. Composite Numbers
are natural numbers that are neither 1 nor a prime

Number System
Properties of Real Numbers
1. Closure Property
The set of real numbers is closed under addition and
multiplication. This means that adding or multiplying
two or more real numbers always results to another
number that belongs to the same set of real numbers
2. Commutative Property
The order of adding two or more numbers of a sum
or multiplying two or more factors of a product does
not affect the result
3. Associative Property
When two or more real numbers are added or
multiplied together, no matter how the numbers are
grouped, or associated, when performing the
operation the result is not affected

Number System
Properties of Real Numbers
4. Distributive Property
The product of a number a by the sum of two or
more numbers (b + c + d + ...) is equal to the sum of
the products ab, ac, ad,...
5. Identity Property
Additive Identity
- When zero is added to a real number, the sum is
the real number itself
6. Inverse Property
Additive Inverse
- The additive inverse of a real number is its
opposite, so that the sum of that number and its
additive inverse is 0

Sample Questions: Number


Which of the following equations defines the

associative property of addition ?
A. (a + b) c = ac + bc
B. a + b = b + a
C. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c D. a + b = c + d
2. What is the additive inverse of -2a ?
A. 2a
B. 2/a
C. 1/2a
D. a/2
3. What is the identity element for addition ?
D. 0
B. -1
C. 1
D. 2
4. What is the identity element for multiplication ?
D. 0
B. -1
C. 1
D. 1/a

Significant Figures
Rules Regarding Significant Figures:
1. All nonzero digits are significant
2. All zeroes between two nonzero digits are
3. All zeroes to the right of an understood
decimal and following a nonzero digit are
4. For values less than one, zeroes
immediately to the right of an understood
decimal point but to the left of a nonzero
digit are not significant.

Sample Problems: Significant

1. Determine the significant figures of ff.
a. 20.03
b. 20.0
c. 0.2003
d. 0.20030
2. Round off 0.003086 to three significant
3. Round off 0.003085 to three significant

Greatest Common Factor

To find the GCF, factor the given
numbers in canonical form and
MULTIPLY the common prime
with least exponent in the
given numbers

Sample Problem: Greatest

Common Factor
1. What is the GCF of 27, 81, and 108 ?
2. A choir director at your school wants
to divide the choir into smaller
groups. There are 24 sopranos, 60
altos, and 36 tenors. Each group will
have the same number of each type
of voice. What is the greatest
number of groups that can be
formed ?

Least Common Multiple

The Least Common Multiple of two or more
is the least integer that is a multiple of each of
given numbers
To find the LCM, factor the given numbers in
canonical form and MULTIPLY all unique
prime factors and the common factors
with the highest exponent.

Sample Problems: Least Common

1. Find the LCM of the numbers 15, 21,
2. Ben exercise every 12 days and
Isabel every 8 days. Ben and Isabel
both exercised today. How many
days will it be until they exercise
together again ?

Laws of Exponents

xm . xn = xm+n
where x 0
2. ( xm ) n = xm.n
3. x-n = 1/ xn
where x 0
4. xm / xn = xm-n
5. x0 = 1
where x 0
6. [ ( xm ) n ]p = xm.n.p
7. ( ax ) m / ( by ) n = amx m / bn yn
provided b 0, y 0

Sample Problems: Laws of

1. Solve for x in the equation: 3x + 9x
= 27x
2. Find the value of x which will satisfy
the following expression (x - 2) =
x + 2

The logarithm of any number N to a given
base a is
the index x to which the base must be raised
make it equal to the given number.
x = loga N logarithmic form
ax = N
where, x is the logarithm of N to the base a

Properties of Natural Logarithm
1. lnxy = lnx + lny
2. lnx/y = lnx lny
3. lnxn = n(lnx)
Properties of Common Logarithm
4. logxy = logx + logy
5. logx/y = logx logy
6. logxn = n (logx)
7. logN M = logM / logN

Sample Problems: Logarithm

1. Solve for x: log3 81 = x
2. Solve for x: logx 27 + logx 3 = 2
3. Given: log(x2 + 3x) + log(5x) = 1 +
log(2x). Find x.
4. If log 2 = x and log 3 = y, find log
1.2 in terms of x and y.

Theory of Equations
1. Number of Roots of an Equation:
- Every rational integral equation
f(x) = 0 of the nth degree has
exactly n roots.
2. The Remainder Theorem
- If a polynomial f(x) is divided by (xk), the remainder is f(k)
3. The Factor Theorem
- If (x-k) is a factor of a polynomial
f(x), then, the remainder f(k) = 0.

Sample Problems: Theory of

1. The polynomial x3 + 4x2 3x +
8 is divided by (x - 5). What is
the remainder ?
2. If (x + 4) is a factor of x3 + 2x2
7x + k, what is the value of k ?

Sample Problems: Quadratic

1. Two reviewees attempt to solve a
that reduces to a quadratic equation.
One of the reviewees made a mistake
in the constant term and gave an
answer of 8 and 2 for the roots. The
other reviewee made a mistake in the
coefficient of the first degree term and
gave an answer of -9 and -1 for the
roots. If you are to check their
solutions, what would be the correct

Sample Problems: Quadratic

2. Find the value of k in the equation
2x2 +
3kx + 9 = 0 so it will have only one

Sample Problems: Binomial

1. What is the coefficient of the 4th
term of the expansion (x + y)12 ?
2. What is the coefficient of the term
involving y5 in the expansion (2x +
y)8 ?
3. What is the sum of the coefficients
of the expansion (x + 3y)8

Sample Problems: Arithmetic

1. Determine the 5th term of the
sequence whose sum of n terms is
given by 2n+3 - 5.
2. The 6th term of an AP is 3 and the
23rd term is 54. Find the 35th term.
3. An arithmetic progression starts
with 3, has 9 terms, and the middle
term is 19. Determine the sum of
the first 9 terms.

Sample Problems: Geometric

1. A rubber ball is made to fall from a
height of 50ft. and is observed to
rebound 2/3 of the distance it falls.
How far will the ball travel before
coming to rest if the ball continues
to fall in this manner

The End...


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