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Mbtechnosolutions- App Designer Fundamental - I

Copyright 2013, mbtechnosolutions. All rights reserved.

Lesson Objectives
After completing this lesson, you should be able to do
the following:
List the features of Application Designer
Discuss the theoretical and physical aspects of a
relational database and App Designer Definitions
Describe the integrated Platform for various
PeopleSoft tasks
Understand the goals of the course

App Designers(Integrated Tool) Important


People code



App Engine


File Layout

App Designer Definitions (ALL)


Analytic Model
Analytic Type
App Engine
5. Application
6. Approval Rule

7. Business
8. Business
9. Component
10. Component
11. Field
12. File Layout
13. File Reference
14. HTML

15. Image
16. Menu
17. Message
18. Mobile Page
19. Page
20. Project
21. Record
22. SQL
23. Style sheet


Fields are the lowest level units in PeopleSoft. Fields are Individual objects defined in PeopleSoft . One or more
Fields grouped to form a record definition. A field can be shared across all record definitions

Types of Field
Field Type
Field Length
Field Labels
Field Formats

Field Properties
Translate values

Field Type
Character (Char): Used for codes in PeopleSoft
Long Character (Long): Used to store comments in PeopleSoft
Number(Nbr) :to hold positive integers and decimal numbers
Signed Number (Sign): holds negative integers and decimals
Date (Date) :hold dates in (MM/DD/YYYY) format
Time(Time) : holds time in (HH:MI:SS.99999) format
Datetime (DtTm) :holds both date and time
Image (Img): to store pictures in PeopleSoft (Jpeg, Bitmap format)
Image Reference(Iref): to change an image dynamically at runtime
using PeopleCode.
Attachment:Maps to a BLOB database type to hold the contents of a
file attachment.

Field Properties

Field Properties
General Properties
Field Definition: We can specify purpose of this field
Owner ID: Application Module like HR, Base Benefit
Last Update by:

Auto insertion (cannot be changed)

Date/Time: System takes current date and time
By User: System take Logged-in username as updated by user

Translate Values

The Translate Values tab is available only for character fields.

The Translate table is a prompt table, which is similar to an all-purpose data

dictionary, to store values for fields that dont need individual prompt tables of their
own. A Universal table(PSXLATITEM) can be used across all PeopleSoft
Environment to populate Pre-defined drop down values

Translate Value window

Translate Value Fields

Field Value: Use to enter the translate value for the field. The system automatically
sorts values in ascending order as you enter them.
Effective date: Enter the date on which you want this value to take effect.
The default value is todays date.

Long Name: Enter up to 30 characters

Short Name : Enter up to 10 characters, and if this field left blank, Peoplesoft will
take first 10 Character from Long Name (Automatically)


A Record is a collection of Fields. A Record definition can be an SQL table,
an SQL View, a Sub record..
Record Types
SQL View
Dynamic View
Sub Record
Query View
Temporary Table

Record Properties

Record Field Properties


Purpose of record Type



(Structured Query Language table)

A physical SQL table in the database.

An View:

(Structured Query Language view)

Select to define a record definition that corresponds to a SQL view, which is not a physical
SQL table in the database

Dynamic View:
Select to define a record definition that can be used like a view in
pages and PeopleCode, but is not actually stored as a SQL view.
Dynamic views can provide superior performance in some
situations, such as search records

Purpose of record Type2


Select to define the record definition as a temporary workspace
use during online page processing.
Sub Record:
subrecorda group of fieldsthat are commonly used in multiple
record definitions. We can change a group of fields in one place,
as opposed to changing each record definition in every record
Query View:
To define the record definition as a view that is constructed using
the PeopleSoft Query tool. Before we create the view, PeopleSoft
Application Designer prompts you to save the definition.

Purpose of record Type3


Temporary Table:

To define the record definition as a temporary table. Temporary

tables are used for running PeopleSoft Application Engine batch

Non Standard SQL:

To override the standard convention of prefixing PS_ to the record

PeopleTools table to store Record

definition Attributes

PSRECDEFN: Record definitions are stored in a this table. This table stores all
attributes of a Record definition. Like Record type, Audit Record name, Parent
record name, index count, field count. SQL table and SQL View are data based
objects and stored with PS_ prefix in database

PSREFIELD: This table stores the fields that the record definition contains. Each
field with its own edit properties. It may translate value edit, prompt table edit. Or
Yes or no edit
PSPROGCOUNT: contains the Number of PeopleCode events for the record field.

PSINDEXDEFN: This table contains a row for each index for the record definition.
And populated only if the record definition is an SQL table or an SQL view

PSKEYDEFN:This table contains all record field that compose

the index are stored with key sequence

Naming Convention for Records

_TBL: Identifies an edit or prompt table that contains data that is
used for validation,
_VW: Identifies a record definition that is physically implemented
by defining a SQL view.
_DVW: Identifies a dynamic view.
_WRK: Identifies derived work records.
_SBR: Identifies subrecords.
_QVW Identifies a query view.

Naming Convention for Records

_WL: Identifies the record as a worklist record definition
_R: Identifies work record definitions for Structured Query
Report reports.
AUDIT_: Identifies record definitions that store audit
information for other record definitions in the database
WEBLIB_: Identifies record definitions that store internet
scripts. Internet scripts are generally located in FieldFormula
PeopleCode events.
FUNCLIB_: Identifies record definitions that contain
written PeopleCode functions, as opposed to built-in

Naming Convention for Record

DERIVED_ Identifies shared record definitions (across an
application module or group)that have fields for PeopleCode


Page serves as user interface to the Application

Page is collection of record fields with certain
Page vary from simple page, pages with scroll bar,
subpages and secondary pages

A component compromises either a single page or a set
of pages that are meant to be served
purpose of functionality and processed as one.
We can manage through Component Definition
Grouping of pages
Search Record (to retrieve data)
Tab Navigations
Links at the bottom of a page
Toolbar at the bottom of a page

Search(components feature)


Catalog table for component


Menus work as gateway to the application. Menus store Components
(collection of pages)
Menu items are hold a component and provide access to an application panel.
End user has to be given access to a menu item to access it.
Used to create Application Panel

Used to create context-menu

to page fields(user can access
by right click)

Pre-Define Menu item

Useful to bring help when the

File , Edit, View, Go, Language and Help user needs it.
We can specify menu group, sequence
of that Menu

This catelog table stores the menu attributes. It contains

This catalog table stores the individual items in standard or
pop-ups menu. It contains

Registration Process

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