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Embriologi Tumbuhan (BI406; 2 SKS)

Materi 3 dan 4

Struktur Organ Reproduksi


An overview


Struktur Bunga

megasporangium with its

protective coats, the

Number of integumen:
1. Unitegmic ovule
2. Bitegmic ovule

Classification based on the position of

micropyle with respect to funiculus

Five main types of ovule

Relationship among the five types

of ovulum

A. Ovule arises as a small mound of homogenous tissue on the placenta

B. Integumen arise close to the base of this tissue which forms the
C. - D. With the differentiation of integuments, the ovule begins to curve
E. The final shape of ovule is assumed by the megaspore tetrad stage.

Stages in ovule development

1. Nucellus reprecent the wall of megasporangium

2. Archesporium (megaspore mother cell) differentiates immediately below
the nucellar epidermis
3. Depend on the thickening of nucellus, ovule classified into tenuinucellate,
crassinucellate, and pseudo-crassinucellate.
Tenuinucellate ovule


Crassinucellate ovule

Pseudo-crassinucellate ovule


Megasporogenesis and

Megasporogenesis and

Stage of Megasporogenesis


development of embryo sac begin with

elongation of the functional megaspora,
which could be the calazal end or micropylar
end of the tetrad (usually the calazal one)
The elongation is largely in the micropylecalazal axis
The Megaspore is initially has no vacuole,
the large vacuole appear later as a result of
small vacuoles fusion
First nuclear division in the functional
megaspore is oriented along the axis of the

Embryo sac (Development)

Micropylar end

Embryo sac (Development)


two daughter nuclei are pushed toward

opposite poles (fig. A)
Both nuclei divide twice forming four nuclei at each
pole (fig. B, C)
While the cell (megaspore) undergoing appreciable
elongation, assuming a sac like appearance, the
three nuclei at the micropylar end organize into
egg apparatus and one nuclei is left free in the
cytoplasm as the upper polar nucleus. At the same
time, three nuclei of the calazal pole form three
antipodal cells and the fourth one function as the
lower polar nucleus (fig. D, E)
The upper and the lower polar nucleus come to lie
close each other (fig. E)

Embryo sac (Development)

1. Karakteristik
Dua sel yang berdampingan dengan sel telur;
dindingnya tidak sempurna; memiliki aparatus filiform
(a mass of finger-like projection of the wall into
cytoplasm; sitoplasmanya terpolarisasi (letak vakuola
lebih kearah kalaza)
2. Fungsi
directing of pollen tube growth; forms a seat for pollen
tube discharge in the embryo sac; absorption and
transportation of materials from nucellus into embryo

Mature Embryo Sac

Sel Telur
1.Memiliki struktur dinding sel yang relatif sama
dengan synergid dan central cell (polar cell)
2.Dinding di daerah mikropil lebih tebal
dibandingkan daerah kalaza
3.Dalam perkembangannya, sel mengalami
polarisasi sebagai akibat terjadinya agregasi
elemen-elemen sitoplasma pada ujung kalaza
4.Vakuola menempati ujung mikropil (kebalikan dari
5.Sitoplasmanya kaya dengan ribosom

Mature Embryo Sac

Antipodal cells
1.Karakternya sangat bervariasi
2.Biasanya mengalami degenerasi
sebelum atau segera setelah fertilisasi
3.Pada beberapa species tumbuhan
bersifat persistent (ada hubungannya
dengan nutritive role bagi kantung
4.In many plant show a haustorial

Mature Embryo Sac

Central cells/Polar cells

1.The largest cell of the embryo sac
2.Mother cell of the endosperm
3.The nuclei (polar nuclei) are very
4.The nuclei fuse before or during
double fertilization

Mature Embryo Sac

Tipe Kantung Embrio

Dibedakan berdasarkan banyaknya megaspora yang
terlibat dalam megagametogenesis/pembentukan
kantung embrio

The embryo sac is derived from only
one magaspore
1.Polygonum type: the embryo sac is
formed by chalazal megaspore with
three time mitosis
2.Oenothera type: the embryo sac is
formed bay micropylar megaspore
with two time mitosis

Tipe Kantung Embrio

- The embryo sac is derived from two magaspore
- Pembelahan meiosis pertama berlangsung
sempurna, tetapi hanya salah satu sel anak
yang melakukan meiosis kedua. Satu sel
lainnya degenerasi.
- Kedua megaspore melakukan pembelahan
mitosis dua kali membentuk kantung embrio
dengan 8 inti
1. Alium type: the embryo sac is derived from
chalazal dyad cell
2. Endymion type: the embryo sac is derived from
micropylar dyad cell

Tipe Kantung Embrio

- The embryo sac is derived from four magaspore
- Terjadi karena pembelahan meiosis I dan II tidak
diikuti dengan pembentukan dinding sel, shg inti
sel hasil meiosis berada dalam satu sel
- Keempat inti dalam coenomegaspore terlibat
dalam pembentuka kantung embrio
- Nuclear behaviour is quite variable (see slide 18),
depend on the arrangement of the four nuclei
(1+1+1+1 in Paperomia, Penaea, and Plumbago
type; 1+3 in Drusa, Fritilaria, Plumbagella type;
2+2 in Adoxa type)

Tipe Kantung Embrio

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