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Seorang perempuan umur 28 tahun hamil
trimester ke satu, anak pertama, datang ke
RSGM dengan keluhan sering muntah
muntah , gusi bengkak , sakit dan mudah
berdarah bila sedang sikat gigi. Akhir-akhir
ini terdapat karies baru. Telah dilakukan
pelatihan menyikat gigi dan yang
bersangkutan dikirim ke klinik periodonsia
untuk pembersihan karang gigi. Pemberian
vitamin C dan terapi lainnya tidak banyak


1st trimester pregnancy

Swollen Gum
Easy to Bleed
New Caries


Life style
Oral hygiene can be affected by people
life style. There are two kind of lifestyle:
1. Healthy Lifestyle = always brush
their teeth , after eating and before go to
bed. Good dietary habit.
2. Unhealthy Lifestyle = Rarely brush
their teeth and bad dietary habit.
In this case , she has unhealthy lifestyle
so she has bad oral hygiene.

Bad Oral Hygiene

Bad oral hygiene is one of the main
cause of oral disease like caries and
gingivitis. Because if we have bad oral
hygiene , bacteria in our mouth will
evolve and gnaw our teeth also make
the gum swollen. One way to keep our
oral hygiene healthy is life a healthy

Caries and Gingivitis

As we know bad oral hygiene can cause
caries and gingivitis. Why ?
1. Caries
Dental caries, also known as tooth
decay, cavities, or caries, is a
breakdown of teeth due to activities of
bacteria. The cause of caries is bacterial
break down of the hard tissues of the
teeth. This occurs due to acid made from
food debris or sugar on the tooth surface.

Caries and Gingivitis

2. Gingivitis
Gingivitis (inflammation of the gum
tissue) is a non destructive periodontal
disease. Gingivitis is reversible with good
oral hygiene. However, in the absence of
treatment, or if not controlled, gingivitis
can progress to periodontitis . The one
that occur only in pregnant woman is
gingivitis gravidarum .

1 trimester pregnancy

Pregnancy causes hormonal changes

that increase your risk for developing
oral health problems like gingivitis
(inflammation of the gums) and
periodontitis ( gum disease). Usually,
gum inflammation appears between
the second and eighth month of

Hormonal Change
As a result of varying hormone levels, 40%
of women will develop gingivitis sometime
during their pregnancy -- a condition called
pregnancy gingivitis.
The increased level of progesterone in
pregnancy may make it easier for certain
gingivitis-causing bacteria to grow, as well as
make gum tissue more sensitive to plaque
and exaggerate the body's response to the
toxins (poisons) that result from plaque. In
fact, if you already have significant gum
disease, being pregnant may make it worse.

Saliva become more acidic

Why ? Because pregnant woman
often throw up. Thats make her
salive become more acidic. Because
of that mouth atmosphere will
become acidic too. This cause the old
caries become worse or appear a
new caries.

Increased gingiva vascularity

Why ? Because of Pyogenic granuloma
(also known as a "Eruptive hemangioma",
"Granulation tissue-type hemangioma",
"Granuloma gravidarum). What is pyognic
granuloma ? Is a vascular lesion that
occurs on both mucosa and skin, and
appears as an overgrowth of tissue due to
irritation, physical trauma or hormonal
factors. Then this pyogenic granuloma
often cause gingivitis in pregnant woman.

Gingivitis Syptomps
Swollen gums
Bright red or purple gums
Gums that are tender or painful to
the touch
Bleeding gums or bleeding after
brushing and/or flossing
Bad breath (halitosis)

New Caries and gingivitis gravidarum will

cause pain to that women . Then , how can
we prevent pregnancy gingivitis ?
First, to prevent pregnancy gingivitis it is
especially important to practice good oral
hygiene habits, which include brushing at
least twice a day, flossing once a day, and
using an antimicrobial mouth rinse. If you
are due for a professional cleaning, don't
skip it simply because you are pregnant.
Now more than ever, professional dental
cleanings are particularly important.

So the women in this case , suffer
gingivitis gravidarum and caries . That
also aggravated by her lifestyle that
cause bad oral hygiene.


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