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Dr. Fernando Vargas
Alumno :
Jaime Eduardo Basilio

Propiedades pticas
Para medir las propiedades pticas, usualmente se emplea el
valor de opacidad (Haze, trmino en ingles) establecido de
acuerdo a la Norma ASTM D1003 y de brillo con la norma:
ASTM D2457.
definida comnmente como la porcin de luz visible que es
dispersada en ngulos ms amplios de 2.5 y es una medida
de la turbiedad de la pieza.

Es la capacidad que tiene el material para reflejar la luz dirigida
hacia su superficie. Normalmente, se debe elegir el ngulo de
medicin de acuerdo a:

Transparencia del polipropileno

La transparencia depende principalmente de la estructura semicristalina, Por
lo general se cumple que a mayor cristalinidad menor transparencia.
Para mejorar la transparencia usualmente se incorpora un comonmero en
forma aleatoria (copolmero random) para reducir la regularidad estructural en
la cadena hidrocarbonada y/o se adiciona aditivos clarificantes

Procesamiento que ayudan a la transparencia

La transparencia se mejora normalmente aumentando la orientacin del polipropileno y usando
choques trmicos fuertes (altas temperaturas de procesamiento y bajas temperaturas de

Efecto del choque trmico en la morfologa de una pieza inyectada; de izquierda a

derecha mayor choque trmico a menor choque trmico. (Foto tomada de

BOPP (pelcula de polipropileno biorientada) y el ISBM
(inyecto estirado soplado moldeado). Esta biorientacin
mejora propiedades como mayor rigidez, alta resistencia
a la tensin,
excelentes propiedades pticas
(transparencia y brillo), buenas propiedades de barrera
(como por ejemplo al vapor de agua), resistencia al
aceite y a las grasas; para las pelculas BOPP se
promueve el no arrugarse o encogerse por cambios

New sustainable approach to reduce cassava borne environmental waste

and develop biodegradable materials for food packaging applications.
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 7 (2016) 819
Film optical properties were assessed using transparency and color
parameters. Film transparency was determined with film strips (3x2 cm)
Transmission was mea-sured using a spectrophotometer (Biochrom Libra
S22 UV/vis) at 700 nm.
Color difference (DE) was determined according to Ramrez- Navas and
Rodrguez de Stouvenel (2012) using CR-400 Chroma Meter, Konica
Minolta Sensing Japan without major changes. Measurements were
taken on six different equal positions on a circular film piece for 3

Optical properties Both peeled (BP) and intact (BI) bitter cassava films were transparent.
The BI films showed lower values of transparency (3.64%) when compared to BP (11.94%)
The BI transparency was found to be comparable to the commercial NatureFlex NVS (NVS)
(4.55%) and polylactide (PLA) (3.39%) but much lower than orientated polypropylene (OPP)
(13.55%) films. Therefore, BI films were more transparent than OPP and with comparable
transparency to other biobased films.

Fig. 3. Film visual images: Transparency of peeled (BP-A) and intact (BI-B) bitter cassava films as affected by peeling
and extraction conditions (NaCl, H2SO4) I, as potential printable material (II) and bag manufacturing capability (III).

To further corroborate the transparency results, film color was determined and the
analysis for the color difference (DEa*b*)
Showed a higher significant (p < 0.05) impact on film color, thus confirming that BI
films were more transparent than those of BP The higher BI L* value is a manifest of
better visual characters (minimum haze) of these films when compared to BP.

Infuence of colloidal silica nanoparticles on pullulan-coated

BOPP flm
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 8 (2016) 5055
Optical properties Haze was measured within the wavelength range 780380 nm, in
accordance with ASTM D 1003-00, using a UVvis high-performance
pectrophotometer (Lambda 650, PerkinElmer, Wal- tham, MA, USA) coupled with a
150 mm integrating sphere, which traps the diffuse, transmitted light.

Fig. 3. Illustrative drawing of the effect arising from the addition of CS nanoparticles on the amorphous pullulan network. A dense
organization is obtained due to the interaction between pullulan chains and CS particles by hydrogen bonding.

Noticeably, after the addition of the silica nanoparticles to the pullulan formulation, the
haze value of the BOPP-coated films did not change significantly, with an outstanding
mean value of 1.4%. This result clearly indicates the absence of scattering centers in
the nanocomposite coatings, which is often encountered in nanocomposite systems
where either unsuccessful exfoliation or re-aggregation phenomena have occurred. In
our systems, the even dispersion of the CS nanoparticles in the main pullulan network
was achieved and macro-sized clusters did not form (Fuentes- Alventosa et al., 2013).

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